options(prompt = 'R> ', continue = '+ ')

Before we look at style in more detail, the most common mistakes and errors are described:

Frequently made style mistakes


The style file of the Austrian Journal of Statistics is based on the style file of the Journal of Statistical Software (JSS) including minor modifications. We thank Achim Zeileis for his great work on the JSS style file.

The Austrian Journal of Statistics is freely available over the net. Free and open-source tools used for production of your manuscript are therefore also highly supported. Code to reproduce the figures and tables in manuscripts as well as methods implemented in software can be published as supplementary material. This increases usually the number of downloads of your article.

Writing your manuscript

The Journal is produced on the basis of computer readable manuscripts provided by the authors.

Footnotes should be avoided.

The article should be structured by enumerated sections and subsections. The title should be in title case style, sections and subsections in section case style. Graphics and tables must contain captions, above tables and below graphics (figures). Examples are (see Figure~\ref{Fig3.4} and Table~\ref{Tab3.4}). Graphics \textbf{should be produced in \textbf{pdf} format} and included at suitable places of the manuscript.

\begin{figure}[hbt] \begin{center} \includegraphics{ajs-download20180210.pdf} \caption{\label{Fig3.4}Download statistics of articles per month at the Austrian Journal of Statistics.} \end{center} \end{figure}

\begin{table}[hbt] \caption{\label{Tab3.4}80 measured values of access time.} \vspace*{-5mm} \small \hspace{1.5cm} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|llllllll|} \toprule 70.0 & 68.6 & 67.9 & 66.3 & 71.0 & 64.2 & 69.6 & 71.0\ ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ...\ %69.7 & 69.0 & 73.4 & 69.0 & 70.1 & 69.8 & 69.0 & 73.0\ %70.0 & 69.1 & 69.5-& 67.9 & 72.8 & 72.1 & 69.5+& 70.1\ %70.2 & 69.1 & 68.9 & 68.3 & 74.9 & 68.4 & 69.1 & 66.6\ %71.1 & 69.2 & 71.2 & 68.9 & 70.9 & 70.6 & 69.9 & 69.9\ %69.4 & 69.5+& 68.5+& 70.9 & 71.6 & 68.9 & 72.0 & 70.3\ %68.6 & 68.5-& 67.8 & 72.2 & 68.7 & 70.6 & 66.9 & 69.3\ %71.4 & 68.7 & 74.2 & 68.8 & 71.4 & 71.8 & 67.5-& 70.4\ %71.4 & 67.4 & 69.5-& 72.4 & 70.4 & 69.3 & 68.2 & 67.0\ 71.7 & 70.5+& 72.5-& 68.2 & 67.6 & 68.6 & 70.5-& 65.8\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table}

Mathematical formulas should be enumerated as far as they are referenced \textbf{only}. E.g.~Equation~(\ref{form3.1}) shows the density \begin{equation}\label{form3.1} f(x) = \frac1{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}e^{-\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}}\,. \end{equation}

Please consider

Cited literature should be summarized at the end of the article in form of a non-enumerated section. \cite{leisch02} is a reference to an article. If the citation is in parentheses, it should look like \citep{leisch02}. References should be in title case.

Correspondence addresses of author(s) should be added at the end of the manuscript.

Submission and refereeing


Consideration of the previously stated rules are of great help for the editing process. Whenever technically possible, manuscripts should be submitted through the editorial system at \href{www.ajs.or.at}{www.ajs.or.at}. The authors must be registered at this website.


All contributions will be anonymously refereed. Cited literature which is hardly available should accompany the submitted manuscript. It should also be considered to place used and analyzed data at disposal for the referees (if there are no legal or technical arguments against).

Editor and referees must trust that the contribution has not been submitted for publication at the same time at another place. It is fair that the submitting author notifies if an earlier version has already been submitted somewhere before.

Copyrights and fees

The Austrian Journal of Statistics is free of charge. Generally, we use the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY).

For copyright issues, publication ethics and malpractice statements, please have a look at

Specifics to markdown

Code formatting

In general, don't use Markdown, but use the more precise LaTeX commands instead:

One exception is inline code, which can be written inside a pair of backticks (i.e., using the Markdown syntax).

If you want to use LaTeX commands in headers, you need to provide a short-title attribute. You can also provide a custom identifier if necessary. See the header of Section \ref{r-code} for example.

\proglang{R} code {short-title="R code" #r-code}

Can be inserted in regular R markdown blocks.

x <- 1:10

Features specific to \pkg{rticles} {short-title="Features specific to rticles"}


We list the most common mistakes when submitting manuscripts to the journal and formulate them in form of questions.

Frequently asked questions

Try the rticles package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rticles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:30 a.m.