Title here

Introduction {#intro}

Your text comes here. Separate text sections with

Section title {#sec:1}

Text with citations by @heagerty2000time, [@pepe2003statistical].

Subsection title {#sec:2}

as required [@hoerl1970ridge; @zou2005regularization]. Don't forget to give each section and subsection a unique label (see Sect. \ref{sec:1}).

Paragraph headings

Use paragraph headings as needed.


Here is an equation:

$$ f_{X}(x) = \left(\frac{\alpha}{\beta}\right)\left(\frac{x}{\beta}\right)^{\alpha-1}e^{-\left(\frac{x}{\beta}\right)^{\alpha}}; \alpha,\beta,x > 0 $$

Here is another: \begin{align} a^2+b^2=c^2 \end{align}

Inline equations: $\sum_{i = 2}^\infty{\alpha_i^\beta}$

Figures and tables

Figures coming from R

Normal figure embedded in text

plot(runif(25) ~ runif(25))


Tables coming from R

caption = "Caption centered under table", label = "tab1"), 
comment = FALSE, timestamp = FALSE, caption.placement = "top")

Table \ref{tab1} shows these numbers. Some of those numbers are plotted in Figure \ref{fig:fig1}.



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rticles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:30 a.m.