Template for preparing your manuscript submission to Copernicus journals using RMarkdown


Introduction text goes here. You can change the name of the section if necessary using \introduction[modified heading].

The following settings can or must be configured in the header of this file and are bespoke for Copernicus manuscripts:

See the defaults and examples from the skeleton and the official Copernicus documentation for details.

Please note: Per their guidelines, Copernicus does not support additional \LaTeX{} packages or new \LaTeX{} commands than those defined in their .cls file. This means that you cannot add any extra dependencies and a warning will be thrown if so.
This extends to syntax highlighting of source code. Therefore this template sets the parameter highlight in the YAML header to NULL to deactivate Pandoc syntax highlighter. This prevent addition of external packages for highlighting inserted by Pandoc. However, it might be desirable to have syntax highlight available in preprints or for others reasons. Please see ?rmarkdown::pdf_document for available options to activate highlighting.

Important: Always double-check with the official manuscript preparation guidelines at https://publications.copernicus.org/for_authors/manuscript_preparation.html, especially the sections "Technical instructions for LaTeX" and "Manuscript composition". Please contact Daniel Nüst, daniel.nuest@uni-muenster.de, with any problems.

Content section one

Subsection Heading Here

Subsection text here.

Subsubsection Heading Here

Subsubsection text here.

Content section with citations

See the R Markdown docs for bibliographies and citations.

Copernicus supports biblatex and a sample bibliography is in file sample.bib. Read [@Feynman1963118], and [see @Dirac1953888].

Content section with R code chunks

sum <- 1 + 41

You should always use echo = FALSE on R Markdown code blocks as they add formatting and styling not desired by Copernicus. The hidden workflow results in r sum.

You can add verbatim code snippets without extra styles by using ``` without additional instructions.

sum <- 1 + 41

Content section with list

If you want to insert a list, you must

because the \tightlist format used by R Markdown is not supported in the Copernicus template. Example:

- leave

- empty lines

- between each list item

Examples from the official template


When figures and tables are placed at the end of the MS (article in one-column style), please add \clearpage between bibliography and first table and/or figure as well as between each table and/or figure.


Include a 12cm width figure of Nikolaus Copernicus from Wikipedia with caption using R Markdown.



You can also include a larger figure.



You can ad \LaTeX table in an R Markdown document to meet the template requirements.


\begin{table}[t] \caption{TEXT} \begin{tabular}{l c r} \tophline

a & b & c \ \middlehline 1 & 2 & 3 \

\bottomhline \end{tabular} \belowtable{Table Footnotes} \end{table}


\begin{table*}[t] \caption{TEXT} \begin{tabular}{l c r} \tophline

a & b & c \ \middlehline 1 & 2 & 3 \

\bottomhline \end{tabular} \belowtable{Table footnotes} \end{table*}


All papers typeset by Copernicus Publications follow the math typesetting regulations given by the IUPAC Green Book (IUPAC: Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry, 2nd Edn., Blackwell Science, available at: http://old.iupac.org/publications/books/gbook/green_book_2ed.pdf, 1993).

Physical quantities/variables are typeset in italic font (t for time, T for Temperature)

Indices which are not defined are typeset in italic font (x, y, z, a, b, c)

Items/objects which are defined are typeset in roman font (Car A, Car B)

Descriptions/specifications which are defined by itself are typeset in roman font (abs, rel, ref, tot, net, ice)

Abbreviations from 2 letters are typeset in roman font (RH, LAI)

Vectors are identified in bold italic font using \vec{x}

Matrices are identified in bold roman font

Multiplication signs are typeset using the LaTeX commands \times (for vector products, grids, and exponential notations) or \cdot

The character * should not be applied as mutliplication sign


Single-row equation

Unnumbered equations (i.e. using $$ and getting inline preview in RStudio) are not supported by Copernicus.

\begin{equation} 1 \times 1 \cdot 1 = 42 \end{equation}

\begin{equation} A = \pi r^2 \end{equation}

\begin{equation} x=\frac{2b\pm\sqrt{b^{2}-4ac}}{2c}.

Multiline equation

\begin{align} & 3 + 5 = 8\ & 3 + 5 = 8\ & 3 + 5 = 8 \end{align}


$$ \begin{matrix} x & y & z\ x & y & z\ x & y & z\ \end{matrix} $$


If you want to use algorithms, you need to make sure yourself that the \LaTeX packages algorithms and algorithmicx are installed so that algorithm.sty respectively algorithmic.sty can be loaded by the Copernicus template. Both need to be available through your preferred \LaTeX{} distribution. With TinyTeX (or TeX Live), you can do so by running tinytex::tlmgr_install(c("algorithms", "algorithmicx"))

tinytex::tlmgr_install(c("algorithms", "algorithmicx"))

Copernicus staff will no accept any additional packages from your LaTeX source code, so please stick to these two acceptable packages. They are needed to use the example below

\begin{algorithm} \caption{Algorithm Caption} \label{a1} \begin{algorithmic} \STATE $i\gets 10$ \IF {$i\geq 5$} \STATE $i\gets i-1$ \ELSE \IF {$i\leq 3$} \STATE $i\gets i+2$ \ENDIF \ENDIF \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm}


For formulas embedded in the text, please use \chem{}, e.g. \chem{A \rightarrow B}.

The reaction environment creates labels including the letter R, i.e. (R1), (R2), etc.

\begin{reaction} A \rightarrow B \ \end{reaction} \begin{reaction} Coper \rightleftharpoons nicus \ \end{reaction} \begin{reaction} Publi \leftrightarrow cations \end{reaction}


Please use \unit{} (allows to save the math/$ environment) and apply the exponential notation, for example ( 3.14\,\unit{km\,h^{-1}} ) (using LaTeX mode: \( 3.14\,\unit{...} \)) or \unit{0.872\,m\,s^{-1}} (using only \unit{0.872\,m\,s^{-1}}).


The conclusion goes here. You can modify the section name with \conclusions[modified heading if necessary].

Try the rticles package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rticles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:30 a.m.