Article Title"

Introduction {-}

Cite fancy references [@Neuro2013]. As demonstrated in @Gene2012, citations can also be automatically reference. Multiple references are separated by semicolons [@Neuro2013; @Neurobot2013].

Results {-}

Subsection 1 {-}

You can use R chunks directly to plot graphs.

x <- 0:100
y <- 2 * (x + rnorm(length(x), sd = 3) + 3)
plot(x, y)

Subsection 2 {-}

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Disclosure/Conflict-of-Interest Statement {-}

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Author Contributions {-}

The statement about the authors and contributors can be up to several sentences long, describing the tasks of individual authors referred to by their initials and should be included at the end of the manuscript before the References section.

Acknowledgments {-}


Supplemental Data {-}

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