Paper for IOP journal

Introduction {#sec:1}

This template formats a paper to follow the guidelines for Institute of Physics journals. Please read those guidelines carefully. You will need to submit the source files (tex, bib, figures, etc.) to the journal, not this Rmd file.

If you need to use AMS fonts, set iopams to true in the header.

If required, include MSC codes in the msc line in the header. Otherwise that line can be deleted.

Referencing is handled using @cleveland1990stl or in parentheses [@HK06]. By default, the Harvard system is used with BibTeX (which is accepted by all IOP journals). The following table shows the suggested settings for other possible referencing methods.

| Citation engine | citation_package | Citation style | style argument | | ----------------- | ------------------- | -------------- | -------------- | | pandoc | default | Harvard | csl: institute-of-physics-harvard.csl | | pandoc | default | Vancouver | csl: institute-of-physics-numeric.csl | | Bibtex | natbib | Harvard | biblio-style: dcu | | Bibtex | natbib | Vancouver | biblio-style: unsrt | | BibLatex | biblatex | Harvard | biblio-style: authoryear | | BibLatex | biblatex | Vancouver | biblio-style: numeric |

The biblio-style argument will be ignored when using pandoc citations, and the csl argument will be ignored when using either Bibtex or BibLatex. The relevant csl files can be downloaded from so they are available locally. Alternatively, use the full URL as in the example yaml.

Subsection title {#sec:2}

Don't forget to give each section and subsection a unique label (see Section \ref{sec:1} for an example).

Paragraph headings

Use paragraph headings if needed.



Here is a displayed equation: $$ f_{X}(x) = \left(\frac{\alpha}{\beta}\right) \left(\frac{x}{\beta}\right)^{\alpha-1} e^{-\left(\frac{x}{\beta}\right)^{\alpha}}; \alpha,\beta,x > 0 . $$ and here is an inline equation: $\sum_{i = 2}^\infty{\alpha_i^\beta}$.


Figures coming from R

Figure \ref{fig2} is generated using an R chunk.

```rA meaningless scatterplot.", echo = FALSE} plot(runif(25), runif(25))

## Tables coming from R

Tables can also be generated using R chunks, as shown in Table \ref{tab1} for example.

    caption = "\\label{tab1}Caption above table",
    longtable = FALSE,
    format = 'latex'




More things to say

This text is in the appendix.

References {-}

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rticles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:30 a.m.