Short Paper for Bayesian Analyis

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For MSC2020primary and MSC2020secondary, please refer to MSC database.

Including Plots

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Note that the echo = FALSE parameter was added to the code chunk to prevent printing of the R code that generated the plot. Because printing is different from typewriting, there are a number of things that you have to do differently when preparing an input file than if you were just typing the document directly. Quotation marks separates the double and single quote.

$$a+b\geq c$$ where $a$ is a variable and $c$ is variable as well.

Dashes come in three sizes: a hyphen, an intra-word dash, a medium dash for number ranges like 1--2, and a punctuation dash in place of a comma, semicolon, colon or parentheses ---like this.

The following are some other citations to check that the bibliographic style file is working correctly: \citet{akaike}, \citet{akivarsq}, \citet{kstuart}, and \citet{companion}.

References {#references .unnumbered}

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