write_gsi_sim_mixture: Write a mixture data frame to gsi_sim format baseline and...

View source: R/write_gsi_sim_mixture.R

write_gsi_sim_mixtureR Documentation

Write a mixture data frame to gsi_sim format baseline and repunits file


Note, this is only intended to work with integer-valued alleles, at the moment. It was just written for testing and verifying that things are working correctly.


write_gsi_sim_mixture(mix, gen_start_col, mixprefix)



mixture data frame


column in which the genetic data start


path to write the mixture file to. The mixture collection name + .txt will be appended to this. This path can include directories if they exist. An example would be "./my_gsi_data/mixture". This is a required argument.


# this writes to file prefix "mixfile" in a temporary directory
dd <- tempdir()
prefix <- file.path(dd, "mixfile")

# print that

# note that in practice you will probably want to specify
# your own directory...

# run the function
write_gsi_sim_mixture(chinook_mix, 5, prefix)

# see where those files live:
dir(dd, pattern = "mixfile*", full.names = TRUE)

rubias documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:25 a.m.