#' @title Start a worker
#' @description
#' Starts a worker.
#' The function loads the globals and packages, initializes the [RushWorker] instance and invokes the worker loop.
#' This function is called by `$start_local_workers()` or by the user after creating the worker script with `$create_worker_script()`.
#' Use with caution.
#' The global environment is changed.
#' @note
#' The function initializes the connection to the Redis data base.
#' It loads the packages and copies the globals to the global environment of the worker.
#' The function initialize the [RushWorker] instance and starts the worker loop.
#' @param remote (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Whether the worker is on a remote machine.
#' @param ... (`any`)\cr
#' Arguments passed to [redux::redis_config].
#' @template param_network_id
#' @template param_worker_id
#' @return `NULL`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # This example is not executed since Redis must be installed
#' \dontrun{
#' rush::start_worker(
#' network_id = 'test-rush',
#' remote = TRUE,
#' url = 'redis://',
#' scheme = 'redis',
#' host = '',
#' port = '6379')
#' }
start_worker = function(
worker_id = NULL,
remote = TRUE,
) {
worker_id = checkmate::assert_string(worker_id, null.ok = TRUE) %??% uuid::UUIDgenerate()
# connect to redis
config = list(...)
if (!is.null(config$port)) config$port = as.integer(config$port)
if (!is.null(config$timeout)) config$timeout = as.integer(config$timeout)
config = redux::redis_config(config = config)
r = redux::hiredis(config)
# register to pre-started workers
r$SADD(sprintf("%s:pre_worker_ids", network_id), worker_id)
# wait for start arguments
while (!r$EXISTS(sprintf("%s:start_args", network_id))) {
lg$debug("Wait for start arguments for network '%s'.", network_id)
# get start arguments
bin_start_args = r$command(list("GET", sprintf("%s:start_args", network_id)))
start_args = redux::bin_to_object(bin_start_args)
# load large object from disk
if (inherits(start_args, "rush_large_object")) {
start_args = readRDS(start_args$path)
# load packages and globals to worker environment
envir = .GlobalEnv
mlr3misc::walk(start_args$packages, function(package) library(package, character.only = TRUE))
mlr3misc::iwalk(start_args$globals, function(value, name) assign(name, value, envir))
# initialize rush worker
rush = invoke(rush::RushWorker$new,
network_id = network_id,
worker_id = worker_id,
config = config,
remote = remote,
.args = start_args$worker_args)
lg$debug("Worker %s started.", rush$worker_id)
# run worker loop
mlr3misc::invoke(start_args$worker_loop, rush = rush, .args = start_args$worker_loop_args)
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