AbsBiasSS | Compute the Absolute Mean Bias Skill Score |
ACC | Compute the spatial anomaly correlation coefficient between... |
AMV | Compute the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV) index |
AnimateMap | Animate Maps of Forecast/Observed Values or Scores Over... |
Ano | Compute forecast or observation anomalies |
Ano_CrossValid | Compute anomalies in cross-validation mode |
Bias | Compute the Mean Bias |
BrierScore | Compute Brier score, its decomposition, and Brier skill score |
CDORemap | Interpolate arrays with longitude and latitude dimensions... |
Clim | Compute Bias Corrected Climatologies |
clim.palette | Generate Climate Color Palettes |
Cluster | K-means Clustering |
ColorBar | Draws a Color Bar |
Composite | Compute composites |
ConfigApplyMatchingEntries | Apply Matching Entries To Dataset Name And Variable Name To... |
ConfigEditDefinition | Add Modify Or Remove Variable Definitions In Configuration |
ConfigEditEntry | Add, Remove Or Edit Entries In The Configuration |
ConfigFileOpen | Functions To Create Open And Save Configuration File |
ConfigShowSimilarEntries | Find Similar Entries In Tables Of Datasets |
ConfigShowTable | Show Configuration Tables And Definitions |
Consist_Trend | Compute trend using only model data for which observations... |
Corr | Compute the correlation coefficient between an array of... |
CRPS | Compute the Continuous Ranked Probability Score |
CRPSS | Compute the Continuous Ranked Probability Skill Score |
DiffCorr | Compute the correlation difference and its significance |
Eno | Compute effective sample size with classical method |
EOF | Area-weighted empirical orthogonal function analysis using... |
EuroAtlanticTC | Teleconnection indices in European Atlantic Ocean region |
Filter | Filter frequency peaks from an array |
GetProbs | Compute probabilistic forecasts or the corresponding... |
GMST | Compute the Global Mean Surface Temperature (GMST) anomalies |
GSAT | Compute the Global Surface Air Temperature (GSAT) anomalies |
Histo2Hindcast | Chunk long simulations for comparison with hindcasts |
InsertDim | Add a named dimension to an array |
LeapYear | Checks Whether A Year Is Leap Year |
Load | Loads Experimental And Observational Data |
MeanDims | Average an array along multiple dimensions |
MSE | Compute mean square error |
MSSS | Compute mean square error skill score |
NAO | Compute the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Index |
Persistence | Compute persistence |
Plot2VarsVsLTime | Plot two scores with confidence intervals in a common plot |
PlotACC | Plot Plumes/Timeseries Of Anomaly Correlation Coefficients |
PlotAno | Plot Anomaly time series |
PlotBoxWhisker | Box-And-Whisker Plot of Time Series with Ensemble... |
PlotClim | Plots Climatologies |
PlotEquiMap | Maps A Two-Dimensional Variable On A Cylindrical Equidistant... |
PlotLayout | Arrange and Fill Multi-Pannel Layouts With Optional Colour... |
PlotMatrix | Function to convert any numerical table to a grid of coloured... |
PlotSection | Plots A Vertical Section |
PlotStereoMap | Maps A Two-Dimensional Variable On A Polar Stereographic... |
PlotVsLTime | Plot a score along the forecast time with its confidence... |
ProbBins | Compute probabilistic information of a forecast relative to a... |
ProjectField | Project anomalies onto modes of variability |
RandomWalkTest | Random Walk test for skill differences |
RatioPredictableComponents | Calculate ratio of predictable components (RPC) |
RatioRMS | Compute the ratio between the RMSE of two experiments |
RatioSDRMS | Compute the ratio between the ensemble spread and RMSE |
Regression | Compute the regression of an array on another along one... |
REOF | Area-weighted empirical orthogonal function analysis with... |
Reorder | Reorder the dimension of an array |
ResidualCorr | Compute the residual correlation and its significance |
RMS | Compute root mean square error |
RMSSS | Compute root mean square error skill score |
ROCSS | Compute the Relative Operating Characteristic Skill Score |
RPS | Compute the Ranked Probability Score |
RPSS | Compute the Ranked Probability Skill Score |
s2dv-package | s2dv: A Set of Common Tools for Seasonal to Decadal... |
sampleDepthData | Sample of Experimental Data for Forecast Verification In... |
sampleMap | Sample Of Observational And Experimental Data For Forecast... |
sampleTimeSeries | Sample Of Observational And Experimental Data For Forecast... |
Season | Compute seasonal mean or other calculations |
SignalNoiseRatio | Calculate Signal-to-noise ratio |
Smoothing | Smooth an array along one dimension |
Spectrum | Estimate frequency spectrum |
SPOD | Compute the South Pacific Ocean Dipole (SPOD) index |
Spread | Compute interquartile range, maximum-minimum, standard... |
SprErr | Compute the ratio between the ensemble spread and RMSE |
StatSeasAtlHurr | Compute estimate of seasonal mean of Atlantic hurricane... |
ToyModel | Synthetic forecast generator imitating seasonal to decadal... |
TPI | Compute the Tripole Index (TPI) for the Interdecadal Pacific... |
Trend | Compute the trend |
UltimateBrier | Compute Brier scores |
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