
Defines functions diagnostic.plot calculate.summary zip

Documented in calculate.summary diagnostic.plot

#' Shows the raw samples and the detected fixations in an interactive
#' plot.  This plot can be used to screen the data and to diagnose
#' problems with the fixation detection.
#' @title Interactive Diagnostic Plot of Samples and Fixations
#' @param samples a data frame containing the raw samples as recorded
#' by the eye-tracker.  This data frame has to have the following
#' columns:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{time:}{the time at which the sample was recorded}
#'  \item{x:}{the x-coordinate of the sample}
#'  \item{y:}{the y-coordinate of the sample}
#' }
#' Samples have to be listed in chronological order.  The velocity
#' calculations assume that the sampling frequency is constant.
#' @param fixations a data frame containing the fixations that were
#' detected in the samples.  This data frame has to have the following
#' columns:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{start:}{the time at which the fixations started}
#'  \item{end:}{the time at which the fixation ended}
#'  \item{x:}{the x-coordinate of the fixation}
#'  \item{y:}{the y-coordinate of the fixation}
#' }
#' @section Details: The function will open an interactive plot showing the
#' samples and fixations.  Red dots represent the x-coordinate and
#' orange dots the y-coordinate.  The gray vertical lines indicate the
#' on- and offsets of saccades and horizontal lines the coordinates of
#' the fixations. Instructions for navigating the plot are displayed
#' on the console.
#' @return A recording of the final plot.  Can be re-plotted using
#' \code{\link[grDevices]{replayPlot}}.
#' @author Titus von der Malsburg \email{malsburg@@posteo.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{detect.fixations}},
#' \code{\link{calculate.summary}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(samples)
#' fixations <- detect.fixations(samples)
#' diagnostic.plot(samples, fixations)
#' }
diagnostic.plot <- function(samples, fixations) {

  f <- fixations
  n <- nrow(f)

  maxxy <- max(f[1:20,]$x, f[1:20,]$y)
  minxy <- min(f[1:20,]$x, f[1:20,]$y)
  gmaxxy <- max(samples$x, samples$y)
  gminxy <- min(samples$x, samples$y)
  with(samples, plot(time, x, pch=20, cex=0.3, col="red",
                     ylim=c(minxy, maxxy),
                     xlim=c(f$start[1], f$start[20])))
  with(samples, points(time, y, pch=20, cex=0.3, col="orange"))
  with(f, lines(zip(start, end, NA), rep(x,each=3)))
  with(f, lines(zip(start, end, NA), rep(y,each=3)))
  with(f, lines(zip(start, start, NA), rep(c(gminxy,gmaxxy,NA), n), col="lightgrey"))
  with(f, lines(zip(end, end, NA), rep(c(gminxy,gmaxxy,NA), n), col="lightgrey"))

  p <- recordPlot()


#' Calculates summary statistics about the trials and fixations in the
#' given data frame.
#' @title Calculate Summary Statistics for a Set of Fixations.
#' @param fixations a data frame containing the fixations that were
#' detected in the samples.  See
#' \code{\link[saccades]{detect.fixations}} for details about the
#' format.
#' @section Details: Calculates the number of trials, the average
#' duration of trials, the average number of fixations in trials, the
#' average duration of the fixations, the average spatial dispersion
#' in the fixations, and the average peak velocity that occurred
#' during fixations.  Where appropriate standard deviations are given
#' as well.  Use round to obtain a more readable version of
#' the resulting data frame.
#' @return A data frame containing the statistics.
#' @author Titus von der Malsburg \email{malsburg@@posteo.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{diagnostic.plot}},
#' \code{\link{detect.fixations}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(fixations)
#' stats <- calculate.summary(fixations)
#' round(stats, digits=2)
calculate.summary <- function(fixations) {
  stats <- data.frame(mean=double(8), sd=double(8), row.names=c("Number of trials", "Duration of trials", "No. of fixations per trial", "Duration of fixations", "Dispersion horizontal", "Dispersion vertical", "Peak velocity horizontal", "Peak velocity vertical"))

  stats["Number of trials",] <- c(length(unique(fixations$trial)), NA)

  s <- tapply(fixations$start, fixations$trial, min)
  e <- tapply(fixations$end, fixations$trial, max)
  tdur <- e - s
  stats["Duration of trials",] <- c(mean(tdur), sd(tdur))
  n <- tapply(fixations$start, fixations$trial, length)
  stats["No. of fixations per trial",] <- c(mean(n), sd(n))
  stats["Duration of fixations",] <- c(mean(fixations$dur), sd(fixations$dur))

  stats["Dispersion horizontal",] <- c(mean(fixations$sd.x, na.rm=T), sd(fixations$sd.x, na.rm=T))
  stats["Dispersion vertical",]   <- c(mean(fixations$sd.y, na.rm=T), sd(fixations$sd.y, na.rm=T))
  stats["Peak velocity horizontal",] <- c(mean(fixations$peak.vx, na.rm=T), sd(fixations$peak.vx, na.rm=T))
  stats["Peak velocity vertical",]   <- c(mean(fixations$peak.vy, na.rm=T), sd(fixations$peak.vy, na.rm=T))



zip <- function(...) {
  x <- cbind(...)

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saccades documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:55 a.m.