
Defines functions samonCombine

Documented in samonCombine

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Takes a list of rds filenames and combines the objects.
# The first file contains the base object and subsequent objects are are checked
# for consistency against this. 
# Bootstrap sample numbers are incremented so that they are unique in the output
# object.
# Returns a samon list.
# The following items are checked for consistency across files:
#  n0              -- number of rows in input matrix mat
#  nt              -- number of columns in input matrix mat
#  mat             -- input matrix itself
#  lb              -- lower bound for mapping Y to the [0,1] interval
#  ub              -- upper bound for mapping Y to the [0,1] interval
#  zeta1           -- first parameter to cumulative beta function
#  zeta2           -- second parameter to cumulative beta function
#  Npart           -- Number of partitions
#  Should any of these differ between the base file and one of the other files
#  data will still be appended if ForceAppend = TRUE
#  The following items are also cheked for consistency but appending is done
#  even if they don't match. A warning is issued.
#  MaxIter         -- maximum number of iterations in Newton's method
#  FAconvg         -- convergence criterion:  absolute change in function
#  FRconvg         -- convergence criterion:  relative change in function
#  SAconvg         -- convergence criterion:  absolute change in slope
#  InitialSigmaH   -- initial value of sigmaH
#  HighSigmaH      -- highest value of sigmaH to consider
#  InitialSigmaF   -- initial value of sigmaF
#  HighSigmaF      -- highest value of sigmaF to consider
#  Nalpha          -- number of alphas
#  alphaList       -- vector of length Nalpha of alphas
#  The following items are taken from the base file.  These items may exist
#  in other files, but are ignored:
#  HM              -- optimal sigmaH for mat
#  FM              -- optimal sigmaF for mat
#  IFM             -- IF estimates for mat
#  MJackknife      -- were jackknifes taken for the main data mat 
#  retIFiM         -- are there IFiM estimates
#  retIFiMjk       -- are there IFiMjk estimates (removed)
#  if as.numeric(MJackknife) is 1 then the following objects are also taken
#  from the base file.
#  HMjk            -- optimal sigmaH for jackknifes of mat
#  FMjk            -- optimal sigmaF for jackknifes of mat
#  IFMjk           -- IF estimates for jackknifes of mat
#  if as.numeric(retIFiM) is 1 then the following object is taken from the
#  base file.
#  IFiM            -- individual IF estimates for mat
#  all files are checked to see if there are bootstrap sample results.
#  This is achieved by examining the NSamples item to see if it is greater
#  than 0.  Should it be so then the following items are appended to those
#  found in the base file:
#  NSamples        -- number of samples requested 
#  seed0           -- input seed used
#  HS              -- optimal sigmaH for bootstrap samples
#  FS              -- optimal sigmaF for bootstrap samples
#  IFS             -- IF estimates for bootstrap samples
#  were jackknifes performed on each bootstrap sample 
#  SJackknife      -- indicator of jackknifing for each bootstrap sample 
#  HSjk            -- optimal sigmaH for each bootstrap jackknife
#  FSjk            -- optimal sigmaF for each bootstrap jackknife
#  IFSjk           -- IF estimates for each bootstrap jackknife
#  if as.numeric(retIFiS) is 1 then return IFis
#  retIFiS         -- indicator if individual IF values are returned for
#                     each bootstrap sample
#  IFiS            -- individual IF values for each bootstrap sample
#  and (removed)
#  retIFiSjk       -- indicator if individual IF values are retrurned for
#                     each bootstrap jackknife
#  IFiMjk          -- individual IF values for each main jackknife
#  IFiSjk          -- individual IF values for each bootstrap jackknife
#  IFiMjk and IFiSjk should rarely, if ever be needed.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
samonCombine <- function( filenames, replaceSampleNo=TRUE, ForceAppend = FALSE, objlist = NULL ) {

  inlist <- (!is.null(objlist))

  if ( inlist == 1 ) {
      n <- length(objlist)
  } else {
      n <- length(filenames)
  for ( i in 1:n ) {

      if ( inlist == 1 ) {
        Res  <- objlist[[i]]
      } else {
        Res  <- readRDS(filenames[i])

     if ( i == 1 ) {

       Retobj      <- Res
       objnames0   <- names(Res)

       check00     <- c( Res$n0, Res$nt, Res$lb, Res$ub, Res$zeta1, Res$zeta2, Res$Npart )
       checkmat0   <- Res$mat
       check01     <- c( Res$MaxIter,Res$FAconvg, Res$FRconvg, Res$SAconvg, Res$InitialSigmaH,
                         Res$HighSigmaH, Res$InitialSigmaF, Res$HighSigmaF, Res$Nalpha )
       chkalpha0   <-    Res$alphaList

       NSamples0   <- Res$NSamples
       MJackknife0 <- Res$MJackknife
       SJackknife0 <- Res$SJackknife
       retIFiM0    <- Res$retIFiM
       retIFiS0    <- Res$retIFiS

       RegSjk0Ind <- 0 
       if ( match("RegSjk", objnames0, -1 ) > 0 ) {
           RegSjk     <- Res$RegSjk
           RegSjk0Ind <- 1

       if ( NSamples0 > 0 ) {

         HS      <- Res$HS
         FS      <- Res$FS
         IFS     <- Res$IFS

         if ( retIFiS0 == 1 ) IFiS <- Res$IFiS
         if ( SJackknife0 == 1 ) {  
           HSjk    <- Res$HSjk
           FSjk    <- Res$FSjk
           IFSjk   <- Res$IFSjk


         oset    <- max( HS[,1] )
         if ( oset == 0 ) oset <- 1
     } else {

       objnames    <- names(Res)
       ## check files are the same  
       check10     <- c( Res$n0, Res$nt, Res$lb, Res$ub, Res$zeta1, Res$zeta2, Res$Npart )
       checkmat1   <- Res$mat
       check11     <- c( Res$MaxIter,Res$FAconvg, Res$FRconvg, Res$SAconvg, Res$InitialSigmaH,
                         Res$HighSigmaH, Res$InitialSigmaF, Res$HighSigmaF, Res$Nalpha )
       chkalpha1   <-    Res$alphaList

       checkV0     <- identical(   check10, check00   )
       checkMat    <- identical( checkmat1, checkmat0 )
       checkV1     <- identical(   check11, check01   )
       checkV2     <- identical( chkalpha1, chkalpha0 )

       if ( !checkV0 || !checkMat ) {
           ErrorMessage <- paste("Error: in samonAppend. File ",i," does not match base file")
           if ( ForceAppend == FALSE ) return(NULL)
       if ( !checkV1 || !checkV2 ) {
           WarningMessage <- paste("Warning: in samonAppend. File ",i," does not match base file")
       NSamples   <- Res$NSamples
       SJackknife <- Res$SJackknife
       retIFiS    <- Res$retIFiS

       if ( NSamples0 > 0 && NSamples > 0 ) {

         HSi    <- Res$HS
         FSi    <- Res$FS
         IFSi   <- Res$IFS

         if ( replaceSampleNo == TRUE ) {
             HSi[ ,1]   <- HSi[, 1] + oset
             FSi[ ,1]   <- FSi[, 1] + oset
             IFSi[,1]   <- IFSi[,1] + oset
         HS     <- rbind(HS,HSi)
         FS     <- rbind(FS,FSi)
         IFS    <- rbind(IFS,IFSi)

         if ( retIFiS0 == 1 && retIFiS == 1 ) {
             IFiSi <- Res$IFiS
             if ( replaceSampleNo == TRUE ) IFiSi[,1] <- IFiSi[,1] + oset
             IFiS  <- rbind(IFiS,IFiSi)
         if ( SJackknife0 == 1 && SJackknife == 1) {  
           HSjki    <- Res$HSjk
           FSjki    <- Res$FSjk
           IFSjki   <- Res$IFSjk

           if ( replaceSampleNo == TRUE ) {
             HSjki[ ,1]  <- HSjki[, 1] + oset
             FSjki[ ,1]  <- FSjki[, 1] + oset
             IFSjki[,1]  <- IFSjki[,1] + oset
           HSjk   <- rbind(HSjk,HSjki)
           FSjk   <- rbind(FSjk,FSjki)
           IFSjk  <- rbind(IFSjk,IFSjki)

           if ( RegSjk0Ind == 1 && ( match("RegSjk", objnames, -1 ) > 0 ) ) {
             RegSjki <- Res$RegSjk
             if ( replaceSampleNo == TRUE ) {
                 RegSjki[ ,1] <- RegSjki[, 1] + oset
             RegSjk  <- rbind( RegSjk, RegSjki )
       oset        <- max( HSi[,1] )
 if ( NSamples0 > 0 ) { 
  Retobj$HS    <- HS
  Retobj$FS    <- FS
  Retobj$IFS   <- IFS

  if ( retIFiS == 1 ) {
    Retobj$IFiS  <- IFiS
  if ( SJackknife0 == 1 ) {
    Retobj$HSjk  <- HSjk
    Retobj$FSjk  <- FSjk
    Retobj$IFSjk <- IFSjk

    if ( RegSjk0Ind == 1 ) {
        Retobj$RegSjk    <- RegSjk
        Retobj$subsetSjk <- 1


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samon documentation built on Oct. 26, 2023, 9:06 a.m.