scDiffCom-class: The scDiffCom Class

scDiffCom-classR Documentation

The scDiffCom Class


An object of this class stores the intercellular communication results obtained when calling run_interaction_analysis.



List of parameters passed to run_interaction_analysis and used to build the object.


Data.table with all hypothetic CCIs induced from the original Seurat object and the internal LRI database. Can be erased with EraseRawCCI to obtain a lighter object, but might be worth keeping if one intends to modify the filtering parameters (see also our vignette).


Data.table with only the detected CCIs. If cci_table_raw is not NULL, can be updated with new filtering parameters without running the full permutation analysis (see FilterCCI).


List of data.tables with the results of the over-representation analysis for each category. Results for additional categories can be added with RunORA.


List of matrices with the null distributions of each CCI. NULL by default.

scDiffCom documentation built on Nov. 4, 2023, 1:06 a.m.