#' Pre-process data for scLink
#' @param count A full gene count matrix with rows representing cells and columns representing genes.
#' Gene names are given as column names.
#' @param scale.factor A number specifying the sclae factor used for library size normalization.
#' Defaults to 1e6.
#' @param filter.genes A Boolean specifying whether scLink should select genes based on mean expression.
#' When set to \code{FALSE}, users need to speicfy a set of genes to be used for network construction with
#' \code{gene.names}. When set to \code{TRUE}, scLink will select genes based on their mean expression,
#' and users need to specify the number of genes to be selected with \code{n}.
#' @param gene.names A character vector specifying the genes used for network construction.
#' Only needed when \code{filter.genes = FALSE}.
#' @param n An integer specifying the number of genes to be selected by scLink (defaults to 500).
#' Only needed when \code{filter.genes = TRUE}.
#' @return A transformed and normalized gene expression matrix that can be used for correlation calculation
#' and network construction.
#' @export
#' @author Wei Vivian Li, \email{}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' count = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "example.rds", package = "scLink"))
#' count.norm = sclink_norm(count, scale.factor = 1e6, filter.genes = TRUE, n = 500)
#' }
sclink_norm = function(count, scale.factor = 1e6, filter.genes = FALSE, gene.names = NULL, n = 500){
if(filter.genes == FALSE){
if(is.null(gene.names)) {stop("Need to supply gene.names when setting filter.genes to FALSE!")}
if(filter.genes == TRUE){
message("Setting filter.genes = TRUE! \n
scLink will select the top n expressed genes!")
count = as.matrix(count)
count = sweep( count, MARGIN = 1, scale.factor/rowSums( count), FUN = "*")
count = log10(count + 1)
if(filter.genes == FALSE){
m = sum(gene.names %in% colnames(count))
if(m < 3){warning("Less than 3 genes in gene.names match the column names!")}
count = count[, gene.names, drop = FALSE]
keep.genes = filter_genes_mean(count, topn = n)
count = count[, keep.genes]
#' Calculate scLink's correlation matrix
#' @param expr A gene expression matrix with rows representing cells and columns representing genes.
#' Gene names are given as column names. Can be the output of \code{sclink_norm} or user constructed gene
#' expression matrices.
#' @param ncores Number of cores if using parallel computation.
#' @param nthre An integer specifying a threshold on the number of complete observations.
#' Defaults to 20.
#' @param dthre A number specifying the threshold on dropout probabilities. Defaults to 0.9.
#' @return A correlation matrix for gene co-expression relationships.
#' @export
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom stats cor dgamma dnorm pchisq sd uniroot
#' @author Wei Vivian Li, \email{}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' count = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "example.rds", package = "scLink"))
#' count.norm = sclink_norm(count, scale.factor = 1e6, filter.genes = TRUE, n = 500)
#' corr = sclink_cor(expr = count.norm, ncores = 1)
#' }
sclink_cor = function(expr, ncores, nthre = 20, dthre = 0.9){
cor_pearson = cor(expr)
x.q = apply(expr, 2, sd)
cor_pearson.c = est_pearson_scimpute.c(expr, ncores = ncores, cor.p = cor_pearson,
thre_no = nthre, dthre = dthre)
#' Infer gene co-expression networks
#' @param expr A gene expression matrix with rows representing cells and columns representing genes.
#' Gene names are given as column names. Can be the output of \code{sclink_norm} or user constructed gene
#' expression matrices.
#' @param ncores Number of cores if using parallel computation.
#' @param lda A vector specifying a sequence of lambda values to be used in the penalized likelihood.
#' @param nthre An integer specifying a threshold on the number of complete observations.
#' Defaults to 20.
#' @param dthre A number specifying the threshold on dropout probabilities. Defaults to 0.9.
#' @return A list for gene co-expression relationships. The list contains a \code{cor} element for
#' scLink's correlation matrix and a \code{summary} element for the gene networks. \code{summary} is a list
#' with each element corresponding to the result of one lambda value. Each element of \code{summary}
#' contains the following information:
#' \describe{
#' \item{adj:}{the adjacency matrix specifying the gene-gene edges;}
#' \item{Sigma:}{the estimated concentration matrix;}
#' \item{nedge:}{number of edges in the gene network;}
#' \item{bic:}{BIC score;}
#' \item{lambda:}{value of lambda in the penalty.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom stats cor dgamma dnorm pchisq sd uniroot
#' @importFrom glasso glasso
#' @author Wei Vivian Li, \email{}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' count = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "example.rds", package = "scLink"))
#' count.norm = sclink_norm(count, scale.factor = 1e6, filter.genes = TRUE, n = 500)
#' networks = sclink_net(expr = count.norm, ncores = 1, lda = seq(0.5, 0.1, -0.05))
#' }
sclink_net = function(expr, ncores, lda = seq(1, 0.1, -0.05),
nthre = 20, dthre = 0.9){
if(ncol(expr) > 1000){warning("For large expression matrix, \n
computation may take a long time. \n
Consider first using the scLink_cor function to check correlation structures.")}
# if(!requireNamespace("QUIC", quietly=TRUE)){
# stop("Please make sure the package QUIC is installed!") # message optional
# }
cor_pearson = cor(expr)
x.q = apply(expr, 2, sd)
cor_pearson.c = est_pearson_scimpute.c(expr, ncores = ncores, cor.p = cor_pearson,
thre_no = nthre, dthre = dthre)
weights_p = 1 - abs(cor_pearson.c)
cov_pearson.c= diag(x.q) %*% cor_pearson.c %*% diag(x.q)
cov_pearson.c = easy.psd(cov_pearson.c,method="perturb")
nobs = nrow(expr)
genes = colnames(expr)
message("Constructing gene networks ...")
res_seq = get_res_wGL_quic(covobs = cov_pearson.c, weights = weights_p,
genes, nobs, l1 = lda, ncores = ncores)
return(list(summary = res_seq, cor = cor_pearson.c))
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