Man pages for scanstatistics
Space-Time Anomaly Detection using Scan Statistics

closest_subsetsSet of increasing sets from left to right of input vector.
connected_neighborsFind the connected sets for a location and its k nearest...
connected_toReturn those elements in the second set which are connected...
coords_to_knnGet the k nearest neighbors for each location, given its...
df_to_matrixConvert a long data frame to a wide matrix.
dist_to_knnGiven a distance matrix, find the k nearest neighbors.
estimate_baselinesEstimate baselines based on observed counts.
estimate_variancesEstimate variances based on observed counts.
estimate_zip_paramsEstimate the parameters of a ZIP distribution.
flexible_zonesComputes the flexibly shaped zones as in Tango (2005).
flipudFlip a matrix upside down
get_zero_indicesGet indices of zero elements in a vector.
get_zoneExtract a zone from the set of all zones.
gumbel_pvalueCalculate the Gumbel p-value for a scan statistic.
has_convergedIs the relative error between two numbers is less than the...
if_connectedReturn a set of the location and its neighbors if they are...
is_connectedReturns TRUE if the neighboring locations are connected to...
knn_zonesFind the increasing subsets of k nearest neighbors for all...
matrix_to_dfConvert a matrix to a data frame.
mc_pvalueCalculate the Monte Carlo p-value for a scan statistic.
NM_geoLongitude and latitude of New Mexico county seats.
NM_mapData to plot the counties of New Mexico.
NM_popcasPopulation and brain cancer cases in New Mexico counties...
permute_matrixPermute the entries of the matrix, preserving row and column...
powerset_zonesCreates a set of all non-empty subsets of the integers from 1...
print.scanstatisticPrint a scanstatistic object.
run_scanRun a scan statistic analysis.
scan_bayes_negbinCalculate the negative binomial bayesian scan statistic..
scan_bayes_negbin_cppCalculate the "Bayesian Spatial Scan Statistic" by Neill et...
scan_eb_negbinCalculate the expectation-based negative binomial scan...
scan_eb_negbin_cppCalculate the expectation-based negative binomial scan...
scan_eb_poissonCalculate the expectation-based Poisson scan statistic.
scan_eb_poisson_cppCalculate the expecation-based Poisson scan statistic.
scan_eb_zipCalculate the expectation-based ZIP scan statistic.
scan_eb_zip_cppCalculate the highest-value EB ZIP loglihood ratio statistic.
scan_pb_perm_cppCalculate the space-time permutation scan statistic.
scan_pb_poissonCalculate the population-based Poisson scan statistic.
scan_pb_poisson_cppCalculate the population-based Poisson scan statistic.
scan_permutationCalculate the space-time permutation scan statistic.
scanstatisticsscanstatistics: Space-time anomaly detection using scan...
score_locationsScore each location over zones and duration.
top_clustersGet the top (non-overlappig) clusters.
scanstatistics documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:32 p.m.