gumbel_pvalue: Calculate the Gumbel p-value for a scan statistic.

View source: R/scanstatistics_general.R

gumbel_pvalueR Documentation

Calculate the Gumbel p-value for a scan statistic.


Given an observed scan statistic λ^* and a vector of replicate scan statistics λ_i, i=1,…,R, fit a Gumbel distribution to the replicates and calculate a p-value for the observed statistic based on the fitted distribution.

\frac{1 + ∑_{i=1}^R \mathrm{I}(λ_i > λ^*)}{1 + R}

The function is vectorized, so multiple p-values can be calculated if several scan statistics (e.g. statistics from secondary clusters) are supplied.


gumbel_pvalue(observed, replicates, method = "ML", ...)



A scalar containing the observed value of the scan statistic, or a vector of observed values from secondary clusters.


A vector of Monte Carlo replicates of the scan statistic.


Either "ML", for maximum likelihood, or "MoM", for method of moments.


Additional arguments passed to, which may include arguments passed along further to optim.


The p-value or p-values corresponding to the observed scan statistic(s).

scanstatistics documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:32 p.m.