plot.casestudy: Plot the output of run_casestudy

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plot.casestudyR Documentation

Plot the output of run_casestudy


Plot the output of run_casestudy


## S3 method for class 'casestudy'
plot(x, ...)



object of class casestudy, generated by run_casestudy


additional parameters, see details below.


The plot is in the same format as Figure 3 in KLTG (2021). Its content (nr of MCMC chains, maximal sample size, etc) depends on the parameters used to generate run_casestudy. In terms of additional inputs (...), the following are currently implemented:

  • scoring_rule, the scoring rule for which results are to be plotted, either "crps" or "logs". Defaults to "crps".

  • add_main_title, logical, whether to add main title to plot. Defaults to TRUE.


none, used for the effect of drawing a plot.


Fabian Krueger


Krueger, F., Lerch, S., Thorarinsdottir, T.L. and T. Gneiting (2021): ‘Predictive inference based on Markov chain Monte Carlo output’, International Statistical Review 89, 274-301. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1111/insr.12405")}

See Also

run_casestudy produces the forecast results summarized by plot.casestudy

scoringRules documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 5:09 p.m.