run_mcstudy: Run the Monte Carlo study by KLTG (2021), or a smaller...

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run_mcstudyR Documentation

Run the Monte Carlo study by KLTG (2021), or a smaller version thereof


Run the Monte Carlo study by KLTG (2021), or a smaller version thereof


  s = 2,
  a = 0.5,
  n = 12,
  nr_iterations = 50,
  zoom = FALSE,
  random_seed = 816


s, a, n

parameters characterizing the process from which data are simulated (see Section 4 and Table 4 of KLTG, 2021). Defaults to the values reported in the main text of the paper.


number of Monte Carlo iterations (defaults to 50).


set to TRUE to produce results for a fine grid of small (MCMC) sample sizes, as in Figure 2 of KLTG (2021).


seed used for running the simulation experiment. Defaults to 816.


The full results in Section 4 of KLTG (2021) are based on s = 2, a = 0.5, n = 12 and nr_iterations = 1000. Producing these results takes about 140 minutes on an Intel i7 processor.


Object of class "mcstudy", containing the results of the analysis. This object can be passed to plot for plotting, see the documentation for plot.mcstudy.


Fabian Krueger


Krueger, F., Lerch, S., Thorarinsdottir, T.L. and T. Gneiting (2021): ‘Predictive inference based on Markov chain Monte Carlo output’, International Statistical Review 89, 274-301. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1111/insr.12405")}

See Also

plot.mcstudy produces a summary plot of the results generated by run_mcstudy

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