
Defines functions ar_ms summary.mcstudy print.mcstudy plot.mcstudy run_mcstudy summary.casestudy print.casestudy plot.casestudy run_casestudy

Documented in ar_ms plot.casestudy plot.mcstudy print.casestudy print.mcstudy run_casestudy run_mcstudy summary.casestudy summary.mcstudy

#' Run the case study in KLTG (2021), or a smaller version thereof
#' @param data_df data frame in the same format as the \link{gdp} data set in this package.
#' @param burnin_size length of the burn-in period used for each forecast.
#' @param max_mcmc_sample_size maximal number of MCMC draws to consider (integer, must equal either 1000, 5000, 10000, 20000 or 40000). Defaults to 5000.
#' @param nr_of_chains number of parallel MCMC for each forecast date (integer, defaults to 3).
#' @param first_vint,last_vint first and last data vintage (= time point at which forecasts are made). Default to "19962Q2" and "2014Q3", respectively.
#' @param forecast_horizon forecast horizon to be analyzed (integer, defaults to 1). 
#' @param random_seed seed for random numbers used during the MCMC sampling process. Defaults to 816.
#' @return Object of class "casestudy", containing the results of the analysis. This object can be passed to \code{plot} for plotting, see the documentation for \link{plot.casestudy}.
#' @details The full results in Section 5 of KLTG (2021) are based on the following setup: \code{burnin_size = 10000},
#' \code{max_mcmc_sample_size = 50000}, \code{nr_of_chains = 16}, \code{data_df = gdp}, \code{first_vint = "1996Q2"}, 
#' \code{last_vint = "2014Q3"}, and \code{forecast_horizon = 1}. Since running this full configuration is very 
#' time consuming, the default setup offers the possibility to run a small-scale study which reproduces the 
#' qualitative outcomes of the analysis. Running the small-scale study implied by the defaults of \code{run_study} as well as the GDP data (\code{data_df = gdp}) takes about 40 minutes on an Intel i7 processor. 
#' @references Krueger, F., Lerch, S., Thorarinsdottir, T.L. and T. Gneiting (2021): `Predictive inference based on Markov chain Monte Carlo output', \emph{International Statistical Review} 89, 274-301. \doi{10.1111/insr.12405}
#' @seealso \link{plot.casestudy} produces a summary plot of the results generated by \link{run_casestudy}
#' \link{run_casestudy} uses \link{ar_ms} to fit a Bayesian Markov Switching model, recursively for several time periods.
#' @keywords replication 
#' @export
#' @author Fabian Krueger
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' data(gdp)
#' cs <- run_casestudy(data_df = gdp, last_vint = "1999Q4")
#' plot(cs)
#' }
run_casestudy <- function(data_df, burnin_size = 5000, 
                          max_mcmc_sample_size = 5000, nr_of_chains = 3, 
                          first_vint = "1996Q2", last_vint = "2014Q3",
                          forecast_horizon = 1,
                          random_seed = 816){
  # get inputs
  input <- as.list(environment())
  # input check
  if (max_mcmc_sample_size %in% c(1, 5, 10, 20, 40)*1000){
    stop("Please set max_mcmc_sample_size to 1000, 5000, 10000, 20000 or 40000")
  # fix random seed
  # mcmc sample sizes
  mcmc_sample_sizes <- (c(1, 5, 10, 20, 40)*1000)[c(1, 5, 10, 20, 40)*1000 <= max_mcmc_sample_size] 
  # Vintages (starting in 1996:Q2)
  vints <- sort(unique(data_df[qdiff(first_vint, data_df$vint) >= 0 &
                                 qdiff(data_df$vint, last_vint) >= 0, "vint"]))
  # Initialize data frame
  df <- data.frame()
  # Initial print to screen
  print(paste(Sys.time(), "- now starting run_casestudy"))
  # Loop over vintages
  for (j in 1:length(vints)){
    if ((j %% 10) == 0){
      print(paste(Sys.time(), "- now running date", j, "out of", length(vints)))
    # Pick data
    cv <- vints[j]
    dat <- data_df[data_df$vint == cv, c("dt", "val")]
    dat <- sel.complete(dat[order(dat$dt), ])
    # Some checks
    check1 <- all(dat$dt == plusq(dat$dt[1], 0:(nrow(dat)-1)))
    check2 <- plusq(dat$dt[length(dat$dt)], 1) == cv
    if (!check1 | !check2) stop()
    # Get realization
    rlz <- data_df[qdiff(data_df$dt, data_df$vint) == 2 & 
                   qdiff(data_df$dt, cv) == (forecast_horizon - 1), "val"]
    if (length(rlz) != 1) stop()
    # Loop over parallel chains
    for (cc in 1:nr_of_chains){
      # Fit forecasting model
      fit <- ar_ms(dat$val, forecast_periods = 2, 
                   n_burn = burnin_size, n_rep = max_mcmc_sample_size)
      # Get forecast mean and sds
      dat_m <- fit$fcMeans[, forecast_horizon]
      dat_s <- fit$fcSds[, forecast_horizon]
      dat_x <- dat_m + dat_s * rnorm(length(dat_m))
      # Loop over sample sizes
      for (nn in mcmc_sample_sizes){

        # Loop over scoring rules
        for (rule in c("logs", "crps")){
        tmp_sc <- scores(dat = dat_x[1:nn], m = dat_m[1:nn], s = dat_s[1:nn], 
                         y = rlz, sc = rule)
          if (rule == "crps"){
            tmp_df <- data.frame(od = vints[j], td = vints[j], n = nn, thin = 1, 
                                 method = c("norm", "mixp", "kdens", "ecdf"), rule = rule, 
                                 val = tmp_sc, chain_id = cc)
          } else {
            tmp_df <- data.frame(od = vints[j], td = vints[j], n = nn, thin = 1, 
                                 method = c("norm", "mixp", "kdens"), rule = rule, 
                                 val = tmp_sc, chain_id = cc)
          # Expand data frame
          df <- rbind(df, tmp_df)
  # Make output list
  out <- list(input = input, output = df)
  # Final print to screen
  print(paste(Sys.time(), "- now finishing run_casestudy"))
  # Return object of class "casestudy"
  structure(out, class = "casestudy")

#' Plot the output of run_casestudy
#' @param x object of class \code{casestudy}, generated by \link{run_casestudy}
#' @param ... additional parameters, see details below. 
#' @return none, used for the effect of drawing a plot. 
#' @details The plot is in the same format as Figure 3 in KLTG (2021). Its content (nr of MCMC chains, 
#' maximal sample size, etc) depends on the parameters used to generate \link{run_casestudy}. In terms of 
#' additional inputs (\code{...}), the following are currently implemented:
#' \itemize{\item \code{scoring_rule}, the scoring rule for which results are to be plotted, 
#' either \code{"crps"} or \code{"logs"}. Defaults to \code{"crps"}. \item \code{add_main_title}, logical,
#' whether to add main title to plot. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.}
#' @export
#' @references Krueger, F., Lerch, S., Thorarinsdottir, T.L. and T. Gneiting (2021): `Predictive inference based on Markov chain Monte Carlo output', \emph{International Statistical Review} 89, 274-301. \doi{10.1111/insr.12405}
#' @seealso \link{run_casestudy} produces the forecast results summarized by \link{plot.casestudy}
#' @keywords replication
#' @author Fabian Krueger
plot.casestudy <- function(x, ...){
  # Get output component
  x <- x$output
  # nr of sample sizes covered by input
  n_sample_sizes <- sum(max(x$n) >=
                          c(1000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 40000))
  # Dotted inputs
  auxlist <- list(...)
  if (is.null(auxlist$scoring_rule)){
    scoring_rule <- "crps"
  } else {
    scoring_rule <- auxlist$scoring_rule
  if (is.null(auxlist$add_main_title)){
    add_main_title <- TRUE
  } else {
    add_main_title <- auxlist$add_main_title

  # colors and methods
  colors <- c("black", "blue", "red", "green")
  methods <- c("mixp", "kdens", "norm")
  if (scoring_rule == "crps") methods <- c(methods, "ecdf")
  # mean scores over time, for each of the parallel chains
  mean_scores <- aggregate(x$val, by = list(x$method, x$rule,
                                            x$n, x$chain_id),
  names(mean_scores) <- c("method", "rule", "n", "chain_id", "mean_val")

  # plot scores against sample size, no thinning
  sel <- mean_scores[mean_scores$rule == scoring_rule, ]
  sel$n <- n_helper(sel$n)
  for (mm in methods){
    sel$n[sel$method == mm] <- sel$n[sel$method == mm] - 0.1 + 
      0.1*(which(methods == mm) - 1)

  # plot
  rule_print <- ifelse(scoring_rule == "crps", "CRPS", "Log Score")
  plot(x = sel$n, y = sel$mean_val, bty = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "", 
       type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlim = c(0.5, 5), 
       main = "")
  if (add_main_title){
    title(main = paste0(rule_print, ", ", min(as.character(x$td)), " to ", max(as.character(x$td))),
          cex.main = 1.6)
  axis(2, cex.axis = 1.6)
  for (mm in methods){
    tmp <- sel[sel$method == mm, ]
    points(x = tmp$n, y = tmp$mean_val, col = colors[which(methods == mm)], pch = 20, cex = 1.5)
    tmp2 <- aggregate(tmp$mean_val, by = list(tmp$n), mean)
    names(tmp2) <- c("n", "mean2")  
    lines(x = tmp2$n, y = tmp2$mean2, 
          col = colors[which(methods == mm)], lwd = 2)
  axis(1, labels = c(1000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 40000), 
       at = 1:5, cex.axis = 1.6)
  mtext("Sample size", at = 3, 
        side = 1, cex = 2, line = 4)
  legend("topright", c("Mixture", "Kernel", "Normal", "ECDF")[1:length(methods)], lty = 1, lwd = 3, 
         col = colors[1:length(methods)], bty = "n", cex = 1.4)


#' Simple print method for object of class casestudy
#' @param x Object of class casestudy, generated via \link{run_casestudy}
#' @param ... Additional specifications (presently not in use)
#' @export
print.casestudy <- function(x, ...){
  print("Object of class casestudy, generated via run_casestudy (scoringRules package).")

#' Summary method for class casestudy
#' @param object Object of class casestudy, generated via \link{run_casestudy}
#' @param ... Additional specifications (presently not in use)
#' @export
summary.casestudy <- function(object, ...){
  # Get output component
  x <- object$output
  # Compute summary stats
  for (rr in c("logs", "crps")){
    sel1 <- which(x$rule == rr & x$thin == 1)  
    df1 <- data.frame(approx = x$method[sel1], sample_size = x$n[sel1],
                      value = x$val[sel1])
    aux1 <- sort(unique(df1$approx))
    aux2 <- sort(unique(df1$sample_size))
    res <- matrix("", length(aux1), length(aux2))
    row.names(res) <- aux1
    colnames(res) <- paste0("m = ", aux2)
    for (aa in aux1){
      sel2 <- which(df1$approx == aa)
      df2 <- data.frame(approx = df1$approx[sel2], sample_size = df1$sample_size[sel2],
                        value = df1$value[sel2])
      dd <- tapply(df2$value, df2$sample_size, mean)
      res[which(aux1 == aa), ] <- formatC(as.numeric(dd), format = "e", digits = 3)
    # Print mean scores for current scoring rule
    cat(paste("Mean score:", rr))

#' Run the Monte Carlo study by KLTG (2021), or a smaller version thereof
#' @param s,a,n parameters characterizing the process from which data are simulated (see Section 4 and Table 4 of KLTG, 2021). Defaults to the values reported in the main text of the paper.
#' @param nr_iterations number of Monte Carlo iterations (defaults to 50). 
#' @param zoom set to \code{TRUE} to produce results for a fine grid of small (MCMC) sample sizes, as in Figure 2 of KLTG (2021).
#' @param random_seed seed used for running the simulation experiment. Defaults to 816.
#' @return Object of class "mcstudy", containing the results of the analysis. This object can be passed to \code{plot} for plotting, see the documentation for \link{plot.mcstudy}.
#' @seealso \link{plot.mcstudy} produces a summary plot of the results generated by \link{run_mcstudy} 
#' @details The full results in Section 4 of KLTG (2021) are based on \code{s = 2}, \code{a = 0.5},
#' \code{n = 12} and \code{nr_iterations = 1000}. Producing these results takes about 140 minutes on an 
#' Intel i7 processor.
#' @references Krueger, F., Lerch, S., Thorarinsdottir, T.L. and T. Gneiting (2021): `Predictive inference based on Markov chain Monte Carlo output', \emph{International Statistical Review} 89, 274-301. \doi{10.1111/insr.12405}
#' @keywords replication
#' @export
#' @author Fabian Krueger
run_mcstudy <- function(s = 2, a = 0.5, n = 12, nr_iterations = 50,
                        zoom = FALSE, random_seed = 816){
  # Collect inputs
  input <- as.list(environment())
  # Set random seed
  # True distribution
  td <- ergdist(s, n)
  # Vector of sample sizes to be considered
  if (zoom){
    smps <- seq(from = 50, to = 1000, by = 50)
    add_z <- "_zoom"
  } else {
    smps <- c(1000, 5000, 20000, 50000)  
    add_z <- ""
  n_smps <- length(smps)
  # Maximal sample size
  T <- max(smps)
  # Result data frame
  n_entries <- nr_iterations*n_smps*7
  res_df <- data.frame(iteration = integer(n_entries), sample_size = integer(n_entries), 
                       rule = character(n_entries), approx = character(n_entries), 
                       value = numeric(n_entries), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  aux_rules <- c(rep(c("logs", "crps"), 3), "crps")
  aux_approx <- c(rep(c("norm", "mixp", "kdens"), each = 2), "ecdf")
  ct <- 0
  # Initial print
  print(paste(Sys.time(), "- now starting run_mcstudy"))
  # Loop over training samples
  for (i in 1:nr_iterations) {
    if (i %% 10 == 0) print(paste(Sys.time(), "- now running iteration", i, "out of", nr_iterations))
    # Draw 'MCMC' training sample
    v.fw <- sim.fw(a, s, n, T)$sim
    x <- rnorm(T, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(v.fw))
    # Loop over subsample sizes
    for (k in 1:n_smps) {
      # Select sample
      smp <- x[1:smps[k]]
      # Temporary vector for score divergences
      tmp <- rep(0, 7)
      # Estimator 1: Normal
      m1 <- mean(smp)
      s1 <- sd(smp)
      try(tmp[1] <- div.ls.t.mixn(td$s, td$df, m1, s1)$kl)
      tmp[2] <- div.crps.t.mixn(td$s, td$df, m1, s1)
      # Estimator 2: Mixture
      m2 <- rep(0, smps[k])
      s2 <- sqrt(v.fw[1:smps[k]])
      try(tmp[3] <- div.ls.t.mixn(td$s, td$df, m2, s2)$kl)
      tmp[4] <- div.crps.t.mixn(td$s, td$df, m2, s2)
      # Estimator 3: Kernel
      s.tmp <- try(make.bw(smp, choice = 1))
      if (!is(s.tmp, "try-error")){
        try(tmp[5] <- div.ls.t.mixn(td$s, td$df, smp, s.tmp)$kl)
        tmp[6] <- div.crps.t.mixn(td$s, td$df, smp, s.tmp)
      # Estimator 4: EDF estimation 
      tmp[7] <- div.crps.t.edf(td$s, td$df, smp)           
      # Add to data frame
      ind1 <- ct + 1
      ind2 <- ct + 7
      res_df$iteration[ind1:ind2] <- i
      res_df$sample_size[ind1:ind2] <- smps[k]
      res_df$rule[ind1:ind2] <- aux_rules
      res_df$approx[ind1:ind2] <- aux_approx
      res_df$value[ind1:ind2] <- tmp
      # Move counter
      ct <- ct + 7
  # Final print
  print(paste(Sys.time(), "- now finishing run_mcstudy"))
  # Make output list
  out <- list(input = input, output = res_df)
  # Output result dataframe
  structure(out, class = "mcstudy")

#' Plot the output of run_mcstudy
#' @param x object of class \code{mcstudy}, generated by \link{run_mcstudy}
#' @param ... additional parameters, see details below. 
#' @return none, used for the effect of drawing a plot. 
#' @details The plot is in the same format as Figure 1 or 2 in KLTG (2021), depending on the 
#' parameters set when running \link{run_mcstudy}. These parameters also determine the plot content 
#' (nr of MCMC chains, maximal sample size, etc). In terms of 
#' additional inputs (\code{...}), the following are currently implemented:
#' \itemize{\item \code{scoring_rule}, the scoring rule for which results are to be plotted, 
#' either \code{"crps"} or \code{"logs"}. Defaults to \code{"crps"}. \item \code{add_main_title}, logical,
#' whether to add main title to plot. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.}
#' @references Krueger, F., Lerch, S., Thorarinsdottir, T.L. and T. Gneiting (2021): `Predictive inference based on Markov chain Monte Carlo output', \emph{International Statistical Review} 89, 274-301. \doi{10.1111/insr.12405}
#' @keywords replication
#' @export
#' @seealso \link{run_mcstudy} produces the simulation results summarized by \link{plot.mcstudy}
#' @author Fabian Krueger
plot.mcstudy <- function(x, ...){
  # Get output component of 'mcstudy' object
  x <- x$output
  # Dotted inputs
  auxlist <- list(...)
  if (is.null(auxlist$scoring_rule)){
    scoring_rule <- "crps"
  } else {
    scoring_rule <- auxlist$scoring_rule
  if (is.null(auxlist$add_main_title)){
    add_main_title <- TRUE
  } else {
    add_main_title <- auxlist$add_main_title
  # general stuff
  n.methods <- ifelse(scoring_rule == "crps", 4, 3)
  methods <- c("mixp", "kdens", "norm", "ecdf")
  colors <- c("black", "blue", "red", "green")
  # check whether input data frame contains zoom results
  zoom <- max(x$sample_size) == 1000
  if (zoom){
    df2 <- data.frame(sample_size = x$sample_size[x$rule == scoring_rule &
                                        x$approx == "mixp"], 
                      value = x$value[x$rule == scoring_rule & x$approx == "mixp"])

    # Compute quantiles for each sample size
    dat <- as.matrix(aggregate(df2$val, by = list(df2$sample_size), 
                               function(z) quantile(z, c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9))))
    # Plot
    plot(x = dat[,1], y = dat[,3], col = colors[1], pch = 20, cex = 1.4, 
         ylab = "Score divergence", 
         ylim = range(dat[,-1]), xlab = "Sample size", 
         cex.lab = 1.4, bty = "n")
    for (j in 1:nrow(dat)){
      segments(x0 = dat[j, 1], y0 = dat[j, 2], y1 = dat[j, 4], lwd = 3)  
  } else {
    slct <- x$rule == scoring_rule
    df2 <- data.frame(iteration = x$iteration[slct], sample_size = x$sample_size[slct],
                      approx = x$approx[slct], value = x$value[slct])
    sizes <- c(1000, 5000, 20000, 50000)
    # Figure 1 in paper
    tune <- 44 # graphical tuning parameter, must be bigger than 20
    plot(x = 1:tune, ylim = c(0, quantile(df2$value, 0.99)), type = "n", 
         ylab = "Score divergence", xlab = "Sample size", bty = "n",
         xaxt = "n", cex.lab = 1.4)
    for (s in 1:4){
      for (m in 1:n.methods){
        tmp <- df2$value[df2$approx == methods[m] & df2$sample_size == sizes[s]]
        vv <- quantile(tmp, c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9))
        xloc <- (s-1)*(tune/4) + m # horizontal location of entry
        segments(x0 = xloc, y0 = vv[1], y1 = vv[3], col = colors[m], lwd = 3)
        points(x = xloc, y = vv[2], col = colors[m], pch = 15, cex = 1.4)
    axis(1, at = (tune/4)*(0:3) + 2.5, labels = sizes, cex.axis = 1.4)
    legend("topright", c("Mixture", "Kernel", "Normal", "ECDF")[1:n.methods], lty = 1, lwd = 3, 
           col = colors[1:n.methods], bty = "n", cex = 1.4)
  if (add_main_title){
    rule_print <- ifelse(scoring_rule == "crps", "CRPS", "Log Score")
    nr_iter <- max(x$iteration) 
    title(main = paste0(rule_print, ", based on ", nr_iter, " MC iterations"),
          cex.main = 1.6)

#' Simple print function for object of class mcstudy
#' @param x Object of class mcstudy, generated via \link{run_mcstudy}
#' @param ... Additional specifications (presently not in use)
#' @export
print.mcstudy <- function(x, ...){
  print("Object of class mcstudy, generated via run_mcstudy (scoringRules package).")

#' Simple summary method for class mcstudy
#' @param object Object of class mcstudy, generated via \link{run_mcstudy}
#' @param ... Additional specifications (presently not in use)
#' @export
summary.mcstudy <- function(object, ...){
  # Get output component of mcstudy
  x <- object$output
  # Compute summary stats
  for (rr in c("logs", "crps")){
    sel1 <- which(x$rule == rr)  
    df1 <- data.frame(approx = x$approx[sel1], sample_size = x$sample_size[sel1],
                      value = x$value[sel1])
    aux <- sort(unique(df1$approx))
    res <- matrix("", length(aux), 4)
    row.names(res) <- aux
    colnames(res) <- paste0("m = ", sort(unique(df1$sample_size)))
    for (aa in aux){
      sel2 <- which(df1$approx == aa)
      df2 <- data.frame(approx = df1$approx[sel2], sample_size = df1$sample_size[sel2],
                        value = df1$value[sel2])
      dd <- tapply(df2$value, df2$sample_size, mean)
      res[which(aux == aa), ] <- formatC(as.numeric(dd), format = "e", digits = 2)
    # Print mean scores for current scoring rule
    cat(paste("Mean score divergence:", rr))

#' Bayesian analysis of a Markov Switching autoregressive model 
#' @param y numeric vector (time series to be analyzed).
#' @param nlag integer, number of autoregressive lags (defaults to one). 
#' @param beta_switch,variance_switch logicals, indicating whether there should be Markovian state 
#' dependence in regression parameters and residual variance, respectively. Defaults to 
#' \code{beta_switch = FALSE}, \code{variance_switch = TRUE}. 
#' @param identification_constraint character, indicating how to identify latent states. Possible values:
#' \code{"variance"}, \code{"mean"} and \code{"persistence"}. Defaults to \code{"variance"}. 
#' @param n_burn,n_rep integers, number of MCMC iterations for burn-in and main analysis. 
#' @param forecast_periods number of future periods for which forecasts are computed.
#' @param printout logical, whether to print progress report during MCMC (defaults to \code{FALSE}).
#' @param Hm1_delta,mu_delta,s_,nu_,R prior parameters as described in KLTG (2021, Appendix E and Table 4).
#' @return List containing parameter estimates and forecasts, with the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{pars}, matrix of posterior draws for parameters (rows are MCMC iterations, columns are parameters)
#' \item \code{fcMeans} and \code{fcSds}, matrices of forecast means and standard deviations (rows are MCMC iterations, columns are forecast horizons)
#' \item \code{probs}, matrix of filtered probabilities for first latent state (rows are MCMC iterations, columns are time periods, excluding the first \code{nlag} values for initialization). 
#' \item \code{count}, integer, counter for the number of states that were relabeled based on \code{identification_constraint}.
#' }
#' @details The default parameters are as set by KLTG (2021, Section 5). The output matrices \code{fcMeans} and \code{fcSds} can be used to construct 
#' the mixture-of-parameters estimator analyzed by KLTG. While many of the model features can be changed as described above, the number of Markov regimes is always fixed at two. 
#' \link{ar_ms} is an R/C++ implementation of Matlab code kindly shared by Gianni Amisano via his website (\url{https://sites.google.com/site/gianniamisanowebsite/}). See Amisano and Giacomini (2007) who analyze a similar model.
#' @references Amisano, G. and R. Giacomini (2007), `Comparing density forecasts via weighted likelihood ratio tests', Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 25, 177-190. \doi{10.1198/073500106000000332}
#' Krueger, F., Lerch, S., Thorarinsdottir, T.L. and T. Gneiting (2021): `Predictive inference based on Markov chain Monte Carlo output', \emph{International Statistical Review} 89, 274-301. \doi{10.1111/insr.12405}
#' @seealso \link{run_casestudy} uses \link{ar_ms} to replicate the results of KLTG (2021, Section 5).
#' @author Fabian Krueger, based on Matlab code by Gianni Amisano (see details section) 
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # Use GDP data from 2014Q4 edition
#' data(gdp)
#' dat <- subset(gdp, vint == "2014Q4")
#' y <- dat$val[order(dat$dt)]
#' # Fit model, using the default settings 
#' set.seed(816)
#' fit <- ar_ms(y)
#' # Histograms of parameter draws
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
#' hist(fit$pars[,1], main = "Intercept (state-invariant)", xlab = "")
#' hist(fit$pars[,2], main = "AR(1) term (state-invariant)", xlab = "")
#' hist(1/fit$pars[,3], main = "Residual variance in 1st state", xlab = "")
#' hist(1/fit$pars[,4], main = "Residual variance in 2nd state", xlab = "")
#' # By construction, the residual variance is smaller in the 1st than in the 2nd state:
#' print(mean(1/fit$pars[,3] < 1/fit$pars[,4]))
#' }
ar_ms <- function(y, nlag = 1, beta_switch = FALSE, variance_switch = TRUE, identification_constraint = "variance", 
                  n_burn = 5000, n_rep = 20000, forecast_periods = 5, printout = FALSE,
                  Hm1_delta = 25, mu_delta = 0, s_ = 0.3, nu_ = 3, 
                  R = matrix(c(8, 2, 2, 8), nrow = 2)){
  check <- (beta_switch == FALSE & identification_constraint == "mean") | (variance_switch == FALSE & identification_constraint == "variance")
  if (check) stop("Please choose an identification constraint that matches the specification")
  # Fix number of states at two
  nm <- 2
  # Make regressor matrix, adjust sample for regressand
  x <- matrix(1, length(y) - nlag, nlag + 1)
  for (ll in 1:nlag) x[, ll + 1] <- y[(nlag-ll+1):(length(y)-ll)]
  y <- y[(nlag+1):length(y)]
  # Update sample size
  T <- length(y)
  # Adjust some switches according to varying/constant betas and variances
  if (beta_switch == TRUE){
    k1 <- 0
    k2 <- nlag + 1
  } else {
    k1 <- nlag + 1
    k2 <- 0
  indSigma <- variance_switch
  indCount <- 0
  # Prior Stuff
  c1 <- Hm1_delta
  betaPriorPrec <- diag(rep(1, k1 + k2*nm)) * c1
  betaPriorMean <- rep(mu_delta, k1 + k2*nm)
  Sv <- rep(s_, 1 + indSigma)
  nuv <- rep(nu_, 1 + indSigma)
  rm <- R
  betaPriorPrecMean <- betaPriorPrec %*% matrix(betaPriorMean)
  # Gibbs settings
  nskip1 <- 1
  M1 <- M2 <- n_burn + n_rep
  printseq <- seq(M2/10, M2, M2/10)
  # Parameter counts etc
  k <- k1 + k2
  npar <- k1 + (k2+1)*nm + (nm^2)
  nk <- dim(x)[2]
  # Initialize matrices
  fcMeans <- fcSds <- matrix(0, M1, forecast_periods)
  thetaMat <- matrix(0, M1, npar)
  filprob.all <- matrix(0, M1, T)
  sm <- matrix(0, M1, T)
  x1 <- x2 <- {}
  if (k1 > 0){
    x1 <- as.matrix(x[, 1:k1])
  if (k2 > 0){
    x2 <- as.matrix(x[, (k1+1):(k1+k2)])
  # Draw from prior
  aux <- drawP(T, nm, rep(0, T), rm)
  P <- aux$Pdraw
  pv <- p <- aux$pv
  sv <- rep(0, T)
  for (t in 1:T){
    sv[t] <- drawMultinom(1, pv)
    pv <- t(P[sv[t], ])  
  hv <- rchisq(length(nuv), nuv)/Sv
  if (indSigma == 0) hv <- rep(hv[1], nm)
  # Gibbs loop
  start.time <- Sys.time()
  iskip <- 0
  for (im in 1:M2){
    iskip <- iskip + 1
    # beta  
    aux <- drawBeta(y, x1, x2, hv, sv, T, k1, k2, nm, betaPriorPrec, betaPriorPrecMean)
    beta <- aux$betaDraw
    epsv <- aux$epsv
    # hv
    hv <- drawHv(T, nm, indSigma, Sv, nuv, epsv, sv)
    # state
    aux <- drawState(T, k1, k2, nm, indSigma, p, P, y, x1, x2, beta, hv)
    lnl <- aux$lnl
    filprob <- aux$filprob
    sv <- aux$simstate
    # transition matrix
    aux <- drawP(T, nm, sv, rm)
    P <- aux$P
    p <- aux$pv
    tm <- aux$tm
    # rearranging states to comply with constraint
    if (identification_constraint == "variance"){
      # Identify states according to residual variances
      indexConstraint <- hv[1] < hv[2]
    } else if (identification_constraint == "mean"){
      # Identify states according to intercepts
      indexConstraint <- beta[k1+1] < beta[k1+k2+1]
    } else if (identification_constraint == "persistence"){
      # Identify states according to persistence of states
      indexConstraint <- P[1, 1] < P[2, 2]
    }else {
      indexConstraint <- FALSE
    # If constraint is violated: Re-arrange states
    if (indexConstraint == TRUE){
      indCount <- indCount + 1
      # Rearrange beta
      if (k1 > 0){
        betaTmp <- beta[1:k1]
      } else {
        betaTmp <- {}
      if (k2 > 0){
        betaTmp <- c(betaTmp, beta[(k1+k2+1):(k1+k2*2)], beta[(k1+1):(k1+k2)])	
      beta <- betaTmp
      # Relabel state draws (missing in previous version!)
      sv <- 1*(sv == 2) + 2*(sv == 1)
      # Rearrange variances, transition probabilities etc
      ndxv <- c(2, 1)
      hv <- hv[ndxv]
      P <- P[ndxv, ndxv]
      p <- p[ndxv]
      tm <- tm[ndxv, ndxv]
      filprob <- filprob[, ndxv]      
    theta <- c(beta, hv, as.vector(P))
    if (iskip == nskip1){
      im2 <- im/nskip1
      thetaMat[im2, ] <- theta
      filprob.all[im2, ] <- filprob[,1]
      sm[im2, ] <- t(sv == 1)
      aux <- predDensAR(y, p = nlag, theta = theta, nm = nm, fpv = filprob[T, ], beta.switch = beta_switch, 
                        variance.switch = variance_switch, hmax = forecast_periods)
      fcMeans[im2, ] <- aux$m
      fcSds[im2, ] <- aux$s
      iskip <- 0
    if (printout & im %in% printseq){
      print(paste(round(im/M2, 3) * 100, "percent complete"))
  cputime <- Sys.time() - start.time
  inds <- (n_burn+1):M1
  return(list(pars = thetaMat[inds, 1:npar], fcMeans = fcMeans[inds, ], fcSds = fcSds[inds, ], probs = filprob.all[inds, ], count = indCount))

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