showstates: Interactive Display of Diver Saturation

View source: R/haldane.R

showstatesR Documentation

Interactive Display of Diver Saturation


Plots a dive profile and interactively displays the diver's nitrogen saturation state at any intermediate stage indicated by the mouse.


 showstates(d, model="DSAT", relative=TRUE, deco=FALSE, ...)



The dive. An object of class "dive".


The decompression model. Either an object of class "hm" or a character string identifying a model.


Logical flag indicating whether to compute relative tissue saturations. If FALSE, tissue saturations are expressed as absolute pressures in atmospheres absolute (ata). If TRUE (the default), the tissue saturation for each compartment is expressed as a fraction of the surfacing M-value for the compartment. (Alternatively if deco=TRUE then tissue saturation is expressed as a fraction of the M-value at current depth.)


Logical flag indicating whether to calculate relative saturations for a decompression dive. If deco=FALSE, then relative tissue saturations are computed by dividing the absolute tissue saturation by the surfacing M-value, as appropriate for a no-decompression dive. If deco=TRUE, then relative tissue saturations are computed by dividing the absolute tissue saturation by the M-value at the current depth, as appropriate for a decompression dive. This argument applies only when relative=TRUE.


Arguments passed to plot.dive to control the plot of the dive profile.


An object of class "dive" represents a scuba dive. It is created by the command dive.

This function plots the dive using plot.dive then waits for the user to click on the plot. This click selects a time during the dive. The algorithm computes the nitrogen tensions in the tissues at the indicated time, using haldane, and plots them as a bar graph. The cumulative oxygen toxicity is also computed using oxtox.

Note that (by default) the bar graph shows the relative nitrogen tensions in each compartment, that is, the tissue nitrogen tension divided by the "surfacing M-value" (tissue maximum nitrogen tension for a no-decompression dive at sea level).

The argument model determines the decompression model. It should be either an object of class "hm" (created by hm) or a character string matching one of the options in pickmodel.


The vector of absolute nitrogen tensions (in ata) in the most recently clicked stage.




See Also

dive, haldane, oxtox


  ## Not run: 
    showstates(dive(c(30,20), c(5,3)), "ZH")
## End(Not run)

scuba documentation built on Oct. 18, 2022, 5:06 p.m.