
Defines functions get_theta_ga

Documented in get_theta_ga

#' Find Scale Parameter for Gamma (Half-Normal) Hyperprior 
#' This function implements a optimisation routine that computes the scale parameter \eqn{\theta}
#' of the gamma prior for \eqn{\tau^2} (corresponding to a half-normal prior for \eqn{\tau}) 
#' for a given design matrix and prior precision matrix
#' such that approximately \eqn{P(|f(x_{k}|\le c,k=1,\ldots,p)\ge 1-\alpha}

#' @param alpha denotes the 1-\eqn{\alpha} level.  
#' @param method with \code{integrate} as default.
#'        Currently no further method implemented.
#' @param Z the design matrix. 
#' @param c denotes the expected range of the function. 
#' @param eps denotes the error tolerance of the result, default is \code{.Machine$double.eps}. 
#' @param Kinv the generalised inverse of K. 
#' @return an object of class \code{list} with values from \code{\link{uniroot}}.
#' @author Nadja Klein
#' @references Nadja Klein and Thomas Kneib (2015). Scale-Dependent Priors for Variance Parameters in Structured Additive Distributional Regression. 
#' \emph{Working Paper}.
#' Andrew Gelman (2006). Prior Distributions for Variance Parameters in Hierarchical Models. 
#' \emph{Bayesian Analysis}, \bold{1}(3), 515--533. 

#' @import splines
#' @import stats
#' @import MASS
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' require(MASS)
#' # prior precision matrix (second order differences) 
#' # of a spline of degree l=3 and with m=20 inner knots
#' # yielding dim(K)=m+l-1=22
#' K <- t(diff(diag(22), differences=2))%*%diff(diag(22), differences=2)
#' # generalised inverse of K
#' Kinv <- ginv(K)
#' # covariate x
#' x <- runif(1)
#' Z <- matrix(DesignM(x)$Z_B,nrow=1)
#' theta <- get_theta_ga(alpha = 0.01, method = "integrate", Z = Z, 
#'                             c = 3, eps = .Machine$double.eps, Kinv = Kinv)$root
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(91179)
#' library(BayesX)
#' library(MASS)
#' # prior precision matrix to zambia data set
#' K <- read.gra(system.file("examples/zambia.gra", package="sdPrior"))
#' # generalised inverse of K
#' Kinv <- ginv(K)
#' # read data
#' dat <- read.table(system.file("examples/zambia_height92.raw", package="sdPrior"), header = TRUE)
#' # design matrix for spatial component
#' Z <- t(sapply(dat$district, FUN=function(x){1*(x==rownames(K))}))
#' # get scale parameter
#' theta <- get_theta_ga(alpha = 0.01, method = "integrate", Z = Z, 
#'                             c = 3, eps = .Machine$double.eps, Kinv = Kinv)$root
#' } 

get_theta_ga <- function(alpha = 0.01, method = "integrate", Z, c = 3, eps = .Machine$double.eps, Kinv) 
  if(method != "integrate")
    stop("method not existing")
  ztKz <- diag(Z%*%Kinv%*%t(Z))
  #number of grids of x are given by the rows of Z
  if(NROW(Z) == 1 | NCOL(Z) == 1) 
    nknots <- 1
    } else {
    nknots <- NROW(Z)
  #weights such that sum(weights) = nknots
  weights <- rep(1, nknots)
  #alpha-level for each point x (alphax = weight * alpha / nknots)
  alphafx <- alpha * weights / nknots
  eps2 <- eps3 <- eps4 <- eps
  marginal_df <- function(f, lambda, ztz)
	cp <- 1/(lambda*pi*sqrt(ztz))
	arg <- sqrt(f^2/(lambda^2*ztz))
    res <- cp*besselK(x=arg,nu=0)
  marginal_Pf <- function(lambda, Cov, alpha)
    if(method == "integrate") 
      tempvar <- 0
      for(countnknots in 1:NROW(Z)) {
        contri <- try(2*integrate(Vectorize(marginal_df), -c, 0, lambda = lambda, ztz = Cov[countnknots])$value, TRUE)
        while(inherits(contri, "try-error")) {
          eps3 <- eps3 * 10
          contri <- try(2*integrate(Vectorize(marginal_df), -c, eps3, lambda = lambda, ztz = Cov[countnknots])$value, TRUE)
        tempvar <- tempvar + contri 
      NROW(Z) - alpha - tempvar
      } else {
        stop("selected method not implemented.")

  result <- try(uniroot(marginal_Pf, interval = c(1000000000000*.Machine$double.eps, 1000), Cov = ztKz, alpha = alpha), TRUE)
  while(inherits(result, "try-error")) 
    eps4 <- eps4 * 10
    result <- try(uniroot(marginal_Pf, interval = c(eps4, 1000), Cov = ztKz, alpha = alpha), TRUE)


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sdPrior documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:57 a.m.