dUtility: Data-Utility measures

View source: R/dUtility.R

dUtilityR Documentation

Data-Utility measures


dUtility() allows to compute different measures of data-utility based on various distances using original and perturbed variables.


dUtility(obj, ...)



original data or object of class sdcMicroObj


see arguments below

  • xm: perturbed data

  • method: method IL1, IL1s or eigen. More methods are implemented in summary.micro()


The standardised distances of the perturbed data values to the original ones are measured. The following measures are available:

  • ⁠"IL1⁠: sum of absolute distances between original and perturbed variables scaled by absolute values of the original variables

  • ⁠"IL1s⁠: measures the absolute distances between original and perturbed ones, scaled by the standard deviation of original variables times the square root of 2.

  • ⁠"eigen⁠; compares the eigenvalues of original and perturbed data

  • ⁠"robeigen⁠; compares robust eigenvalues of original and perturbed data


data utility or modified entry for data utility the sdcMicroObj.


Matthias Templ


for IL1 and IL1s: see Mateo-Sanz, Sebe, Domingo-Ferrer. Outlier Protection in Continuous Microdata Masking. International Workshop on Privacy in Statistical Databases. PSD 2004: Privacy in Statistical Databases pp 201-215.

Templ, M. and Meindl, B., ⁠Robust Statistics Meets SDC: New Disclosure Risk Measures for Continuous Microdata Masking⁠, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Privacy in Statistical Databases, vol. 5262, pp. 113-126, 2008.

See Also

dRisk(), dRiskRMD()

sdcMicro documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:24 a.m.