Introduction to the `seagull` package"

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seagull is a package that fits a mixed model via (fitted) sparse-group lasso (SGL) regularization. Limiting cases of this penalty are the lasso and the (fitted) group lasso, which are also available in this package. Solutions are obtained via \textit{proximal gradient descent} on a grid of values for the regularization parameter $\lambda$. The grid search for this value is implemented using \textit{warm starts}. And since proximal gradient descent is an iterative procedure, the step size between consecutive iterations is a crucial parameter for convergence. In order to determine this step size, \textit{backtracking line search} is implemented. The only exception to this is fitted SGL, as it is implemented via proximal-averaged gradient descent. Thus, the step size for this particular algorithm needs determination prior to the call.

We assume the following underlying mixed model:

$$ y = X b + Z u + e, $$

where $b$ is a vector of \textit{fixed effects} and $u$ a vector of \textit{random effects}. The inclusion of fixed effects is not mandatory in order for the algorithms to work.

Let $n$, $p$, and $L$ be the number of observations, random effects, and groups, respectively. seagull solves the following SGL problem:

$$ \min_{(b, u)} \frac{1}{2n} \left\Vert y - X b - Z u \right\Vert^2_2 + \alpha \lambda \left\Vert \mathrm{diag} \left{ \omega^F_{1} , \ldots , \omega^F_{p} \right} u \right\Vert_1 + (1 - \alpha) \lambda \sum^L_{l=1} \omega^G_l \left\Vert u^{(l)} \right\Vert_2. $$

Each $\omega$ represents a weight, either for a particular feature ($F$) or group ($G$). The \textit{mixing parameter} $\alpha$ may range between 0 and 1. And as can be seen in the above formula, $\alpha = 1$ leads to the lasso, whereas $\alpha = 0$ leads to the group lasso. However, the fitted variants of the group lasso and SGL differ by substituting the expression $\left\Vert u^{(l)} \right\Vert_2$ with $\left\Vert Z^{(l)} u^{(l)} \right\Vert_2$. Where $Z^{(l)}$ are the columns of $Z$ which correspond to $u^{(l)}$. The expression $Z^{(l)} u^{(l)}$ is also known as \textit{fitted values}.


Once installed, the package shall be loaded in the common way. A simulated example data set is available and loaded just as easily:


The data consists of a response variable $y$ named phenotypes, a design matrix $Z$ named genotypes, and a variable called group. $Z$ consists of r dim(genotypes)[1] observations and r dim(genotypes)[2] explanatory variables. These variables consist of genotype data from single nucleotide polymorphism marker. The variable $y$ is another matrix, which harbors information of r dim(phenotypes)[2] traits. (One trait per column.) The variable group stores information about group assignments of each explanatory variable.

To fit the SGL, we can just call:

fit_sgl1 <- seagull(y = phenotypes[, 1], Z = genotypes, groups = groups)

The created output is a list with the following attributes:


The last attribute of this list (loops_lambda) determines the number of different values for the penalty parameter $\lambda$ that were used throughout the grid search. Since we didn't specialize this value when calling the function seagull, it was set to its default, i.e. loops_lambda = r fit_sgl1$loops_lambda. This value determines the number of rows of the variables random_effects and iterations (and also fixed_effects if present). So, if we want to visualize the results from a certain $\lambda$ along the grid, say the very last solution, where $\lambda$ is at its smallest, we could do this as follows:

last_solution <- fit_sgl1$loops_lambda
plot(x = seq(1, dim(genotypes)[2], 1),
     y = fit_sgl1$random_effects[last_solution,],
     xlab = "position", ylab = "effect estimate",
     col = "gray80", pch = 16)

In total, there were r dim(genotypes)[2] features to be estimated. We can check the number of features of this last solution which remained to be exactly equal to zero:

print(c("The number of ZEROS in the last solution is: ", length(which(fit_sgl1$random_effects[last_solution,]==0))))

As this is the result based on the smallest $\lambda$, the solution is noisy. (By that we mean: The number of zeros among the estimates is low compared to the total number of estimates.) We will compare this to a solution that was obtained with a larger value:

last_solution <- fit_sgl1$loops_lambda
plot(x = seq(1, dim(genotypes)[2], 1),
     y = fit_sgl1$random_effects[last_solution,],
     xlab = "position", ylab = "effect estimate",
     col = "gray80", pch = 16)
points(x = seq(1, dim(genotypes)[2], 1),
       y = fit_sgl1$random_effects[20,],
       pch = 16)
print(c("The number of ZEROS in the solution in line 20 is: ", length(which(fit_sgl1$random_effects[20,]==0))))

This is a significantly larger number of zeros among the estimates than what we saw previously. In fact, for this value of $\lambda$ the solution is sparse. Which we expect from a selection operator such as these lasso variants.

Input parameters

In this section we present a comprehensive list of input parameters: We will describe these variables and give additional comments about their use.

Note: The above mentioned variables will only be centered or standardized prior to the calculations, if specified by the user via standardize = TRUE (see below).

Note: If standardize = TRUE, the results will be transformed back and presented on the original scale of the problem.

Further notes

We want to point out a correlation to another lasso variant, called \textit{Integrative lasso with Penalty Factors, or short IPF-LASSO}. If we go back to the implemented SGL problem and its limiting case for the lasso, i.e., $\alpha = 1$, we obtain:

$$ \min_{(b, u)} \frac{1}{2n} \left\Vert y - X b - Z u \right\Vert^2_2 + \lambda \left\Vert \mathrm{diag} \left{ \omega^F_{1} , \ldots , \omega^F_{p} \right} u \right\Vert_1. $$

If we suppose that no fixed effects are present in the model (i.e., $b=0$) and we multiply the entire expression by the factor $2n$, we get:

$$ \min_{(b, u)} \left\Vert y - Z u \right\Vert^2_2 + 2 n \lambda \left\Vert \mathrm{diag} \left{ \omega^F_{1} , \ldots , \omega^F_{p} \right} u \right\Vert_1, $$

or equivalently:

$$ \min_{(b, u)} \left\Vert y - Z u \right\Vert^2_2 + 2 n \lambda \sum^p_{j=1} \left\vert \omega^F_{j} u_j \right\vert. $$

The weights for features $\omega^F$ are assumed to be positive. So, we can simplify the last expression by introducing $\lambda_j = 2 n \lambda \omega^F_j$:

$$ \min_{(b, u)} \left\Vert y - Z u \right\Vert^2_2 + \sum^p_{j=1} \lambda_j \left\vert u_j \right\vert. $$

As a last step, we assume that $u$ is obtained from $M$ different sources ("modalities") and we let all $\lambda$'s which belong to the same modality have the same value. Then the last term can be written as a sum over modalities $m$:

$$ \sum^p_{j=1} \lambda_j \left\vert u_j \right\vert = \sum^M_{m=1} \lambda_m \left\Vert u^{(m)} \right\Vert_1. $$

And this immediately leads to the IPF-LASSO. So in the seagull package, this particular lasso variant is implicitly included for mixed models. The weights for features $\omega^F$ (weights_u) just need to be set accordingly, i.e., the same weight for features that belong to the same modality.

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seagull documentation built on April 20, 2021, 5:06 p.m.