summerland: Example LARS-WG data file of synthetic data from Summerland,...

summerlandR Documentation

Example LARS-WG data file of synthetic data from Summerland, BC


Example LARS-WG data file of synthetic data from Summerland, BC.


Both files are ASCII-based, and can be viewed in any text editor

  •’ is the ‘site file’, which contains the meta-data

  • summerland.dat’ is the data file

Details of these file formats can be found in the LARS-WG manual and help documentation.


The sample file name was generated in LARS-WG from calibration of data from Summerland (MSC ID: 1127800). Thirty-years were generated, each synthetic year has 365-days.


Mike Toews

See Also

read.lars, which contains an example using these files

seas documentation built on May 2, 2022, 5:08 p.m.