
Defines functions Mstep_simultanee_cpp EM.algo_simultanee_Cpp

Documented in EM.algo_simultanee_Cpp Mstep_simultanee_cpp

# EM.algo_simultanee C++
#' EM.algo_simultanee calculates the MLE of phi for given change-point instants
#'  and for a fixed number of clusters
#' @param rupt the sequence of change points
#' @param P   number of clusters
#' @param phi starting value for the  parameter
#' @param x bivariate signal
#' @param eps eps
#' @param sameSigma TRUE if segments have the same variance
#' @return a list with  phi, the MLE, tau =(taukj) the probability for segment k
#'   to belong to class,lvinc = lvinc,empty = empty,dv = dv

EM.algo_simultanee_Cpp <- function(x, rupt, P, phi,
                                   eps = 1e-6, sameSigma = FALSE) {
  K <- nrow(rupt)
  delta <- 1
  empty <- 0
  dv <- 0
  tau <- matrix(1, nrow = K, ncol = P)
  iter <- 0
  np <- apply(tau, 2, sum)

  while ((delta >= 1e-4) & (min(np) > eps) & (iter <= 500)) {
    iter <- iter + 1
    phi_temp <- phi
    # logdensity = t( apply(rupt,1,FUN=function(y) logdens_simultanee(   x[,
    # y[1]:y[2] ],phi)))
    logdensity <- t(
      apply(rupt, 1,
            FUN = function(y) logdens_simultanee_cpp(x[, y[1]:y[2]], 

    Estepout <- Estep_simultanee(logdensity, phi)
    tau <- Estepout[[1]]

    lvinc <- Estepout[[2]]

    phi <- Mstep_simultanee_cpp(x, rupt, tau, phi, sameSigma)
    np <- apply(tau, 2, sum)

    delta <- max(unlist(lapply(names(phi), function(d) {
      max(abs(phi_temp[[d]] - phi[[d]]) / phi[[d]])

  if (min(np) < eps) {
    empty <- 1
    lvinc <- -Inf

  if (iter > 5000) {
    dv <- 2
    lvinc <- -Inf

  rm(delta, logdensity)

  invisible(list(phi = phi, tau = tau, lvinc = lvinc, empty = empty, dv = dv))

# Mstep_simultanee C++
#' Mstep_simultanee computes the MLE within the EM framework

#' @param x the bivariate signal
#' @param rupt the rupture dataframe
#' @param phi the parameters of the mixture
#' @param tau the K*P matrix containing posterior probabilities of membership to
#'   clusters
#' @param sameSigma whether segments have the same variance
#' @return phi the updated value of the parameters

Mstep_simultanee_cpp <- function(x, rupt, tau, phi, sameSigma = TRUE) {
  K <- nrow(tau)
  P <- ncol(tau)
  m <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = P)
  s <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = P)
  prop <- matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = P)
  # Yk = apply(rupt,1,FUN=function(y) rowSums(x[,y[1]:y[2]]))
  Yk <- apply_rowSums(rupt, x)
  rownames(Yk) <- rownames(x)

  nk <- rupt[, 2] - rupt[, 1] + 1
  n <- sum(nk)

  np <- nk %*% tau
  m <- Yk %*% tau / rep(np, each = 2)
  if (!sameSigma) {
    for (i in 1:2) {
      # s[i,]=  colSums( tau*(sapply(1:P, function(p)
      # {apply(rupt,1,FUN=function(y) sum((x[i,y[1]:y[2]]-m[i,p])^2   ))})))
      s[i, ] <- colsums_sapply(i, rupt, x, m, tau)
    s <- sqrt(s / rep(np, each = 2))
  } else {
    for (i in 1:2) {
      s[i, ] <- rep(sum(tau * (vapply(1:P, function(p) {
        apply(rupt, 1, FUN = function(y) sum((x[i, y[1]:y[2]] - m[i, p])^2))
      }))), P)
    s <- sqrt(s / n)

  # prop = apply(tau,2,sum)/K
  # emptyCluster = which(prop==0)
  # if(length(emptyCluster)>0){
  #   prop = pmax(prop, eps)
  #   prop = prop /sum(prop)
  #   for (d in emptyCluster){
  #     m[,d]=rep(0,2)
  #     s[,d]=rep(1e9,2)
  #   }
  # }

  prop <- apply(tau, 2, sum) / K
  b <- order(m[1, ])
  m <- m[, b]
  s <- s[, b]
  prop <- prop[b]
  phi <- list(mu = m, sigma = s, prop = prop)


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