
#' Accept alert
#'\code{acceptAlertOld} accept a JavaScript alert This uses the old JSONwireprotocol endpoints.
#' @template remDr
#' @template ellipsis
#' @family oldMethods functions
#' @template ret1
#' @export
#' @example /inst/examples/docs/oldMethods.R
#' @name acceptAlertOld

#' Dismiss Alert
#'\code{dismissAlertOld}  dismiss a JavaScript alert. This uses the old JSONwireprotocol endpoints.
#' @template remDr
#' @template ellipsis
#' @family oldMethods functions
#' @template ret1
#' @export
#' @example /inst/examples/docs/oldMethods.R
#' @name dismissAlertOld

#' executeAsyncScriptOld
#'\code{executeAsyncScriptOld} This function uses the old JSONwireprotocol end points. Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for asynchronous execution in
#'    the context of the currently selected frame.
#'    The driver will pass a callback as the last argument to the snippet, and
#'    block until the callback is invoked.
#' @template remDr
#' @param script character: The script to inject.
#' @param args The arguments of the script as a list.
#' @param replace logical: If TRUE any elements identify as web Elements are converted to such.
#' @template ellipsis
#' @family oldMethods functions
#' @template ret6
#' @export
#' @example /inst/examples/docs/oldMethods.R
#' @name executeAsyncScriptOld

#' Execute JavaScript asynchronously on browser.
#'\code{executeScriptOld} This function uses the old JSONwireprotocol end points. Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context
#'    of the currently selected frame. The executed script is assumed to be
#'    synchronous and the result of evaluating the script will be returned.
#' @template remDr
#' @param script character: The script to inject.
#' @param args The arguments of the script as a list.
#' @param replace logical: If TRUE any elements identify as web Elements are converted to such.
#' @template ellipsis
#' @family oldMethods functions
#' @template ret6
#' @export
#' @example /inst/examples/docs/oldMethods.R
#' @name executeScriptOld

#' Get alert text
#'\code{getAlertTextOld} Get the text from a JavaScript alert. This uses the old JSONwireprotocol endpoints.
#' @template remDr
#' @template ellipsis
#' @family oldMethods functions
#' @return The alert text is returned as a string.
#' @export
#' @example /inst/examples/docs/oldMethods.R
#' @name getAlertTextOld

#' Retrieve the current window handle.
#'\code{getWindowHandleOld} Retrieve the current window handle. Uses the old JSONwireprotocol end points
#' @template remDr
#' @template ellipsis
#' @family oldMethods functions
#' @return Returns a string which is the "handle" for the current window.
#' @export
#' @example /inst/examples/docs/oldMethods.R
#' @name getWindowHandleOld

#' Get all window handles.
#'\code{getWindowHandlesOld} Uses the old JSONwireprotocol end points. Retrieve the list of all window handles available to the session.
#' @template remDr
#' @template ellipsis
#' @family oldMethods functions
#' @return Returns a list of windows handles. Each element of the list is a string. The order
#'    window handles are returned is arbitrary.
#' @export
#' @example /inst/examples/docs/oldMethods.R
#' @name getWindowHandlesOld

#' Send text to alert
#'\code{sendAlertTextOld} Send keystrokes to JavaScript prompt() dialog. This uses the old JSONwireprotocol endpoints.
#' @template remDr
#' @param text A character vector of length 1. In other words a string. The text is passed to the JavaScript alert
#' @template ellipsis
#' @family oldMethods functions
#' @template ret1
#' @export
#' @example /inst/examples/docs/oldMethods.R
#' @name sendAlertTextOld

#' Get window position
#'\code{getWindowPositionOld} Get the position of the specified window. Uses the old JSONwireprotocol end points.
#' @template remDr
#' @param handle Handle of the window to query. If handle = "current" (the default) the current window is used.
#' @template ellipsis
#' @family oldMethods functions
#' @return Returns a list which contains the x coordinate to position the window at, relative to the upper left corner of the screen and
#'  the Y coordinate to position the window at, relative to the upper left corner of the screen
#' @export
#' @example /inst/examples/docs/oldMethods.R
#' @name getWindowPositionOld

#' Get window size
#'\code{getWindowSizeOld} Get the size of the specified window. Uses the old JSONwireprotocol end points.
#' @template remDr
#' @param handle Handle of the window to query. If handle = "current" (the default) the current window is used.
#' @template ellipsis
#' @family oldMethods functions
#' @return The width and height of the window are returned as elements in a list.
#' @export
#' @example /inst/examples/docs/oldMethods.R
#' @name getWindowSizeOld

#' Change the size of the specified window.
#'\code{setWindowSize} Change the size of the specified window.
#' @template remDr
#' @param width integer The new window width.
#' @param height integer The new window height.
#' @param handle Handle of the window to query. If handle = "current" (the default) the current window is used.
#' @template ellipsis
#' @family oldMethods functions
#' @template ret1
#' @export
#' @example /inst/examples/docs/oldMethods.R
#' @name setWindowSizeOld

#' Change the position of the specified window.
#'\code{setWindowSize} Change the position of the specified window.
#' @template remDr
#' @param x integer The X coordinate to position the window at, relative to the upper left corner of the screen.
#' @param y integer  The Y coordinate to position the window at, relative to the upper left corner of the screen.
#' @param handle Handle of the window to query. If handle = "current" (the default) the current window is used.
#' @template ellipsis
#' @family oldMethods functions
#' @template ret1
#' @export
#' @example /inst/examples/docs/oldMethods.R
#' @name setWindowPositionOld

#' Maximize the current window.
#'\code{maximizeWindowOld} Maximize the specified window if not already maximized.
#' @template remDr
#' @param handle Handle of the window to query. If handle = "current" (the default) the current window is used.
#' @template ellipsis
#' @family oldMethods functions
#' @template ret1
#' @export
#' @example /inst/examples/docs/oldMethods.R
#' @name maximizeWindowOld

Try the seleniumPipes package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

seleniumPipes documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:57 a.m.