Man pages for seminr
Building and Estimating Structural Equation Models

as.reflectiveConverts all contructs of a measurement model, or just a...
as.reflective.constructConverts a contruct of a measurement model into a reflective...
as.reflective.interactionConverts interaction of a measurement model into a reflective...
as.reflective.measurement_modelConverts all contructs of a measurement model, or just a...
associationsSpecifies inter-item covariances that should be supplied to...
boot_paths_dfReturn all path bootstraps as a long dataframe. Columns of...
bootstrap_modelseminr bootstrap_model Function
browse_plotOpen Edotor graphViz Website with the preloaded in the...
check_test_plotA function to create regression plots (maybe not needed?)
compositeComposite construct measurement model specification
compute_itcriteria_weightsFunction to calculate Akaike weights for IT Criteria
constructsMeasurement functions
corp_rep_dataMeasurement Instrument for the Corporate Reputation Model
corp_rep_data2A Second Measurement Instrument for the Corporate Reputation...
cor_rsqReturns R-sq of a dv given correlation matrix of ivs, dv cors...
csem2seminrseminr csem2seminr() function
df_xtab_matrixCross-tabulates columns of a dataframe into a matrix with NAs...
dot_component_mmGenerates the dot code for the measurement model
dot_graphGenerate a dot graph from various SEMinR models
dot_graph_htmtCreates a dot string with a network graph of constructs based...
dot_subcomponent_mmgenerates the dot code for a subgraph (per construct)
edge_template_defaultThe default template for labeling bootstrapped edges
edge_template_minimalA minimal template for labeling bootstrapped edges that only...
esc_nodeWrap a text in single quotes
estimate_cbsemseminr estimate_cbsem() function
estimate_cfaseminr estimate_cfa() function
estimate_lavaan_ten_bergeseminr estimate_lavaan_ten_berge() function
estimate_plsseminr estimate_pls() function
estimate_pls_mgaPerforms PLS-MGA to report significance of path differences...
extract_bootstrapped_valuesextract bootstrapped statistics from an edge using a...
extract_htmt_nodesHelper function that applies formatting to each construct
extract_mm_codingextracts the constructs and their types from the model
extract_mm_edgesextract mm edges from model for a given index of all...
extract_mm_edge_valuegets the mm_edge value (loading, weight) for bootstrapped and...
extract_mm_nodesgets the individual nodes and applies formatting
extract_sm_nodesHelper function that applies formatting to each construct
format_endo_node_labelHelps to render a node label for endogenous variables
format_exo_node_labelHelps to render a node label for exogenous variables
fSquaredseminr fSquared Function
get_construct_element_sizeGets the optimal size for construct elements in the plot
get_construct_typeReturns the type of a construct from a model
get_global_htmt_styleGet dot string for global theme options
get_global_styleGet dot string for global theme options
get_manifest_element_sizeGets the optimal size for manifest elements in the plot
get_mm_edge_styleindividual styles for measurement model edges
get_mm_node_shapeGet a string to insert into a node specification using the...
get_mm_node_styleget global measurement model node style
get_sm_node_shapeGet a string to insert into a node specification using the...
get_theme_docGet Documentation for theme options to use in Addin
get_value_dependent_mm_edge_styleFormats the style of the structural model edges
get_value_dependent_sm_edge_styleFormats the style of the structural model edges
influencer_dataMeasurement Instrument for the Influencer Model
interaction_termInteraction function
is_sinkTests whether the i_th construct is endogenous or not
item_errorsSpecifies pair of items, or sets of items, that should...
last_seminr_plotRetrieve the last plot to be modified or created.
mean_replacementFunction to clean data of omitted values by mean replacement
mobiMeasurement Instrument for the Mobile Phone Industry
mode_AOuter weighting scheme functions to estimate construct...
mode_BOuter weighting scheme functions to estimate construct...
multi_itemsMulti-items measurement model specification
node_endo_template_defaultThe default template for labeling endogenous construct nodes
node_exo_template_defaultThe default template for labeling exogenous construct nodes
orthogonal'orthogonal' creates interaction measurement items by using...
package_docsCreate a list of section content from every documentation...
path_factorialInner weighting scheme functions to estimate inner paths...
path_weightingInner weighting scheme functions to estimate inner paths...
plot_htmtPlots a network graph of constructs based on HTMT measures
plot_interactionFunction for plotting interaction plot for moderated PLS or...
plot.reliability_tableFunction for plotting the measurement model reliability...
plot.seminr_modelPlot various SEMinR models
PLScseminr PLSc Function
predict_DAPredictive Scheme
predict_EAPredictive Scheme
predict_plsPredict_pls performs either k-fold or LOOCV on a SEMinR PLS...
print.seminr_pls_mgaSummary function for PLS-MGA
product_indicator'product_indicator' creates interaction measurement items by...
psignrFormat p values for the output and removes trailing numbers...
pvalrFormat p values for the output and removes trailing numbers...
reflectiveReflective construct measurement model specification
relationshipsStructural specification functions for seminr package
report_pathsFunctions for reporting the Path Coefficients and R2 of...
rerunReruns a previously specified seminr model/analysis
rerun.pls_modelReruns a previously specified seminr PLS model
rho_Aseminr rho_A Function
save_plotSaves a SEMinR model plot to file
seminr_theme_createCreate a theme for a seminr graph visualization
seminr_theme_darkThe theme function for an inverted theme on black background.
seminr_theme_defaultA colored theme
seminr_theme_getGet and set the active theme
seminr_theme_oldA theme function for a basic b/w theme
set_last_seminr_plotSet the last plot to be fetched by lastplot()
simplePLSseminr simplePLS Function
single_itemSingle-item measurement model specification
slope_analysisFunction for plotting a slope analysis for an interaction in...
specific_effect_significanceseminr specific effect significance function
specify_modelseminr specify_model() function
standardize_safelyStandardize (scale) a matrix/df and report interpretable...
total_indirect_ciseminr total indirect confidence intervals function
two_stageCreates an interaction measurement item using a two-stage...
unit_weightsOuter weighting scheme functions to estimate construct...
use_construct_weightsShould a construct type use weights or loadings
seminr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:22 a.m.