radioactivePlumes: Simulations of radioactive plumes

Description Usage Format Details Author(s) References Examples


The simulations show maps of pollution spreading from a single source in the centre. The simulations were generated by the atmospheric dispersion model RIMPUFF. The maps show radioactivity after a release of 6 nuclids, of about 1e+13 Bq/s each, during 12 hours. The nuclids represent typical half-lives and deposition characteristics to simplify release patterns that are used in radiological emergency simulations. The weather data was taken from a flat, coastal area in marine middle Europe. It covers one year, a new simulation starting about every week (6 days + 6 hours) and running for one day. The size of the map is 41 km x 41 km, the resolution is telescopic: 0.5 km up to 5 km from the source, 1 km else. The simulations were generated within the EU FP7 project DETECT, for details see the reference. Bigger, more realistic datasets can be found in the package simulations4plumesData on GitHub whereof this is a subset.




radioactivePlumes: Simulations


The three kinds of the values are summaries over plumes in time. For each location they give:
finaldose: total dose after a week, in Sv;
maxdose: maximal hourly average dose within the week, in Sv/h;
time: time until the hourly average dose first reaches 1e-7 Sv/h, in seconds.
maxdose and time may be used to determine where and when a plume can be detected at a detection level of 1e-7 Sv/h. finaldose is of interest for total impact and may for example been combined with population data.
In plumes:
date indicates when it was started;
The exact source location is secret according to the rules of the DETECT project from which the data was taken. Thus the location parameters have been anonymised, the projection is arbitrary.

The values actually needed in many examples can be computed from the given data. They are added by running demo(radioactivePlumes_addProperties):
In values the layer detectable indicates weather maxdose exceeds the threshold of 1e-7 Sv/h here.
In locations the area is given in km^2.
In plumes the totalDose is the area weighted sum of finaldose over the whole area in Sv and nDetectable is the number of locations where detectable is TRUE.


Kristina B. Helle,


K.B. Helle, T.O. M\"uller, P. Astrup, J.E. Dyve (2014). Automatic Optimisation of Gamma Dose Rate Sensor Networks: The DETECT Optimisation Tool. Computers \& Geosciences (66), 158-167.


plot(radioactivePlumes, zcol = 2)
# plot first plume, all kinds of values
spplotLog(extractSpatialDataFrame(radioactivePlumes, plumes = 1)) 
plot(radioactivePlumes, zcol = 2)

sensors4plumes documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:27 p.m.