#' group_by standard interface.
#' Group a data frame by the groupingVars. group_by_se intentionally groups only by
#' sets of variables, not by expressions over variables.
#' @seealso \code{\link[dplyr]{group_by}}, \code{\link[dplyr]{group_by_at}}
#' @param .data data.frame
#' @param groupingVars character vector of column names to group by.
#' @param add logical, passed to group_by
#' @return .data grouped by columns named in groupingVars
#' @examples
#' datasets::mtcars %.>%
#' group_by_se(., c("cyl", "gear")) %.>%
#' head(.)
#' @export
group_by_se <- function(.data, groupingVars, add = FALSE) {
if(!( || dplyr::is.tbl(.data))) {
stop("seplyr::group_by_se first argument must be a data.frame or tbl")
if(!add) {
.data <- dplyr::ungroup(.data)
if(length(groupingVars)>0) {
if(!is.character(groupingVars)) {
stop("seplyr::group_by_se groupingVars must be a character vector")
# convert char vector into spliceable vector
groupingSyms <- rlang::syms(groupingVars)
.data <- dplyr::group_by(.data = .data, !!!groupingSyms)
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