labels: Labels from objects

labelsR Documentation

Labels from objects


Creates “nice” labels from objects.


LABELS(x, max_width = NULL, dots = "...", unique = FALSE,
       limit = NULL, ...)
LABEL(x, limit = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'character'
LABEL(x, limit = NULL, quote = sets_options("quote"), ...)



For LABELS, a vector of R objects (if the object is not a vector, it is converted using as.list). For LABEL, an R object.


Integer vector (recycled as needed) specifying the maximum label width for each component of x. If NULL, there is no limit, otherwise, the label will be truncated to max_width.


A character string appended to a truncated label. If NULL, nothing is appended.


Logical indicating whether make.unique should be called on the final result.


Maximum length of vectors or sets to be represented as is. Longer elements will be replaced by a label.


Should character strings be quoted, or not? (default: TRUE)


Optional arguments passed to the LABEL methods.


A character vector of labels generated from the supplied object(s). LABELS first checks whether the object has names and uses these if any; otherwise, LABEL is called for each element to generate a “short” representation.

LABEL is generic to allow user extensions. The current methods return the result of format if the argument is of length 1 (for objects of classes set and tuple: by default of length 5), and create a simple class information otherwise.


LABELS(list(1, "test", X = "1", 1:5))
LABELS(set(X = as.tuple(1:20), "test", list(list(list(1,2)))))
LABELS(set(pair(1,2), set("a", 2), as.tuple(1:10)))
LABELS(set(pair(1,2), set("a", 2), as.tuple(1:10)), limit = 11)

sets documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:09 a.m.