
Defines functions asPermission

#' @title R6 Class representing member's permissions
#' @description
#' R6 Class representing member's permissions.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
Permission <- R6::R6Class(
  inherit = Item,
  portable = FALSE,
  public = list(
    #' @field write Write permission.
    write = NULL,
    #' @field read Read permission.
    read = NULL,
    #' @field copy Copy permission.
    copy = NULL,
    #' @field execute Execute permission.
    execute = NULL,
    #' @field admin Admin permission.
    admin = NULL,

    # Initialize Permission object --------------------------------------------
    #' @description Create a new Permission object.
    #' @param read User can view file names, metadata, and workflows.
    #'  They cannot view file contents. All members of a project have read
    #'  permissions by default. Even if you try setting read permissions to
    #'  `FALSE`, they will still default to `TRUE`
    #' @param copy User can view file content, copy, and download files from a
    #'  project. Set value to `TRUE` to assign the user copy permission.
    #'  Set to `FALSE` to remove copy permission.
    #' @param write User can add, modify, and remove files and workflows in a
    #'  project. Set value to `TRUE` to assign the user write permission.
    #'  Set to `FALSE` to remove write permission.
    #' @param execute User can execute workflows and abort tasks in a project.
    #'  Set value to `TRUE` to assign the user execute permission.
    #'  Set to `FALSE` to remove execute permission.
    #' @param admin User can modify another user's permissions on a project,
    #'  add or remove people from the project and manage funding sources.
    #'  They also have all of the above permissions. Set value to `TRUE` to
    #'  assign the user admin permission. Set to `FALSE` to remove admin
    #'  permission.
    #' @param ... Other response arguments.
    initialize = function(read = TRUE, copy = FALSE, write = FALSE,
                          execute = FALSE, admin = FALSE, ...) {
      # Initialize Item class

      self$write <- write
      self$read <- read
      self$copy <- copy
      self$execute <- execute
      self$admin <- admin

    # nocov start
    # Print Permission object -------------------------------------------------
    #' @description Print method for Permission class.
    #' @importFrom purrr discard
    #' @importFrom glue glue
    #' @importFrom cli cli_h1 cli_li cli_end
    #' @examples
    #' \dontrun{
    #'  # x is API response when permission is requested
    #'  permission_object <- Permission$new(
    #'                     write = x$write,
    #'                     read = x$read,
    #'                     copy = x$copy,
    #'                     execute = x$execute,
    #'                     admin = x$admin,
    #'                     href = x$href,
    #'                     auth = auth,
    #'                     response = attr(x, "response")
    #'                    )
    #'  # Print permission object
    #'  permission_object$print()
    #' }
    print = function() {
      x <- as.list(self)
      x <- purrr::discard(x, .p = is.list)
      x <- purrr::discard(x, .p = is.function)
      x <- purrr::discard(x, .p = is.environment)
      x <- purrr::discard(x, .p = is.null)
      x <- purrr::discard(x, .p = is.na)
      x <- purrr::discard(x, .p = ~ .x == "")
      string <- glue::glue("{names(x)}: {x}")
      names(string) <- rep("*", times = length(string))


      # Close container elements

    # Reload Permission object ------------------------------------------------
    #' @description Reload Permission object information.
    #' @examples
    #' \dontrun{
    #'  # x is API response when permission is requested
    #'  permission_object <- Permission$new(
    #'                     write = x$write,
    #'                     read = x$read,
    #'                     copy = x$copy,
    #'                     execute = x$execute,
    #'                     admin = x$admin,
    #'                     href = x$href,
    #'                     auth = auth,
    #'                     response = attr(x, "response")
    #'                    )
    #'  # Reload permission object
    #'  permission_object$reload()
    #' }
    reload = function() {
      rlang::inform("Reloading Permission objects is not possible.")
    } # nocov end
# nocov start
# Helper function for creating Permission objects ----------------------------
asPermission <- function(x, auth = NULL) {
    write = x$write,
    read = x$read,
    copy = x$copy,
    execute = x$execute,
    admin = x$admin,
    href = x$href,
    auth = auth,
    response = attr(x, "response")
# nocov end

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sevenbridges2 documentation built on July 2, 2024, 9:06 a.m.