nearcor: Find the Nearest Proper Correlation Matrix

View source: R/nearcor.R

nearcorR Documentation

Find the Nearest Proper Correlation Matrix


This function “smoothes” an improper correlation matrix as it can result from cor with use="pairwise.complete.obs" or hetcor.

It is deprecated now, in favor of nearPD() from package Matrix.


nearcor(R, eig.tol = 1e-6, conv.tol = 1e-07, posd.tol = 1e-8,
        maxits = 100, verbose = FALSE)



a square symmetric approximate correlation matrix


defines relative positiveness of eigenvalues compared to largest, default=1e-6.


convergence tolerance for algorithm, default=1.0e-7


tolerance for enforcing positive definiteness, default=1.0e-8


maximum number of iterations


logical specifying if convergence monitoring should be verbose.


This implements the algorithm of Higham (2002), then forces symmetry, then forces positive definiteness using code from posdefify. This implementation does not make use of direct LAPACK access for tuning purposes as in the MATLAB code of Lucas (2001). The algorithm of Knol DL and ten Berge (1989) (not implemented here) is more general in (1) that it allows contraints to fix some rows (and columns) of the matrix and (2) to force the smallest eigenvalue to have a certain value.


A list, with components


resulting correlation matrix


Froebenius norm of difference of input and output


number of iterations used




Jens Oehlschlägel


See those in posdefify.

See Also

the slightly more flexible nearPD which also returns a classed matrix (class dpoMatrix). For new code, nearPD() is really preferred to nearcor(), which hence is considered deprecated.

hetcor, eigen; posdefify for a simpler algorithm.


 cat("pr is the example matrix used in Knol DL, ten Berge (1989)\n")
 pr <- matrix(c(1,     0.477, 0.644, 0.478, 0.651, 0.826,
		0.477, 1,     0.516, 0.233, 0.682, 0.75,
		0.644, 0.516, 1,     0.599, 0.581, 0.742,
		0.478, 0.233, 0.599, 1,     0.741, 0.8,
		0.651, 0.682, 0.581, 0.741, 1,     0.798,
		0.826, 0.75,  0.742, 0.8,   0.798, 1),
	      nrow = 6, ncol = 6)

 ncr <- nearcor(pr)
 nr <- ncr$cor
      nr[lower.tri(nr)]); abline(0,1, lty=2)
 round(cbind(eigen(pr)$values, eigen(nr)$values), 8)

 cat("The following will fail:\n")
 try(factanal(cov=pr, factors=2))
 cat("and this should work\n")
 try(factanal(cov=nr, factors=2))

 if(require("polycor")) {

    n <- 400
    x <- rnorm(n)
    y <- rnorm(n)

    x1 <- (x + rnorm(n))/2
    x2 <- (x + rnorm(n))/2
    x3 <- (x + rnorm(n))/2
    x4 <- (x + rnorm(n))/2

    y1 <- (y + rnorm(n))/2
    y2 <- (y + rnorm(n))/2
    y3 <- (y + rnorm(n))/2
    y4 <- (y + rnorm(n))/2

    dat <- data.frame(x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4)

    x1 <- ordered(as.integer(x1 > 0))
    x2 <- ordered(as.integer(x2 > 0))
    x3 <- ordered(as.integer(x3 > 1))
    x4 <- ordered(as.integer(x4 > -1))

    y1 <- ordered(as.integer(y1 > 0))
    y2 <- ordered(as.integer(y2 > 0))
    y3 <- ordered(as.integer(y3 > 1))
    y4 <- ordered(as.integer(y4 > -1))

    odat <- data.frame(x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4)

    xcor <- cor(dat)
    pcor <- cor(data.matrix(odat)) # cor() no longer works for factors
    hcor <- hetcor(odat, ML=TRUE, std.err=FALSE)$correlations
    ncor <- nearcor(hcor)$cor

    try(factanal(covmat=xcor, factors=2, n.obs=n))
    try(factanal(covmat=pcor, factors=2, n.obs=n))
    try(factanal(covmat=hcor, factors=2, n.obs=n))
    try(factanal(covmat=ncor, factors=2, n.obs=n))

sfsmisc documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:43 a.m.