
Defines functions sglasso

Documented in sglasso

sglasso <- function(S, mask, w = NULL, flg = NULL, min_rho = 1.0e-02,
                     nrho = 50, nstep = 1.0e+05, algorithm = c("ccd","ccm"),
                     truncate = 1.0e-5, tol = 1.0e-03){
   this.call <- match.call()
   if (inherits(S, "matrix"))
      S <- as(as(as(S, "dMatrix"), "symmetricMatrix"), "packedMatrix")
   if (is.null(rownames(S)))
      rownames(S) <- paste0("X", seq_len(dim(S)[1L]))
   if (is.null(colnames(S)))
      colnames(S) <- paste0("X", seq_len(dim(S)[1L]))
   if (missing(mask))
      stop("mask is not specified. See the documentation for more details")
   if (!isSymmetric(mask))
      stop("mask is not a symmetric matrix")
   if (any(dim(S) != dim(mask)))
      stop("dim(S) is different from dim(mask)")
   if (storage.mode(mask) != "character")
      storage.mode(mask) <- "character"
   if (any(is.na(mask[upper.tri(mask)])))
      mask[is.na(mask)] <- "."
   if (min_rho < 0)
      stop("min_rho can not be a negative value. See the documentation for more details")
   if (nrho < 0)
      stop("nrho can not be a negative value. See the documentation for more details")
   if (nstep < 0)
      stop("nstep can not be a negative value. See the documentation for more details")
   algo <- match.arg(algorithm)
   if (truncate < 0)
      stop("truncate can not be a negative value. See the documentation for more details")
   if (tol < 0)
      stop("tol can not be a negative value. See the documentation for more details")
   out.fit <- sglasso.fit(Sv = S@x, mask = mask, w = w, flg = flg, nrho = nrho,
                           min_rho = min_rho, nstep = nstep, algorithm = algo,
                           truncate = truncate, tol = tol)
   out.fit <- make_sglasso(object = out.fit, call = this.call, algo, S = S, mask = mask)

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sglasso documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:23 a.m.