
.replaceProperty <- function (shades, replacement, space, dim)

.replaceProperty.function <- function (shades, replacement, space, dim)
    function (...) .replaceProperty(shades(...), replacement, space, dim)

.replaceProperty.Scale <- function (shades, replacement, space, dim)
    ggplot2::ggproto(NULL, shades, palette=function(self,...) {
        colours <- ggplot2::ggproto_parent(shades, self)$palette(...)
        .replaceProperty(colours, replacement, space, dim)

.replaceProperty.default <- function (shades, replacement, space, dim) 
    shades <- warp(shades, space)
    if (is.null(replacement))
        return (unname(coords(shades)[,dim]))
        if (is.numeric(replacement) || is.logical(replacement))
            arity <- length(replacement)
            replacement <- rep(replacement, length(shades))
            fun <- match.fun(replacement)
            arity <- length(fun(coords(shades)[1,dim]))
            replacement <- fun(coords(shades)[,dim])
        missing <- is.na(replacement)
        indices <- rep(seq_along(shades), each=arity)
        coords <- coords(shades)[indices,,drop=FALSE]
        coords[!missing,dim] <- replacement[!missing]
        coords <- .clip(coords, space)
        alpha <- .alpha(shades, allowNull=FALSE)[indices]
        return (drop(structure(shade(coords,space=space,alpha=alpha), dim=c(arity,.dims(shades)))))

#' Query or change colour properties
#' These functions obtain the value of a colour property, or modify it. They
#' will convert between colour spaces as required, but the RGB representation
#' will be appropriately updated in the result.
#' Brightness and lightness differ technically, in the sense that one is
#' absolute and the other is relative. Intuitively, a grey square on white
#' paper is brighter under bright sunlight than in a dark room, but its
#' lightness (relative to the white around it) is constant between conditions.
#' In these functions, brightness is ``value'' in HSV space and is between 0
#' and 1, while lightness is defined in Lab space and is between 0 and 100.
#' Saturation and chroma are also related. Hue is defined in HSV space, with
#' red at 0º (and 360º), which is generally the most familiar parameterisation.
#' @param shades One or more colours, in any suitable form (see
#'   \code{\link{shade}}), or a palette function or scale.
#' @param values New values for the property in question, with \code{NA} as a
#'   pass-through value that will leave the property as-is. If \code{NULL}, the
#'   current value(s) will be returned. May also be a function computing new
#'   values from old ones, such as \code{delta}, which adds its argument, or
#'   \code{scalefac}, which multiplies it.
#' @param ... Arguments to replacement functions \code{delta}, \code{scalefac}
#'   and \code{recycle}, which will be concatenated.
#' @return Current colour property values, or new colours of class
#'   \code{"shade"}. If \code{shades} is a function, the result will be a new
#'   function that wraps the old one and modifies its return value accordingly.
#' @note The colour property functions are vectorised over both of their
#'   arguments, such that the dimensions of the result will be
#'   \code{c(length(values),dim(shades))}. However, the \code{recycle} function
#'   can be used to suppress the usual dimensional expansion, and instead
#'   follow R's standard recycling rule.
#' @examples
#' saturation(c("papayawhip","lavenderblush","olivedrab"))
#' saturation("papayawhip", 0.7)
#' saturation("papayawhip", delta(0.2))
#' saturation("papayawhip", scalefac(1.5))
#' saturation(c("red","green"), c(0.4,0.6))
#' saturation(c("red","green"), recycle(0.4,0.6))
#' @author Jon Clayden <code@@clayden.org>
#' @rdname properties
#' @export
saturation <- function (shades, values = NULL)
    .replaceProperty(shades, values, "HSV", 2)

#' @rdname properties
#' @export
brightness <- function (shades, values = NULL)
    .replaceProperty(shades, values, "HSV", 3)

#' @rdname properties
#' @export
lightness <- function (shades, values = NULL)
    .replaceProperty(shades, values, "Lab", 1)

#' @rdname properties
#' @export
chroma <- function (shades, values = NULL)
    .replaceProperty(shades, values, "LCh", 2)

#' @rdname properties
#' @export
hue <- function (shades, values = NULL)
    .replaceProperty(shades, values, "HSV", 1)

#' @rdname properties
#' @export
opacity <- function (shades, values = NULL)
    # Handle functions and ggplot2 scales
    if (is.function(shades))
        return (function (...) opacity(shades(...), values))
    else if (inherits(shades, "Scale"))
        result <- ggplot2::ggproto(NULL, shades, palette=function(self,...) {
            colours <- ggplot2::ggproto_parent(shades, self)$palette(...)
            opacity(colours, values)
        return (result)
    # From here on we're dealing with literal colours
    shades <- shade(shades)
    if (is.null(values))
        return (.alpha(shades, allowNull=FALSE))
        if (is.numeric(values) || is.logical(values))
            arity <- length(values)
            values <- rep(values, length(shades))
            fun <- match.fun(values)
            arity <- length(fun(.alpha(shades,allowNull=FALSE)[1]))
            values <- fun(.alpha(shades, allowNull=FALSE))
        indices <- rep(seq_along(shades), each=arity)
        coords <- coords(shades)[indices,,drop=FALSE]
        values[is.na(values)] <- .alpha(shades, allowNull=FALSE)[indices][is.na(values)]
        return (drop(structure(shade(coords,space=space(shades),alpha=values), dim=c(arity,.dims(shades)))))

#' @rdname properties
#' @export
delta <- function (...)
    values <- as.numeric(c(...))
    return (function(x) x+values)

#' @rdname properties
#' @export
scalefac <- function (...)
    values <- as.numeric(c(...))
    return (function(x) x*values)

#' @rdname properties
#' @export
recycle <- function (...)
    values <- as.numeric(c(...))
    return (function(x) rep(values,length.out=length(x)))

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shades documentation built on Aug. 2, 2019, 5:05 p.m.