shape: An example shapeR instance including 160 images.

shapeR Documentation

An example shapeR instance including 160 images.


The shape coefficients have been generated. The wavelet coefficients have been standardized using pop and length_cm.




A shapeR class including 160 images


The class slot's are as follows:

  • project.path. A path as "ShapeAnalysis/"

  • info.file. A file as FISH.csv. The information is stored in the data frame master.list

  • outline.list. A list with three elements (IC, NO, SC) which give a list of the otolith outlines

  • filter. A logical vector showing which elements of the master list have valid otoliths

  • fourier.coef. A matrix of the Normalized Elliptic Fourier coefficients

  • wavelet.coef. A matrix of the wavelet coefficients

  • shape. A matrix of shape variables after scaling according to calibration otolith.area, otolith.length, otolith.width, otolith.perimeter.

  • fourier.coef.std. A matrix which will contain standardized Fourier coefficients

  • wavelet.coef.std. A matrix which will contain standardized wavelet coefficients

  • shape.coef.raw. A matrix of shape variables before scaling according to calibration otolith.area, otolith.length, otolith.width, otolith.perimeter.

  • master.list. The contents of the info.file


shapeR documentation built on Nov. 22, 2022, 1:07 a.m.

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