# #' <Add Title>
# #'
# #' <Add Description>
# #'
# #' @importFrom reactR createReactShinyInput
# #' @importFrom htmltools htmlDependency tags
# #' @noRd
# chakraInput <- function(inputId, configuration, default = NULL) {
# createReactShinyInput(
# inputId = inputId,
# class = "chakra",
# dependencies = htmlDependency(
# name = "chakra-input",
# version = "1.0.0",
# src = "www/shinyChakraUI/chakra",
# package = "shinyChakraUI",
# script = "chakra.js"
# ),
# default = list(value = default, widget = configuration[["widget"]]),
# configuration = configuration,
# container = tags$div
# )
# }
# #' Title
# #'
# #' @param inputId
# #'
# #' @return
# #' @export
# #'
# #' @examples
# chakraAlertInput <- function(inputId) {
# component <- list(
# element = "Alert",
# props = list(
# status = "success",
# variant = "subtle",
# flexDirection = "column",
# alignItems = "center",
# justifyContent = "center",
# textAlign = "center",
# height = "200px"
# ),
# children = list(
# list(
# element = "AlertIcon",
# props = list(
# boxSize = "40px",
# mr = 0
# )
# ),
# list(
# element = "AlertTitle",
# props = list(
# mt = 4,
# mb = 1,
# fontSize = "lg"
# ),
# children = list(
# "Application submitted!"
# )
# ),
# list(
# element = "AlertDescription",
# props = list(
# maxWidth = "sm"
# ),
# children = list(
# "Thanks for submitting your application. Our team will get back to you soon."
# )
# )
# )
# )
# chakraInput(
# inputId = inputId,
# configuration = list(widget = "alert", component = component)
# )
# }
# #' Title
# #'
# #' @param inputId
# #' @param menuButton
# #'
# #' @return
# #' @export
# #'
# #' @examples
# chakraMenuInput <- function(inputId, menuButton, menuList, closeOnSelect = TRUE){
# content <- menuList[["children"]]
# elements <- vapply(content, `[[`, FUN.VALUE = character(1L), "name")
# menuoptiongroups <- which(elements == "MenuOptionGroup")
# if(length(menuoptiongroups)){
# values <- lapply(content[menuoptiongroups], function(optiongroup){
# attr(optiongroup, "values")
# })
# titles <- lapply(content[menuoptiongroups], function(optiongroup){
# optiongroup[["attribs"]][["title"]]
# })
# names(values) <- titles
# }
# component <- list(
# name = "Fragment",
# attribs = list(),
# children = list(
# menuButton,
# menuList
# # list(
# # element = "MenuList",
# # props = list(),
# # children = list(
# # list(
# # element = "MenuItem",
# # props = list(),
# # children = list(
# # "Download"
# # )
# # )
# # )
# # )
# )
# )
# chakraInput(
# inputId = inputId,
# configuration =
# list(
# widget = if(length(menuoptiongroups)) "menuWithGroups" else "menu",
# component = unclassComponent(component),
# text = attr(menuButton, "text"),
# closeOnSelect = closeOnSelect,
# optiongroups =
# if(length(menuoptiongroups)) as.list(menuoptiongroups - 1L)
# ),
# default = if(length(menuoptiongroups)) values
# )
# }
# chakraDrawerInput <- function(
# inputId, openButton, options = chakraDrawerOptions(),
# closeButton = TRUE, header, body, footer
# ){
# openButton[["name"]] <- "OpenButton"
# drawer <- list(
# name = "Drawer",
# attribs = options,
# children = list(
# Tag$DrawerOverlay(),
# Tag$DrawerContent(
# if(closeButton) Tag$DrawerCloseButton(),
# header,
# body,
# footer
# )
# )
# )
# class(drawer) <- "shiny.tag"
# component <- Tag$Fragment(
# openButton,
# drawer
# )
# chakraInput(
# inputId = inputId,
# configuration =
# list(
# widget = "drawer",
# component = unclassComponent(component)
# )
# )
# }
# chakraAlertDialogInput <- function(inputId){
# component <- list(
# element = "Fragment",
# props = list(),
# children = list(
# list(
# element = "OpenButton",
# props = list(
# colorScheme = "red"
# ),
# children = list(
# "Delete customer"
# )
# ),
# list(
# element = "AlertDialog",
# props = list(),
# children = list(
# list(
# element = "AlertDialogOverlay",
# props = list(),
# children = list(
# list(
# element = "AlertDialogContent",
# props = list(),
# children = list(
# list(
# element = "AlertDialogHeader",
# props = list(
# fontSize = "lg",
# fontWeight = "bold"
# ),
# children = list(
# "Delete customer"
# )
# ),
# list(
# element = "AlertDialogBody",
# props = list(),
# children = list(
# "Are you sure? You can't undo this action afterwards"
# )
# ),
# list(
# element = "AlertDialogFooter",
# props = list(),
# children = list(
# list(
# element = "CancelButton",
# props = list(
# id = "cancel"
# ),
# children = list(
# "Cancel"
# )
# ),
# list(
# element = "Button",
# props = list(
# id = "delete",
# colorScheme = "red",
# ml = 3
# ),
# children = list(
# "Delete"
# )
# )
# )
# )
# )
# )
# )
# )
# )
# )
# )
# )
# chakraInput(
# inputId = inputId,
# configuration = list(widget = "alertdialog", component = component)
# )
# }
# chakraAlertDialogInput <- function(
# inputId,
# options = chakraAlertDialogOptions(),
# openButton,
# header,
# body,
# footerButtons = chakraButton("Cancel", action = "cancel", value = "cancel")
# ){
# stopifnot(isChakraButton(openButton))
# openButton[["name"]] <- "OpenButton"
# # if(!is.null(cancelButton)){
# # if(!isChakraButton(cancelButton)){
# # stop("")
# # }
# # cancelButton[["element"]] <- "CancelButton"
# # }
# if(isChakraButton(footerButtons)){
# footerButtons <- list(footerButtons)
# }else{
# isListOfButtons <-
# all(vapply(footerButtons, isChakraButton, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L)))
# if(!isListOfButtons){
# stop("")
# }
# }
# #footerButtons <- lapply(footerButtons, unclass)
# if(!isChakraBox(header)){
# stop("")
# }
# if(!isChakraBox(body)){
# stop("")
# }
# header[["name"]] <- "AlertDialogHeader"
# body[["name"]] <- "AlertDialogBody"
# component <- Tag$Fragment(
# openButton,
# Tag$AlertDialog(
# Tag$AlertDialogOverlay(
# Tag$AlertDialogContent(
# header,
# body,
# asShinyTag(
# list(
# name = "AlertDialogFooter",
# attribs = list(),
# children = footerButtons
# )
# )
# )
# )
# )
# )
# chakraInput(
# inputId = inputId,
# configuration = list(
# widget = "alertdialog",
# component = unclassComponent(component),
# inputId = inputId
# )
# )
# }
# #' <Add Title>
# #'
# #' <Add Description>
# #'
# #' @export
# updateChakraInput <- function(session, inputId, value, configuration = NULL) {
# message <- list(value = value)
# if (!is.null(configuration)) message$configuration <- configuration
# session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message);
# }
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Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.