
Defines functions buildEdge

Documented in buildEdge

#' @name buildEdge
#' @title build single Edge element
#' @param source edge linked node's id. [string]
#' @param target edge linked target node's id. [string]
#' @param label edge's label [string]
#' @param fontSize edge labels font size [numeric]
#' @param width The width of an edge’s line. [numeric]
#' @param curveStyle The curving method used to separate two or more edges between two nodes. [string]
#' @param lineColor The colour of the edge’s line. [string]
#' @param lineStyle The style of the edge’s line; may be solid, dotted, or dashed. [string]
#' @param sourceArrowColor The colour of the edge’s source arrow. [string]
#' @param targetArrowColor The colour of the edge’s target arrow. [string]
#' @param sourceArrowShape The shape of the edge’s source arrow. [string]
#' @param targetArrowShape The shape of the edge’s target arrow. [string]
#' @param opacity Opacity of edge itself. [numeric between 0 ~ 1]
#' @param tooltip Text for tooltip. [string]
#' @return List typed Edge element, consisted with data options ( source, target, data ) and style options ( width, curvestyle... )
#' @seealso https://js.cytoscape.org/#style
#' @export
buildEdge <- function(source = NULL, target, width = 3, curveStyle = "haystack", label = "", fontSize = 16,
                      lineColor = "#FECA57", lineStyle = "solid", sourceArrowColor = "#feca57",
                      targetArrowColor = "#feca57", sourceArrowShape = "none", targetArrowShape = "none",
                      opacity = 1, tooltip = "") {
  l <- list()
  l$group <- "edges"

  if (is.null(source)) stop("source must given")
  if (is.null(target)) stop("target must given")

  if (!is.numeric(width)) stop("width must be numeric")

  if (!lineStyle %in% c("solid", "dotted", "dahsed")) stop("wrong lineStyle")

  if (!curveStyle %in% c("haystack", "straight", "bezier", "unbundled-bezier", "segments", "taxi")) stop("wrong curveStyle")

  if (!is.numeric(opacity)) stop("opacity must be numeric value")
  if (opacity > 1 | opacity < 0) stop("opacity must be in 0 ~ 1")

  options <- list(
    source = source, target = target, width = width, label = label, fontSize = fontSize,
    curveStyle = curveStyle, lineColor = lineColor, lineStyle = lineStyle,
    sourceArrowColor = sourceArrowColor, targetArrowColor = targetArrowColor,
    sourceArrowShape = sourceArrowShape, targetArrowShape = targetArrowShape,
    opacity = opacity, tooltip = tooltip
  l$data <- options

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shinyCyJS documentation built on Sept. 26, 2023, 9:07 a.m.