
Defines functions buildElems

Documented in buildElems

#' @title build multiple network elements by dataframe
#' @description call buildNode or buildEdge function, note that only one function can be called
#' @seealso buildNode(), buildEdge()
#' @param elems value of elements consisted in dataframe
#' @param type Either 'Node' or 'Edge' [string]
#' @return List typed multiple 'Node' or 'Edge' elements. It consisted with repeated buildNode or buildEdge function results with given parameter.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' nodes <- buildElems( # will generate 5 nodes
#'   elems = data.frame(
#'     id = paste0("node", 1:5),
#'     bgColor = "#FFFFFF",
#'     borderColor = "#48DBFB",
#'     borderWidth = 2,
#'     fontSize = 10,
#'     width = 60, height = 20, opacity = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#'   ), type = "Node"
#' )
buildElems <- function(elems, type) {
  func <- paste0("build", type)
  res <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(elems)), function(i) do.call(func, as.list(elems[i, ])))

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shinyCyJS documentation built on Sept. 26, 2023, 9:07 a.m.