
test_that("buildIoptions format check", {
  expect_error(buildIOptions(minZoom = "minimal"))
  expect_error(buildIOptions(maxZoom = ""))
  expect_error(buildIOptions(autolock = "True"))
  expect_error(buildIOptions(zoomingEnabled = "TRUE"))

test_that("buildIoptions default check", {
  expect_equal(buildIOptions(), list(
    minZoom = 1e-50,
    maxZoom = 1e50,
    zoomingEnabled = TRUE,
    userZoomingEnabled = TRUE,
    panningEnabled = TRUE,
    userPanningEnabled = TRUE,
    boxSelectionEnabled = TRUE,
    selectionType = "single",
    autolock = FALSE,
    autoungrabify = FALSE,
    autounselectify = FALSE

test_that("buildRoptions default check", {
  expect_equal(buildROptions(), list(
    headless = FALSE,
    styleEnabled = TRUE,
    hideEdgesOnViewport = FALSE,
    textureOnViewport = FALSE,
    motionBlur = FALSE,
    motionBlurOpacity = 0.2,
    wheelSensitivity = 1,
    pixelRatio = "auto"

test_that("buildRoptions format check", {
  expect_error(buildROptions(headless = "headless"))
  expect_error(buildROptions(motionBlurOpacity = 2))
  expect_error(buildROptions(wheelSensitivity = "wheelsensitivity"))

test_that("buildNode format check", {
  # too long

  # id

  # shape
  expect_error(buildNode("abc", shape = "myshape"))

test_that("buildEdge format check", {
  expect_error(buildEdge()) # source, target
  expect_error(buildEdge("S", "T", lineStyle = "myLine")) # linestyle
  expect_error(buildEdge("S", "T", curveStyle = "myCurve")) # linestyle
  expect_error(buildEdge("S", "T", opacity = 2)) # opacity

test_that("buildElems handle quotes", {
  nodes <- buildElems( # will generate 5 nodes
    elems = data.frame(
      id = paste0("node", 1:2),
      label = "asd'ads\"qweq",
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    ), type = "Node"


test_that("buildNode default check", {
  # too long, just check member and length is fine
  testNode <- buildNode("testID")
  expect_equal(typeof(testNode), "list")
  expect_equal(length(testNode), 3) # consist with group, data, position
  expect_equal(testNode$group, "nodes")
  expect_equal(length(testNode$data), 59) # data with 59 attributes

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shinyCyJS documentation built on Sept. 26, 2023, 9:07 a.m.