
Defines functions jqui_sortable jqui_selectable jqui_resizable jqui_droppable jqui_draggable

Documented in jqui_draggable jqui_droppable jqui_resizable jqui_selectable jqui_sortable

#' Mouse interactions
#' Attach mouse-based interactions to shiny html tags, shiny input/output
#' widgets or static htmlwidgets and provide ways to manipulate them. The
#' interactions include:
#' * [draggable](https://api.jqueryui.com/draggable/):
#' Allow elements to be moved using the mouse.
#' * [droppable](https://api.jqueryui.com/droppable/): Create targets for draggable
#' elements.
#' * [resizable](https://api.jqueryui.com/resizable/): Change the size
#' of an element using the mouse.
#' * [selectable](https://api.jqueryui.com/selectable/): Use the mouse to select
#' elements, individually or in a group.
#' * [sortable](https://api.jqueryui.com/sortable/): Reorder elements in a list or
#' grid using the mouse.
#' The first parameter `ui` determines the target ui and working mode. If the
#' target ui is a `shiny.tag` (e.g., shiny inputs/outputs or ui created by
#' [tags][htmltools::builder]) or a `shiny.tag.list` (by [tagList()][shiny::tag]) object
#' or a static `htmlwidget`, the functions return the a modified ui object with
#' interaction effects attached. When a
#' [jQuery_selector](https://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/) or a javascript
#' expression is provided as the `ui` parameter, the functions first use it to
#' locate the target ui element(s) in the shiny app, and then attach or manipulate
#' the interactions. Therefore, you can use the first way  in the `ui` of a shiny
#' app to create elements with interaction effects (the ui mode), or use the
#' second way  in the `server` to manipulate the interactions (the server mode).
#' The `operation` parameter is valid only in server mode. It determines how to
#' manipulate the interaction, which includes:
#' * `enable`: Attach the
#' corresponding mouse interaction to the target(s).
#' * `disable`: Attach the
#' interaction if not and disable it at once (only set the options).
#' * `destroy`: Destroy the interaction.
#' * `save`: Attach the interaction if not
#' and save the current interaction state.
#' * `load`: Attach the interaction if not and
#' restore the target(s) to the last saved interaction state.
#' With mouse interactions attached, the corresponding interaction states, e.g.
#' `position` of draggable, `size` of resizable, `selected` of selectable and
#' `order` of sortable, will be sent to server side in the form of
#' `input$<id>_<state>`. The default values can be overridden by setting the
#' `shiny` option in the `options` parameter. Please see the vignette
#' `Introduction to shinyjqui` for more details.
#' @param ui The target ui element(s) to be manipulated. Can be
#'   * A `shiny.tag`
#'   or `shiny.tag.list` object
#'   * A static `htmlwidget` object
#'   * A string of
#'   [jQuery_selector](https://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/)
#'   * A
#'   [JS()][htmlwidgets::JS()] wrapped javascript expression that returns a
#'   [jQuery object](https://api.jquery.com/Types/).
#' @param operation A string to determine how to manipulate the mouse
#'   interaction. Can be one of `enable`, `disable`, `destroy`, `save` and
#'   `load`. Ignored when `ui` is a `shiny.tag` or `shiny.tag.list` object. See
#'   Details.
#' @param options A list of
#'   [interaction_specific_options](https://api.jqueryui.com/category/interactions/).
#'    Ignored when `operation` is set as `destroy`. This parameter also accept a
#'   `shiny` option that controls the shiny input value returned from the
#'   element. See Details.
#' @return The same object passed in the `ui` parameter
#' @example examples/interactions.R
#' @name Interactions

#' @rdname Interactions
#' @export
jqui_draggable <- function(ui,
                          operation = c("enable", "disable", "destroy", "save", "load"),
                          options = NULL) {
  jqui_interaction(ui, "draggable", operation, options)

#' @rdname Interactions
#' @export
jqui_droppable <- function(ui,
                          operation = c("enable", "disable", "destroy", "save", "load"),
                          options = NULL) {
  jqui_interaction(ui, "droppable", operation, options)

#' @rdname Interactions
#' @export
jqui_resizable <- function(ui,
                          operation = c("enable", "disable", "destroy", "save", "load"),
                          options = NULL) {
  jqui_interaction(ui, "resizable", operation, options)

#' @rdname Interactions
#' @export
jqui_selectable <- function(ui,
                          operation = c("enable", "disable", "destroy", "save", "load"),
                          options = NULL) {
  jqui_interaction(ui, "selectable", operation, options)

#' @rdname Interactions
#' @export
jqui_sortable <- function(ui,
                          operation = c("enable", "disable", "destroy", "save", "load"),
                          options = NULL) {
  jqui_interaction(ui, "sortable", operation, options)

Try the shinyjqui package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shinyjqui documentation built on Feb. 3, 2022, 9:06 a.m.