
Defines functions reset

Documented in reset

#' Reset input elements to their original values
#' Reset any input element back to its original value. You can either reset
#' one specific input at a time by providing the id of a shiny input, or reset
#' all inputs within an HTML tag by providing the id of an HTML tag.\cr\cr
#' Reset can be performed on any traditional Shiny input widget, which
#' includes: textInput, numericInput, sliderInput, selectInput,
#' selectizeInput, radioButtons, dateInput, dateRangeInput, checkboxInput,
#' checkboxGroupInput, colourInput, passwordInput, textAreaInput. Note that
#' \code{actionButton} is not supported, meaning that you cannot reset
#' the value of a button back to 0.
#' @param id The id of the input element to reset or the id of an HTML
#' tag to reset all inputs inside it. If no id is provided, then
#' all inputs on the page are reset.
#' @param asis If \code{TRUE}, use the ID as-is even when inside a module
#' (instead of adding the namespace prefix to the ID).
#' @seealso \code{\link[shinyjs]{useShinyjs}},
#' \code{\link[shinyjs]{runExample}}
#' @note \code{shinyjs} must be initialized with a call to \code{useShinyjs()}
#' in the app's ui.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = fluidPage(
#'       useShinyjs(),
#'       div(
#'         id = "form",
#'         textInput("name", "Name", "Dean"),
#'         radioButtons("gender", "Gender", c("Male", "Female")),
#'         selectInput("letter", "Favourite letter", LETTERS)
#'       ),
#'       actionButton("resetAll", "Reset all"),
#'       actionButton("resetName", "Reset name"),
#'       actionButton("resetGender", "Reset Gender"),
#'       actionButton("resetLetter", "Reset letter")
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) {
#'       observeEvent(input$resetName, {
#'         reset("name")
#'       })
#'       observeEvent(input$resetGender, {
#'         reset("gender")
#'       })
#'       observeEvent(input$resetLetter, {
#'         reset("letter")
#'       })
#'       observeEvent(input$resetAll, {
#'         reset("form")
#'       })
#'     }
#'   )
#' }
#' @export
reset <- function(id = "", asis = FALSE) {
  # get the Shiny session
  session <- getSession()

  # Make sure reset works with namespaces (shiny modules)
  nsName <- ""
  if (id != "" && inherits(session, "session_proxy") && !asis) {
    id <- session$ns(id)
    nsName <- session$ns("")

  # send a call to JavaScript to figure out what elements to reset and what
  # values to reset them to
  shinyInputId <- paste0("shinyjs-resettable-", id)
  shinyInputIdJs <- shinyInputId
  if (inherits(session, "session_proxy")) {
    shinyInputIdJs <- session$ns(shinyInputIdJs)
  session$sendCustomMessage("shinyjs-reset", list(id = id,
                                          shinyInputId = shinyInputIdJs))

  # listen for a response from javascript
  shiny::observeEvent(session$input[[shinyInputId]], once = TRUE, {
    messages <- session$input[[shinyInputId]]

    # go through each input element that javascript told us about and call
    # the corresponding shiny::updateFooInput() with the correct arguments
      function(x) {
        type <- messages[[x]][['type']]
        value <- messages[[x]][['value']]

        # password inputs don't have an updatePasswordInput, they use text
        if (type == "Password") {
          type <- "Text"

        updateFunc <- sprintf("update%sInput", type)

        # Make sure reset works with namespecing (shiny modules)
        id <- x
        if (substring(id, 1, nchar(nsName)) == nsName) {
          id <- substring(id, nchar(nsName) + 1)

        if (inherits(session, "session_proxy") && asis) {
          session_to_reset <- .subset2(session, "parent")
        } else {
          session_to_reset <- session
        funcParams <- list(session_to_reset, id)

        # checkbox values need to be manually converted to TRUE/FALSE
        if (type == "Checkbox") {
          value <- as.logical(value)

        if (type == "Date") {
          if (value == "NA") {
            value <- NA

        # most input update functions use 'value' argument, some use 'selected',
        # DateRange uses 'start' and 'end'
        if (type == "RadioButtons") {
          funcParams[['selected']] <- value
        } else if (type == "CheckboxGroup" || type == "Select") {
          if (value == '""') {
            funcParams[['selected']] <- ""
          } else {
            funcParams[['selected']] <- jsonlite::fromJSON(value)
        } else if (type == "Slider") {
          value <- unlist(strsplit(value, ","))
          funcParams[['value']] <- value
        } else if (type == "DateRange") {
          dates <- unlist(strsplit(value, ","))
          dates[dates == "NA"] <- NA
          funcParams[['start']] <- dates[1]
          funcParams[['end']] <- dates[2]
        } else {
          funcParams[['value']] <- value

        # radio buttons don't follow the regular shiny input naming conventions
        if (type == "RadioButtons") {
          updateFunc <- sprintf("update%s", type)

        # for colour inputs, need to use the colourpicker package
        if (type == "Colour") {
          updateFunc <- utils::getFromNamespace(updateFunc, "colourpicker")

        # update the input to its original values
        do.call(updateFunc, funcParams)


Try the shinyjs package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shinyjs documentation built on Dec. 23, 2021, 5:06 p.m.