Man pages for shrink
Global, Parameterwise and Joint Shrinkage Factor Estimation

coef.shrinkReturns Shrunken Regression Coefficients from Objects of...
deepveinDeep Vein Thrombosis Study
GBSGGerman Breast Cancer Study Group
isrcsTest if 'rcs' from the 'rms' Package was Used in the Fit.
predict.shrinkPredict Method for Objects of Class 'shrink'
print.shrinkPrint Method for Objects of Class 'shrink'
shrinkGlobal, Parameterwise and Joint Shrinkage of Regression...
shrink.coxphGlobal, Parameterwise and Joint Shrinkage of Regression...
shrink.glmGlobal, Parameterwise and Joint Shrinkage of Regression...
shrink.lmGlobal, Parameterwise and Joint Shrinkage of Regression...
shrink-packageGlobal, Parameterwise and Joint Shrinkage Factor Estimation
summary.shrinkSummary Method for Objects of Class 'shrink'
vcov.shrinkCalculate Variance-Covariance Matrix of Shrinkage Factors for...
shrink documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:05 p.m.