Authenticate with OAuth 2.0

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

OAuth 2.0 authentication is better to use for the queries as its scope is greater than the capabilities of the basic authentication.

After registering into the developer's app, you will receive a client id and secret. During the registration, the app requires the callback URL and hostname to be explicitly defined. For instance, if you set your Callback URL as http://localhost:3000 then the hostname should be set as localhost.

A general use of .Renviron is to store API keys. Create an .Renviron file and add the following variables in that form (be sure the values are in quotes):


Don't forget to restart your R session to have changes applied.

If you do not want to keep an .Renviron file in your directory, you can set environment variables which are persistent during a single R session:

sstk_set_keys <- function(
  id = "<enter-your-client-key>",
  secret = "<enter-your-client-secret>",
  callback = "<enter-your-callback-url>"

After proceeding in any approach depicted above, it is better to check sstk_get_keys() to see if the variables are properly set up. In the end, you are ready to authenticate with:


After the authentication process has been successfully completed, a token file named .httr-oauth will be written to your working directory. Don't share or publish your token(s) and preserve them as you do for your username and password. Whoever gains access to the .httr-oauth file would have the power to access the API. If you are using a version control system like git, be sure the .httr-oauth is excluded in the .gitignore.

Since some API endpoints require an access token for different scopes or permissions, scopes can be added to the call such as sstk_auth(scopes = c("collections.view", "licenses.view")). You can see which scopes do you need by looking an individual endpoint reference. If you want to change the scope of your token, delete the existing .httr-oauth file, re-authenticate again with sstk_auth() by providing required scopes.

For general OAuth problems, please read the Shutterstock OAuth 2.0 guide thoroughly.

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shutterstock documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:57 p.m.