
test_that("only positive works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.full(3)
  igraph::E(g)$sign <- 1
  res_code <- count_signed_triangles(g)
  res_true <- c("+++" = 1, "++-" = 0, "+--" = 0, "---" = 0)
  expect_equal(res_code, res_true)

test_that("no triangles works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.star(5, "undirected")
  igraph::E(g)$sign <- 1

test_that("directed check works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.full(5, directed = TRUE)
  igraph::E(g)$sign <- 1

test_that("sign check works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.full(5, directed = FALSE)

test_that("wrong sign values check works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.full(5, directed = FALSE)
  igraph::E(g)$sign <- 2

test_that("no triangles works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.star(5, "undirected")
  igraph::E(g)$sign <- 1

test_that("directed check works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.full(5, directed = TRUE)
  igraph::E(g)$sign <- 1

test_that("sign check works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.full(5, directed = FALSE)

test_that("wrong sign values check works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.full(5, directed = FALSE)
  igraph::E(g)$sign <- 2

test_that("signed triangle listing works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.full(4)
  igraph::E(g)$sign <- c(1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1)
  res_code <- signed_triangles(g)
  res_true <- structure(c(
    1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 2L,
    2L, 2L, 0L
  ), dim = c(4L, 4L), dimnames = list(NULL, c(
    "V1", "V2",
    "V3", "P"
  expect_equal(res_code, res_true)

test_that("complex triangle count works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.full(4)
  igraph::E(g)$type <- c("P", "N", "A", "A", "P", "N")
  res <- count_complex_triangles(g, attr = "type")
  res_true <- c(
    PPP = 0, PPN = 0, PNN = 0, NNN = 0, PPA = 1, PNA = 2, NNA = 1,
    PAA = 0, NAA = 0, AAA = 0
  expect_equal(res, res_true)

test_that("no complex triangles works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.star(5, "undirected")
  igraph::E(g)$type <- "P"
  expect_warning(count_complex_triangles(g, attr = "type"))

test_that("complex directed check works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.full(5, directed = TRUE)
  igraph::E(g)$type <- "P"
  expect_error(count_complex_triangles(g, attr = "type"))

test_that("complex check works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.full(5, directed = FALSE)

test_that("wrong complex values check works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.full(5, directed = FALSE)
  igraph::E(g)$type <- "L"
  expect_error(count_complex_triangles(g, attr = "type"))

test_that("signed triad census check works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.full(5, directed = FALSE)
  igraph::E(g)$sign <- -1

test_that("signed triad census works", {
  g <- igraph::graph.full(5, directed = TRUE)
  igraph::E(g)$sign <- -1
  census <- triad_census_signed(g)
  expect_equal(census[["300-NNNNNN"]], 10)

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signnet documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:56 a.m.