get_set-methods: Extract and modify variables from population or sample data...

get_set-methodsR Documentation

Extract and modify variables from population or sample data stored in an object of class simPopObj-class.


Using samp samp<- it is possible to extract or rather modify variables of the sample data within slot data in slot sample of the simPopObj-class-object. Using pop pop<- it is possible to extract or rather modify variables of the synthetic population within in slot data in slot sample of the simPopObj-class-object.



An object of class simPopObj-class


variable name or index for the variable in slot 'samp' of object with the slot name to be accessed. If NULL, the entire dataset (sample or population) is returned.


Content replacing whatever the variable in slot var in obj currently holds.


Returns an object of class simPopObj-class with the appropriate replacement.


Bernhard Meindl

See Also

simPopObj-class,pop, pop<-, samp<-, manageSimPopObj



inp <- specifyInput(data=eusilcS, hhid="db030", hhsize="hsize", strata="db040",
simPopObj <- simStructure(data=inp, method="direct", basicHHvars=c("age", "rb090"))

## get/set variables in sample-object of simPopObj
head(samp(simPopObj, var="age"))
samp(simPopObj, var="newVar") <- 1
head(samp(simPopObj, var="newVar"))
## deleting is also possible
samp(simPopObj, var="newvar") <- NULL
head(samp(simPopObj, var="newvar"))
## extract multiple variables
head(samp(simPopObj, var=c("db030","db040")))

## get/set variables in pop-object of simPopObj
head(pop(simPopObj, var="age"))
pop(simPopObj, var="newVar") <- 1
head(pop(simPopObj, var="newVar"))
## deleting is also possible
pop(simPopObj, var="newvar") <- NULL
head(pop(simPopObj, var="newvar"))
## extract multiple variables
head(pop(simPopObj, var=c("db030","db040")))

simPop documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:20 a.m.