
Defines functions build.mc.matrix check.mc.matrix

Documented in build.mc.matrix check.mc.matrix

#' Build and check misclassification matrices from empirical estimations
#' Empirical misclassification matrices to the power of lambda may not exist for
#' small values of lambda. These functions provide methods to estimate the nearest
#' version of the misclassification matrix that satisfies the conditions a
#' misclassification matrix has to fulfill, and to check it (existance for exponents
#' smaller than 1).
#' @name mc.matrix
#' @aliases build.mc.matrix check.mc.matrix
#' @param mc.matrix an empirical misclassification matrix
#' @param method method used to estimate the generator for the misclassification matrix. One of "series", "log" or "jlt" (see Details)
#' @param tuning security parameter for numerical reasons
#' @param diag.cor should corrections be substracted from the diagonal or from all values corresponding to the size?
#' @param tol tolerance level for series method for convegence
#' @param max.iter maximal number of iterations for the series method to converge.
#' Ignored if method is not "series"
#' @return \code{build.mc.matrix()} returns a misclassification matrix that is the closest estimate for a working misclassification matrix.
#' @return \code{check.mc.matrix()} returns a vector of logicals.
#' @seealso \code{\link[simex]{mcsimex}}, \code{\link[simex]{misclass}}, \code{\link[simex]{diag.block}}
#' @author Wolfgang Lederer, \email{wolfgang.lederer@gmail.com}
#' @details
#' Method "series" constructs a generator via the series
#' \eqn{(Pi-I) - (Pi-I)^2/2 + (Pi-I)^3/3 - \dots}
#' Method "log" constructs the generator via taking the log of the misclassification matrix. Small negative off-diagonal values are corrected and set to (0 + tuning).
#' The amount used to correct for negative values is added to the diagonal element if \code{diag.cor = TRUE} and distributed among all values if \code{diag.cor = FALSE}.
#' Method "jlt" uses the method described by Jarrow et al. (see Israel et al.).
#' @references
#' Israel, R.B., Rosenthal, J.S., Wei, J.Z., Finding generators for Markov Chains via empirical transition matrices, with applications to credit ratings,\emph{Mathematical Finance}, \bold{11}, 245--265
#' @examples
#' Pi <- matrix(data = c(0.989, 0.01, 0.001, 0.17, 0.829, 0.001, 0.001, 0.18, 0.819),
#' nrow = 3, byrow = FALSE)
#' check.mc.matrix(list(Pi))
#' check.mc.matrix(list(build.mc.matrix(Pi)))
#' build.mc.matrix(Pi)
#' Pi3 <- matrix(c(0.8, 0.2, 0, 0, 0, 0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1, 0, 0, 0.3, 0.7), nrow = 4)
#' check.mc.matrix(list(Pi3))
#' build.mc.matrix(Pi3)
#' check.mc.matrix(list(build.mc.matrix(Pi3)))
#' P1 <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2)
#' P2 <- matrix(c(0.8, 0.15, 0, 0.2, 0.7, 0.2, 0, 0.15, 0.8), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)
#' P3 <- matrix(c(0.4, 0.6, 0.6, 0.4), nrow = 2)
#' mc.matrix <- list(P1, P2, P3)
#' check.mc.matrix(mc.matrix) # TRUE FALSE FALSE
#' @export

build.mc.matrix <- function(mc.matrix, method = "series", tuning = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
                            diag.cor = FALSE, tol = .Machine$double.eps, max.iter = 100) {
  # mc.matrix is a matrix which should exist for mc.matrix^lambda but
  # does not tuning should be a very small amaount which is added due to
  # numerical reasons in the log criterion diag.cor schould the amount of
  # corrected values be substracted form the diagonal value (= TRUE) or
  # from all positive values proportional to their size (= FALSE) tol:
  # gives the minimum for the progression described in equation(2.1) for
  # convergence checking if the matrix is already a valid matrix if
  # (check.mc.matrix(list(mc.matrix))) stop('Matrix is already a valid
  # mc.matrix')
  nam <- dimnames(mc.matrix)
  if (method == "jlt") {
    if (any(diag(mc.matrix == 0)))
      stop("0 or 1 on the diagonal are not allowed for method == jlt")
    # see israel et al. page 251 for details
    generator <- t(t(mc.matrix) * log(diag(mc.matrix))/(diag(mc.matrix) -
    diag(generator) <- log(diag(mc.matrix))
  # The serie (P-I) - (P^2-I)/2 + (P^3-I)/3 + ... = Q should yield a
  # valid generator for Pi and therefore a valid misclassification matrix
  if (method == "series") {
    iter <- 1
    eps <- 1
    ident <- diag(dim(mc.matrix)[1])  # Identity matrix
    generator <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(mc.matrix)[1], ncol = dim(mc.matrix)[2])
    while (sum(abs(eps)) > tol && iter < max.iter) {
      eps <- ident
      for (i in 1:iter) eps <- eps %*% (mc.matrix - ident)
      eps <- (-1)^(iter + 1) * eps/iter
      generator <- generator + eps
      iter <- iter + 1
    if (iter == max.iter)
      stop("Series did not converge, try method == jlt instead")
  # The 'log' method builds an generator voa the log which is not always
  # valid but can be made valid via adding all negativ non diagonal
  # values up to 0
  if (method == "log") {
    # building the log(mc.matrix)
    ev <- eigen(mc.matrix)
    evalue <- ev[["values"]]
    evectors <- ev[["vectors"]]
    d <- diag(log(evalue))
    generator <- evectors %*% d %*% solve(evectors)
  # checking each colum of log(mc.matrix) if there are negative values on
  # the off-diagonal. Correcting negative values on the off-doagonal and
  # setting them to 0 + tuning, correcting the diagonal value and setting
  # it to old value + the sums of the corrected values for this column
  # (equation 3.1)
  if (diag.cor == TRUE) {
    for (i in 1:dim(mc.matrix)[1]) {
      if (any(generator[-i, i] < 0)) {
        index <- generator[, i] < 0
        corrector <- rep(0, dim(generator)[1])
        corrector[index] <- abs(generator[index, i]) + tuning
        index[i] <- F
        corrector[i] <- 0
        generator[, i] <- generator[, i] + corrector
        generator[i, i] <- generator[i, i] - sum(corrector)
  } else {
    # correcting as above but distributing the amount of correction on all
    # values proportional to their size (equation 3.1)
    index2 <- seq(1, dim(mc.matrix)[2])
    for (i in 1:dim(mc.matrix)[1]) {
      corrector <- rep(0, dim(generator)[1])
      g <- abs(generator[i, i]) + sum(apply(cbind(generator[-i, i],
                                                  0), 1, max))
      b <- sum(apply(cbind(-generator[-i, i] + tuning, 0), 1, max))
      index <- generator[, i] < 0
      corrector[index] <- tuning
      corrector[i] <- generator[i, i]
      index2 <- g > 0
      index[i] <- FALSE
      corrector[!index * index2] <- (generator[, i] - (b * abs(generator[,
                                                                         i])/g))[!index * index2]
      if (g == 0)
        corrector <- generator
      generator[, i] <- corrector
  # building the corrected mc.matrix
  ev <- eigen(generator)
  evalue <- ev[["values"]]
  evectors <- ev[["vectors"]]
  d <- diag(exp(evalue))
  mc.matrix <- zapsmall(evectors %*% d %*% solve(evectors))
  # mc.matrix[mc.matrix < 0 ] <- 0
  dimnames(mc.matrix) <- nam

#' @export

check.mc.matrix <- function(mc.matrix, tol = .Machine$double.eps) {
  erg <- logical(length = length(mc.matrix))
  for (i in 1:length(mc.matrix)) {
    if (all(dim(mc.matrix[[i]]) == c(2, 2))) {
      erg[i] <- (mc.matrix[[i]][1, 1] + mc.matrix[[i]][2, 2] > 1)
    } else {
      ev <- eigen(mc.matrix[[i]])
      evalue <- ev[["values"]]
      evectors <- ev[["vectors"]]
      d <- diag(log(evalue))
      mc <- zapsmall(evectors %*% d %*% solve(evectors))
      diag(mc) <- 1
      erg[i] <- all(mc > -tol)

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