
## ----setup, cache=FALSE, include=FALSE----------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse=TRUE, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE)
# workaround for pkgdown
#, list("includes/5G-1.R")), list("includes/5G-2.R")), list("includes/5G-3.R"))

## ----1.configuration----------------------------------------------------------
#  C <- 40e9                                   # link capacity [bps]
#  rho <- 0.75                                 # utilization
#  FH_EX <- (80 + 46) * 8 / C                  # avg. FH interarrival time [s]
#  BH_bytes <- c(40, 576, 1500)                # BH traffic distribution
#  Weights <- c(7, 4, 1) / 12                  #
#  BH_EX <- sum(Weights * (8 * BH_bytes / C))  # avg. BH interarrival time [s]
#  FH_w <- 0.5                                 # FH traffic ratio
#  BH_w <- 1 - FH_w                            # BH traffic ratio
#  FH_lambda <- FH_w * rho / FH_EX             # FH avg. rate [pkts/s]
#  BH_lambda <- BH_w * rho / BH_EX             # BH avg. rate [pkts/s]
#  Tsim <- 1e5 / (FH_lambda + BH_lambda)       # simulation time

## ----1.simulation-------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(simmer)
#  set.seed(1234)
#  # parametrized simulation function
#  # - param[["n_switch"]] is the number of switches
#  # - param[["fh_prio"]] is the priority level for FH traffic
#  # - param[["preemptive"]] is the preemptiveness flag for switches
#  simulate <- function(param) {
#    # single FH traffic trajectory traversing n_switch elements sequentially
#    fh_traffic <- lapply(1:param[["n_switch"]], function(i) {
#      trajectory() %>%
#        seize(paste0("switch", i)) %>%
#        timeout(FH_EX) %>%
#        release(paste0("switch", i))
#    }) %>% join()
#    # list of n_switch trajectories, one per element, modeling the interfering BH traffic
#    bh_traffic <- lapply(1:param[["n_switch"]], function(i) {
#      trajectory() %>%
#        seize(paste0("switch", i)) %>%
#        timeout(function() sample(BH_bytes*8/C, size=1, prob=Weights)) %>%
#        release(paste0("switch", i))
#    })
#    # simulation environment
#    env <- simmer() %>%
#      # generator of FH traffic
#      add_generator("FH_0_", fh_traffic, function() rexp(100, FH_lambda), priority=param[["fh_prio"]])
#    for (i in 1:param[["n_switch"]])
#      env %>%
#        # n_switch resources, one per switch
#        add_resource(paste0("switch", i), 1, Inf, mon=FALSE, preemptive=param[["preemptive"]]) %>%
#        # n_switch generators of BH traffic
#        add_generator(paste0("BH_", i, "_"), bh_traffic[[i]], function() rexp(100, BH_lambda))
#    env %>%
#      run(until=Tsim) %>%
#      wrap()
#  }
#  # grid of scenarios
#  cases <- expand.grid(n_switch = c(1, 2, 5),
#                       fh_prio = c(0, 1),
#                       preemptive = c(TRUE, FALSE))
#  # parallel simulation
#  system.time({
#    envs <- parallel::mclapply(split(cases, 1:nrow(cases)), simulate,
#                               mc.cores=nrow(cases), mc.set.seed=FALSE)
#  })

## ----1.analysis---------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(tidyverse)
#  bp.vals <- function(x, probs=c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95)) {
#    r <- quantile(x, probs=probs, na.rm=TRUE)
#    names(r) <- c("ymin", "lower", "middle", "upper", "ymax")
#    r
#  }
#  arrivals <- envs %>%
#    get_mon_arrivals() %>%
#    left_join(rowid_to_column(cases, "replication")) %>%
#    filter(!(fh_prio==0 & preemptive==TRUE)) %>%
#    separate(name, c("Flow", "index", "n")) %>%
#    mutate(total_time = end_time - start_time,
#           waiting_time = total_time - activity_time,
#           Queue = forcats::fct_recode(interaction(fh_prio, preemptive),
#             "without SP" = "0.FALSE",
#             "with SP" = "1.FALSE",
#             "with SP & preemption" = "1.TRUE"))
#  arrivals %>%
#    filter(n_switch == 1) %>%
#    # plot
#    ggplot(aes(Queue, waiting_time*1e9, color=Flow)) + theme_bw() +
#    stat_summary(, geom="boxplot", position="dodge") +
#    theme(legend.justification=c(0, 1), legend.position=c(.02, .98)) +
#    labs(y = "Queueing Delay [ns]", x = element_blank())
#  arrivals %>%
#    filter(Flow == "FH") %>%
#    # plot
#    ggplot(aes(factor(n_switch), waiting_time*1e9, color=Queue)) + theme_bw() +
#    stat_summary(, geom="boxplot", position="dodge") +
#    theme(legend.justification=c(0, 1), legend.position=c(.02, .98)) +
#    labs(y = "Queueing Delay [ns]", x = "No. of switches")

## ----2.configuration----------------------------------------------------------
#  C <- 1.25e9                           # link capacity [bps]
#  Tg <- 1e-6                            # guard time [s]
#  bytes <- c(40, 576, 1500)             # traffic distribution
#  Weights <- c(7, 4, 1) / 12            #
#  EX <- sum(Weights * (8 * bytes / C))  # avg. interarrival time [s]
#  burst <- 20                           # burst length [pkts]
#  ONU_lambda <- 20e6 / C / EX           # avg. rate per ONU [pkts/s]
#  SC_lambda <- 150e6 / C / EX           # avg. rate for the SC [pkts/s]
#  RRH_on <- 8 * 6000 / C                # RRH on period [s]
#  RRH_period <- RRH_on * C / 720e6      # RRH total period [s]
#  RRH_off <- RRH_period - RRH_on        # RRH off period [s]

## ----2.helpers----------------------------------------------------------------
#  # helper function: round-robin-based selection of ONUs
#  cyclic_counter <- function(n) {
#    n <- as.numeric(n)
#    i <- 1
#    function(op) {
#      if (!missing(op)) {
#        i <<- i + op
#        if (i > n) i <<- 1
#        else if (i < 1) i <<- n
#      }
#      i
#    }
#  }
#  # helper function: generator of packet sizes of n packets
#  gen_pkts <- function(n) sample(bytes*8/C, size=n, prob=Weights, replace=TRUE)
#  # helper function: double-exponential generator of interarrival times
#  gen_exp <- function(lambda, burst) function()
#    unlist(lapply(rexp(100/burst, lambda/burst), function(i) c(i, rep(0, rpois(1, burst)))))

## ----2.simulation-------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(simmer)
#  set.seed(1234)
#  # parametrized simulation function
#  # - param[["scenario"]] is the scenario identifier (A=small cell, B=RRH)
#  # - param[["ONU_n"]] is the number of ONUs
#  # - param[["limit"]] is the max. transmission window
#  simulate <- function(param) {
#    # global variables
#    lambda <- rep(ONU_lambda, param[["ONU_n"]])
#    limit <- rep(param[["limit"]], param[["ONU_n"]]) * 8 / C
#    if (param[["scenario"]] == "A") {
#      param[["ONU_n"]] <- param[["ONU_n"]] + 1
#      lambda <- c(lambda, SC_lambda)
#      limit <- c(limit, Inf)
#      tx_t <- RRH_on + Tg + Tg * 0:param[["ONU_n"]]
#    } else {
#      Tg_n <- RRH_off %/% Tg - 1
#      Tg_i <- rep(1:Tg_n, length.out=param[["ONU_n"]]+1)
#      period_i <- rep(0:param[["ONU_n"]], each=Tg_n, length.out=param[["ONU_n"]]+1)
#      tx_t <- RRH_on + RRH_period * period_i + Tg * Tg_i
#    }
#    eq_pkts <- rep(list(NULL), param[["ONU_n"]])
#    tx_pkts <- rep(list(NULL), param[["ONU_n"]])
#    t_head <- tail(tx_t, 1)
#    onu_i <- cyclic_counter(param[["ONU_n"]])
#    remaining <- Inf
#    # DBA logic
#    set_next_window <- function() {
#      # time until the next RRH_on
#      if (param[["scenario"]] == "B")
#        remaining <- (t_head %/% RRH_period + 1) * RRH_period - t_head
#      # generate new pkt lengths
#      pkts <- get_queue_count(env, paste0("ONU", onu_i()))
#      eq_pkts[[onu_i()]] <<- c(eq_pkts[[onu_i()]], gen_pkts(pkts - length(eq_pkts[[onu_i()]])))
#      # reserve the next transmission window
#      eq_cumsum <- cumsum(eq_pkts[[onu_i()]])
#      n <- sum(eq_cumsum <= min(limit[[onu_i()]], remaining - Tg))
#      if ((pkts && !n) || (remaining <= Tg)) {
#        # go past the next RRH_on
#        t_head <<- t_head + remaining + RRH_on + Tg
#        n <- sum(eq_cumsum <= min(limit[[onu_i()]], RRH_off - 2*Tg))
#      }
#      tx_pkts[[onu_i()]] <<- head(eq_pkts[[onu_i()]], n)
#      eq_pkts[[onu_i()]] <<- tail(eq_pkts[[onu_i()]], -n)
#      tx_t[[onu_i()]] <<- t_head
#      t_head <<- t_head + sum(tx_pkts[[onu_i()]]) + Tg
#      index <<- 0
#      tx_t[[onu_i(1)]] - now(env)
#    }
#    # list of ONU_n trajectories, one per ONU
#    ONUs <- lapply(1:param[["ONU_n"]], function(i) {
#      trajectory() %>%
#        seize(paste0("ONU", i)) %>%
#        set_capacity(paste0("ONU", i), 0) %>%
#        seize("link") %>%
#        timeout(function() {
#          index <<- index + 1
#          tx_pkts[[i]][index]
#        }) %>%
#        release("link") %>%
#        release(paste0("ONU", i))
#    })
#    # OLT logic
#    OLT <- trajectory() %>%
#      simmer::select(function() paste0("ONU", onu_i())) %>%
#      set_attribute("ONU", function() onu_i()) %>%
#      set_capacity_selected(function() length(tx_pkts[[onu_i()]])) %>%
#      timeout(function() sum(tx_pkts[[onu_i()]])) %>%
#      timeout(set_next_window) %>%
#      rollback(amount=6, times=Inf)
#    # RRH logic
#    RRH <- trajectory() %>%
#      seize("link") %>%
#      timeout(RRH_on) %>%
#      release("link") %>%
#      timeout(RRH_off) %>%
#      rollback(amount=4, times=Inf)
#    # simulation environment
#    env <- simmer() %>%
#      # the fiber link as a resource
#      add_resource("link", 1, Inf)
#    if (param[["scenario"]] == "B")
#      # RRH worker
#      env %>% add_generator("RRH_", RRH, at(0))
#    for (i in 1:param[["ONU_n"]])
#      env %>%
#        # ONU_n resources, one per ONU
#        add_resource(paste0("ONU", i), 0, Inf) %>%
#        # ONU_n traffic generators, one per ONU
#        add_generator(paste0("ONU_", i, "_"), ONUs[[i]], gen_exp(lambda[i], burst))
#    env %>%
#      # OLT worker
#      add_generator("token_", OLT, at(RRH_on + Tg), mon=2) %>%
#      run(until=1e5/sum(lambda)) %>%
#      wrap()
#  }
#  # grid of scenarios
#  cases <- data.frame(scenario = c(rep("A", 4), rep("B", 1)),
#                      ONU_n = c(rep(31, 4), rep(7, 1)),
#                      limit = c(Inf, 1500, 3000, 6000, Inf))
#  # parallel simulation
#  system.time({
#    envs <- parallel::mclapply(split(cases, 1:nrow(cases)), simulate,
#                               mc.cores=nrow(cases), mc.set.seed=FALSE)
#  })

## ----2.analysis---------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(tidyverse)
#  bp.vals <- function(x, probs=c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95)) {
#    r <- quantile(x, probs=probs, na.rm=TRUE)
#    names(r) <- c("ymin", "lower", "middle", "upper", "ymax")
#    r
#  }
#  envs %>%
#    get_mon_arrivals() %>%
#    left_join(rowid_to_column(cases, "replication")) %>%
#    mutate(scenario = forcats::fct_recode(
#      scenario, `SmallCell + 31 ONUs`="A", `RRH + 7 ONUs`="B")) %>%
#    separate(name, c("flow", "index", "n")) %>%
#    mutate(flow = if_else(index == ONU_n+1, "SmallCell", flow)) %>%
#    mutate(total_time = end_time - start_time,
#           waiting_time = total_time - activity_time) %>%
#    # plot
#    ggplot(aes(forcats::fct_rev(flow), waiting_time*1e6, color=factor(limit))) + theme_bw() +
#    facet_grid(~scenario, scales="free", space="free") +
#    stat_summary(, geom="boxplot", position="dodge") +
#    theme(legend.justification=c(0, 1), legend.position=c(.02, .98)) +
#    labs(y=expression(paste("Queueing Delay [", mu, "s]")), x=element_blank(), color="Limit [bytes]")

## ----3.configuration----------------------------------------------------------
#  m <- 9            # number of RA retries
#  Ps <- 0.03        # sleep power consumption [mW]
#  Pi <- 10          # idle power consumption [mW]
#  Prx <- 100        # rx power consumption [mW]
#  Prbp <- 32.18     # tx power consumption per RB pair [mW]
#  Ppre <- 32.18     # preamble tx power consumption [mW]
#  Tbpre <- 0.0025   # time before preamble transmission [s]
#  Tpre <- 0.0014    # time for preamble transmission [s]
#  Trarx <- 0.01     # rx time to perform RA [s]
#  Tcrcp <- 0.016    # sum of processing delays to establish a connection [s]
#  Twait <- 0.054    # S1 processing and transfer delay [s]
#  Brbp <- 36        # bytes per RB pair (QPSK modulation)
#  Breq <- 7         # RRC request message size (bytes)
#  Bcompcp <- 129    # RRC setup complete + NAS control plane SR + data for CP (bytes)
#  Tra <- Tbpre + Trarx + Tpre
#  Pra <- (Tbpre*Pi + Trarx*Prx + Tpre*Ppre) / Tra
#  rbs <- (ceiling(Breq/Brbp) + ceiling(Bcompcp/Brbp)) * 1e-3
#  Ttx <- Tcrcp + rbs + Twait
#  Ptx <- (Tcrcp*Prx + rbs*Prbp + Twait*Prx) / Ttx
#  tx_period <- 3600 # time between transmissions (seconds)
#  Tsim <- 24*3600   # simulation time (seconds)

## ----3.simulation-------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(simmer)
#  set.seed(1234)
#  # parametrized simulation function
#  # - param[["meter_n"]] is the number of IoT devices in the cell
#  # - param[["backoff"]] is the backoff time
#  simulate <- function(param) {
#    # identifiers for RA preambles
#    preambles <- paste0("preamble_", 1:54)
#    # IoT device logic
#    meter <- trajectory() %>%
#      trap("reading") %>%
#      # sleep
#      set_attribute("P", 0) %>%
#      wait() %>%
#      timeout(function() round(runif(1, 0, param[["backoff"]]), 3)) %>%
#      # ra start
#      simmer::select(preambles, policy="random") %>%
#      seize_selected(
#        continue=c(TRUE, TRUE),
#        # ra & tx
#        post.seize=trajectory() %>%
#          set_attribute("P", Pra) %>%
#          timeout(Tra) %>%
#          release_selected() %>%
#          set_attribute("P", Ptx) %>%
#          timeout(Ttx),
#        # ra & backoff & retry
#        reject=trajectory() %>%
#          set_attribute("P", Pra) %>%
#          timeout(Tra) %>%
#          set_attribute("P", Pi) %>%
#          timeout(function() sample(1:20, 1) * 1e-3) %>%
#          rollback(6, times=m)
#      ) %>%
#      rollback(5, times=Inf)
#    # trigger a reading for all the meters every tx_period
#    trigger <- trajectory() %>%
#      timeout(tx_period) %>%
#      send("reading") %>%
#      rollback(2, times=Inf)
#    # simulation environment
#    env <- simmer() %>%
#      # IoT device workers
#      add_generator("meter_", meter, at(rep(0, param[["meter_n"]])), mon=2) %>%
#      # trigger worker
#      add_generator("trigger_", trigger, at(0), mon=0)
#    for (i in preambles)
#      # one resource per preamble
#      env %>% add_resource(i, 1, 0, mon=FALSE)
#    env %>%
#      run(until=Tsim) %>%
#      wrap()
#  }
#  # grid of scenarios
#  cases <- expand.grid(meter_n = c(5e3, 1e4, 3e4), backoff = c(5, 10, 30, 60))
#  # parallel simulation
#  system.time({
#    envs <- parallel::mclapply(split(cases, 1:nrow(cases)), simulate,
#                               mc.cores=nrow(cases), mc.set.seed=FALSE)
#  })

## ----3.analysis---------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(tidyverse)
#  bp.vals <- function(x, probs=c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95)) {
#    r <- quantile(x, probs=probs, na.rm=TRUE)
#    names(r) <- c("ymin", "lower", "middle", "upper", "ymax")
#    r
#  }
#  envs %>%
#    get_mon_attributes() %>%
#    group_by(replication, name) %>%
#    summarise(dE = sum(c(0, head(value, -1) * diff(time)))) %>%
#    left_join(rowid_to_column(cases, "replication")) %>%
#    # plot
#    ggplot(aes(factor(meter_n), dE*tx_period/Tsim, color=factor(backoff))) +
#    stat_summary(, geom="boxplot", position="dodge") +
#    theme_bw() + theme(legend.justification=c(0, 1), legend.position=c(.02, .98)) +
#    labs(y="Energy per Tx [mJ]", x="No. of devices", color="Backoff window [s]")

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simmer documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:09 p.m.