
Defines functions early_zero mb fh

Documented in early_zero fh mb

#  Copyright (c) 2024 Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA and its affiliates.
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of the simtrial program.
#  simtrial is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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#' Fleming-Harrington weighting function
#' @param rho Non-negative number. `rho = 0, gamma = 0` is equivalent to regular logrank test.
#' @param gamma Non-negative number. `rho = 0, gamma = 0` is equivalent to regular logrank test.
#' @export
#' @return A list of parameters of the Fleming-Harrington weighting function
#' @examples
#' sim_pw_surv(n = 200) |>
#'   cut_data_by_event(100) |>
#'   wlr(weight = fh(rho = 0, gamma = 1))
fh <- function(rho = 0, gamma = 0) {
  structure(list(rho = rho, gamma = gamma), class = c("list", "fh", "wlr"))

#' Magirr and Burman weighting function
#' @param delay The initial delay period where weights increase;
#'   after this, weights are constant at the final weight in the delay period.
#' @param w_max Maximum weight to be returned.
#'   Set `delay = Inf`, `w_max = 2` to be consistent with recommendation of
#'   Magirr (2021).
#' @return A list of parameters of the Magirr and Burman weighting function
#' @export
#' @details
#' Magirr and Burman (2019) proposed a weighted logrank test to have better
#' power than the logrank test when the treatment effect is delayed,
#' but to still maintain good power under a proportional hazards assumption.
#' In Magirr (2021), (the equivalent of) a maximum weight was proposed
#' as opposed to a fixed time duration over which weights would increase.
#' The weights for some early interval specified by the user are the inverse
#' of the combined treatment group empirical survival distribution; see details.
#' After this initial period, weights are constant at the maximum of the
#' previous weights. Another advantage of the test is that under strong
#' null hypothesis that the underlying survival in the control group is
#' greater than or equal to underlying survival in the experimental group,
#' Type I error is controlled as the specified level.
#' We define \eqn{t^*} to be the input variable `delay`.
#' This specifies an initial period during which weights increase.
#' We also set a maximum weight \eqn{w_{\max}}.
#' To define specific weights, we let \eqn{S(t)} denote the Kaplan-Meier
#' survival estimate at time \eqn{t} for the combined data
#' (control plus experimental treatment groups).
#' The weight at time \eqn{t} is then defined as
#' \deqn{w(t)=\min(w_{\max}, S(\min(t, t^*))^{-1}).}
#' @references
#' Magirr, Dominic, and Carl‐Fredrik Burman. 2019.
#' "Modestly weighted logrank tests."
#' _Statistics in Medicine_ 38 (20): 3782--3790.
#' Magirr, Dominic. 2021.
#' "Non‐proportional hazards in immuno‐oncology: Is an old perspective needed?"
#' _Pharmaceutical Statistics_ 20 (3): 512--527.
#' @examples
#' sim_pw_surv(n = 200) |>
#'   cut_data_by_event(100) |>
#'   wlr(weight = mb(delay = 8, w_max = Inf))
mb <- function(delay = 4, w_max = Inf) {
  structure(list(delay = delay, w_max = w_max), class = c("list", "mb", "wlr"))

#' Zero early weighting function
#' @param early_period The initial delay period where weights increase;
#'   after this, weights are constant at the final weight in the delay period.
#' @param fail_rate Failure rate
#' @return A list of parameters of the zero early weighting function
#' @references
#' Xu, Z., Zhen, B., Park, Y., & Zhu, B. (2017).
#' "Designing therapeutic cancer vaccine trials with delayed treatment effect."
#' @export
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed("gsDesign2")
#' library(gsDesign2)
#' # Example 1: Unstratified ----
#' sim_pw_surv(n = 200) |>
#'   cut_data_by_event(125) |>
#'   wlr(weight = early_zero(early_period = 2))
#' # Example 2: Stratified ----
#' n <- 500
#' # Two strata
#' stratum <- c("Biomarker-positive", "Biomarker-negative")
#' prevalence_ratio <- c(0.6, 0.4)
#' # Enrollment rate
#' enroll_rate <- define_enroll_rate(
#'   stratum = rep(stratum, each = 2),
#'   duration = c(2, 10, 2, 10),
#'   rate = c(c(1, 4) * prevalence_ratio[1], c(1, 4) * prevalence_ratio[2])
#' )
#' enroll_rate$rate <- enroll_rate$rate * n / sum(enroll_rate$duration * enroll_rate$rate)
#' # Failure rate
#' med_pos <- 10 # Median of the biomarker positive population
#' med_neg <- 8 # Median of the biomarker negative population
#' hr_pos <- c(1, 0.7) # Hazard ratio of the biomarker positive population
#' hr_neg <- c(1, 0.8) # Hazard ratio of the biomarker negative population
#' fail_rate <- define_fail_rate(
#'   stratum = rep(stratum, each = 2),
#'   duration = c(3, 1000, 4, 1000),
#'   fail_rate = c(log(2) / c(med_pos, med_pos, med_neg, med_neg)),
#'   hr = c(hr_pos, hr_neg),
#'   dropout_rate = 0.01
#' )
#' # Simulate data
#' temp <- to_sim_pw_surv(fail_rate) # Convert the failure rate
#' set.seed(2023)
#' sim_pw_surv(
#'   n = n, # Sample size
#'   # Stratified design with prevalence ratio of 6:4
#'   stratum = data.frame(stratum = stratum, p = prevalence_ratio),
#'   # Randomization ratio
#'   block = c("control", "control", "experimental", "experimental"),
#'   enroll_rate = enroll_rate, # Enrollment rate
#'   fail_rate = temp$fail_rate, # Failure rate
#'   dropout_rate = temp$dropout_rate # Dropout rate
#' ) |>
#'   cut_data_by_event(125) |>
#'   wlr(weight = early_zero(early_period = 2, fail_rate = fail_rate))
early_zero <- function(early_period, fail_rate = NULL) {
  structure(list(early_period = early_period, fail_rate = fail_rate), class = c("list", "early_period", "wlr"))

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simtrial documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:01 a.m.