
Defines functions ls_param

Documented in ls_param

#' @title Return roxygen2 parameter calls from parameter dictionary
#' @description Return roxygen2 parameter calls from the intersection of the parameters listed in
#'  the package dictionary and the formals of a function
#' @param obj function or name of function
#' @param dictionary character, path_to_dictionary, Default: 'roxygen-man/Dictionary-1.R'
#' @param print boolean print output to console, Default: TRUE
#' @return character vector
#' @examples
#' repo='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yonicd/sinew/master/'
#' dict_loc=file.path(repo,'man-roxygen/Dictionary-1.R')
#' ls_param(sinew::makeOxygen,dictionary=dict_loc)
#' @export
#' @concept utility
ls_param <- function(obj, dictionary="man-roxygen/Dictionary-1.R", print=TRUE) {
  dictionary_lines <- readLines(dictionary, warn = FALSE)
  dictionary_lines <- grep("#' @param ", dictionary_lines, value = TRUE)
  dictionary_params <- sapply(strsplit(gsub("#' @param ", "", dictionary_lines), " "), "[", 1)
  names(dictionary_lines) <- dictionary_params
  if (is.character(obj)) obj <- eval(parse(text = obj, keep.source = TRUE))
  nm <- names(formals(obj))
  out <- dictionary_lines[intersect(nm, dictionary_params)]
  if (print) cat(out, sep = "\n")
  out <- mapply(
    function(nm, out) gsub(sprintf("^#' @param %s\\s+|, Default:.*$", nm), "", out),
    nm = names(out), out = out
  # out=gsub("^#' @param(.*?),|, Default:.*$",'',out)

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sinew documentation built on March 31, 2022, 5:06 p.m.