test_that("Creating GA_LS5T_ARD_3 cubes from DEAustralia", {
landsat_cube <- .try(
source = "DEAUSTRALIA",
collection = "GA_LS5T_ARD_3",
bands = c("SWIR-1", "CLOUD"),
roi = c(
lon_min = 137.15991,
lon_max = 138.18467,
lat_min = -33.85777,
lat_max = -32.56690
start_date = "2009-01-01",
end_date = "2010-01-01",
progress = FALSE
.default = NULL
message = "DEAustralia is not accessible"
expect_true(all(sits_bands(landsat_cube) %in% c("SWIR-1", "CLOUD")))
expect_equal(nrow(landsat_cube), 8)
bbox_cube <- sits_bbox(landsat_cube, as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
bbox_cube_1 <- sits_bbox(.tile(landsat_cube), as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
expect_true(bbox_cube["xmax"] >= bbox_cube_1["xmax"])
expect_true(bbox_cube["ymax"] >= bbox_cube_1["ymax"])
r_obj <- .raster_open_rast(landsat_cube$file_info[[1]]$path[1])
cube_nrows <- .tile_nrows(landsat_cube)
expect_true(.raster_nrows(r_obj) == cube_nrows)
test_that("Creating GA_LS5T_GM_CYEAR_3 cubes from DEAustralia", {
landsat_cube <- .try(
source = "DEAUSTRALIA",
collection = "GA_LS5T_GM_CYEAR_3",
bands = c("SWIR1"),
roi = c(
lon_min = 137.15991,
lon_max = 138.18467,
lat_min = -33.85777,
lat_max = -32.56690
start_date = "2009-01-01",
end_date = "2010-01-01",
progress = FALSE
.default = NULL
message = "DEAustralia is not accessible"
expect_true(all(sits_bands(landsat_cube) %in% c("SWIR1")))
expect_equal(nrow(landsat_cube), 5)
bbox_cube <- sits_bbox(landsat_cube, as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
bbox_cube_1 <- sits_bbox(.tile(landsat_cube), as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
expect_true(bbox_cube["xmax"] >= bbox_cube_1["xmax"])
expect_true(bbox_cube["ymax"] >= bbox_cube_1["ymax"])
r_obj <- .raster_open_rast(landsat_cube$file_info[[1]]$path[1])
cube_nrows <- .tile_nrows(landsat_cube)
expect_true(.raster_nrows(r_obj) == cube_nrows)
test_that("Creating GA_LS7E_ARD_3 cubes from DEAustralia", {
landsat_cube <- .try(
source = "DEAUSTRALIA",
collection = "GA_LS7E_ARD_3",
bands = c("SWIR-1", "CLOUD"),
roi = c(
lon_min = 137.15991,
lon_max = 138.18467,
lat_min = -33.85777,
lat_max = -32.56690
start_date = "2009-01-01",
end_date = "2010-01-01",
progress = FALSE
.default = NULL
message = "DEAustralia is not accessible"
expect_true(all(sits_bands(landsat_cube) %in% c("SWIR-1", "CLOUD")))
expect_equal(nrow(landsat_cube), 8)
bbox_cube <- sits_bbox(landsat_cube, as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
bbox_cube_1 <- sits_bbox(.tile(landsat_cube), as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
expect_true(bbox_cube["xmax"] >= bbox_cube_1["xmax"])
expect_true(bbox_cube["ymax"] >= bbox_cube_1["ymax"])
r_obj <- .raster_open_rast(landsat_cube$file_info[[1]]$path[1])
cube_nrows <- .tile_nrows(landsat_cube)
expect_true(.raster_nrows(r_obj) == cube_nrows)
test_that("Creating GA_LS7E_GM_CYEAR_3 cubes from DEAustralia", {
landsat_cube <- .try(
source = "DEAUSTRALIA",
collection = "GA_LS7E_GM_CYEAR_3",
bands = c("SWIR1"),
roi = c(
lon_min = 137.15991,
lon_max = 138.18467,
lat_min = -33.85777,
lat_max = -32.56690
start_date = "2009-01-01",
end_date = "2010-01-01",
progress = FALSE
.default = NULL
message = "DEAustralia is not accessible"
expect_true(all(sits_bands(landsat_cube) %in% c("SWIR1")))
expect_equal(nrow(landsat_cube), 5)
bbox_cube <- sits_bbox(landsat_cube, as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
bbox_cube_1 <- sits_bbox(.tile(landsat_cube), as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
expect_true(bbox_cube["xmax"] >= bbox_cube_1["xmax"])
expect_true(bbox_cube["ymax"] >= bbox_cube_1["ymax"])
r_obj <- .raster_open_rast(landsat_cube$file_info[[1]]$path[1])
cube_nrows <- .tile_nrows(landsat_cube)
expect_true(.raster_nrows(r_obj) == cube_nrows)
test_that("Creating GA_LS8C_ARD_3 cubes from DEAustralia", {
landsat_cube <- .try(
source = "DEAUSTRALIA",
collection = "GA_LS8C_ARD_3",
bands = c("NIR", "CLOUD"),
roi = c(
lon_min = 137.15991,
lon_max = 138.18467,
lat_min = -33.85777,
lat_max = -32.56690
start_date = "2016-01-01",
end_date = "2017-01-01",
progress = FALSE
.default = NULL
message = "DEAustralia is not accessible"
expect_true(all(sits_bands(landsat_cube) %in% c("NIR", "CLOUD")))
expect_equal(nrow(landsat_cube), 8)
bbox_cube <- sits_bbox(landsat_cube, as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
bbox_cube_1 <- sits_bbox(.tile(landsat_cube), as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
expect_true(bbox_cube["xmax"] >= bbox_cube_1["xmax"])
expect_true(bbox_cube["ymax"] >= bbox_cube_1["ymax"])
r_obj <- .raster_open_rast(landsat_cube$file_info[[1]]$path[1])
cube_nrows <- .tile_nrows(landsat_cube)
expect_true(.raster_nrows(r_obj) == cube_nrows)
test_that("Creating GA_LS9C_ARD_3 cubes from DEAustralia", {
landsat_cube <- .try(
source = "DEAUSTRALIA",
collection = "GA_LS9C_ARD_3",
bands = c("NIR", "CLOUD"),
roi = c(
lon_min = 137.15991,
lon_max = 138.18467,
lat_min = -33.85777,
lat_max = -32.56690
start_date = "2023-01-01",
end_date = "2024-01-01",
progress = FALSE
.default = NULL
message = "DEAustralia is not accessible"
expect_true(all(sits_bands(landsat_cube) %in% c("NIR", "CLOUD")))
expect_equal(nrow(landsat_cube), 8)
bbox_cube <- sits_bbox(landsat_cube, as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
bbox_cube_1 <- sits_bbox(.tile(landsat_cube), as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
expect_true(bbox_cube["xmax"] >= bbox_cube_1["xmax"])
expect_true(bbox_cube["ymax"] >= bbox_cube_1["ymax"])
r_obj <- .raster_open_rast(landsat_cube$file_info[[1]]$path[1])
cube_nrows <- .tile_nrows(landsat_cube)
expect_true(.raster_nrows(r_obj) == cube_nrows)
test_that("Creating GA_LS8CLS9C_GM_CYEAR_3 cubes from DEAustralia", {
landsat_cube <- .try(
source = "DEAUSTRALIA",
collection = "GA_LS8CLS9C_GM_CYEAR_3",
bands = c("SWIR1"),
roi = c(
lon_min = 137.15991,
lon_max = 138.18467,
lat_min = -33.85777,
lat_max = -32.56690
start_date = "2016-01-01",
end_date = "2017-01-01",
progress = FALSE
.default = NULL
message = "DEAustralia is not accessible"
expect_true(all(sits_bands(landsat_cube) %in% c("SWIR1")))
expect_equal(nrow(landsat_cube), 5)
bbox_cube <- sits_bbox(landsat_cube, as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
bbox_cube_1 <- sits_bbox(.tile(landsat_cube), as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
expect_true(bbox_cube["xmax"] >= bbox_cube_1["xmax"])
expect_true(bbox_cube["ymax"] >= bbox_cube_1["ymax"])
r_obj <- .raster_open_rast(landsat_cube$file_info[[1]]$path[1])
cube_nrows <- .tile_nrows(landsat_cube)
expect_true(.raster_nrows(r_obj) == cube_nrows)
test_that("Creating GA_S2AM_ARD_3 cubes from DEAustralia using ROI", {
# try to create a DEA cube
sentinel_cube <- .try(
source = "DEAUSTRALIA",
collection = "GA_S2AM_ARD_3",
bands = c(
roi = c(
lon_min = 137.15991,
lon_max = 138.18467,
lat_min = -33.85777,
lat_max = -32.56690
start_date = "2019-01-01",
end_date = "2019-12-31",
progress = FALSE
.default = NULL
message = "DEAUSTRALIA is not accessible"
expect_true(all(sits_bands(sentinel_cube) %in% c(
expect_equal(nrow(sentinel_cube), 9)
r <- .raster_open_rast(.tile_path(sentinel_cube))
expect_equal(sentinel_cube$xmax[[1]], .raster_xmax(r), tolerance = 1)
expect_equal(sentinel_cube$xmin[[1]], .raster_xmin(r), tolerance = 1)
test_that("Creating GA_S2AM_ARD_3 cubes from DEAustralia using tiles", {
sentinel_cube <- .try(
source = "DEAUSTRALIA",
collection = "GA_S2AM_ARD_3",
bands = c("BLUE", "NIR-2", "SWIR-2"),
tiles = c("53HQE", "53HPE"),
start_date = "2019-01-01",
end_date = "2019-08-28",
progress = FALSE
.default = NULL
message = "DEAustralia is not accessible"
expect_true(all(sits_bands(sentinel_cube) %in% c(
expect_equal(nrow(sentinel_cube), 2)
r <- .raster_open_rast(.tile_path(sentinel_cube))
expect_equal(sentinel_cube$xmax[[1]], .raster_xmax(r), tolerance = 1)
expect_equal(sentinel_cube$xmin[[1]], .raster_xmin(r), tolerance = 1)
expect_true(all(sentinel_cube$tile %in% c("53HQE","53HPE")))
test_that("Creating GA_S2BM_ARD_3 cubes from DEAustralia using ROI", {
# try to create a DEA cube
sentinel_cube <- .try(
source = "DEAUSTRALIA",
collection = "GA_S2BM_ARD_3",
bands = c(
roi = c(
lon_min = 137.15991,
lon_max = 138.18467,
lat_min = -33.85777,
lat_max = -32.56690
start_date = "2019-01-01",
end_date = "2019-12-31",
progress = FALSE
.default = NULL
message = "DEAUSTRALIA is not accessible"
expect_true(all(sits_bands(sentinel_cube) %in% c(
expect_equal(nrow(sentinel_cube), 9)
r <- .raster_open_rast(.tile_path(sentinel_cube))
expect_equal(sentinel_cube$xmax[[1]], .raster_xmax(r), tolerance = 1)
expect_equal(sentinel_cube$xmin[[1]], .raster_xmin(r), tolerance = 1)
test_that("Creating GA_S2BM_ARD_3 cubes from DEAustralia using tiles", {
sentinel_cube <- .try(
source = "DEAUSTRALIA",
collection = "GA_S2BM_ARD_3",
bands = c(
tiles = c("53HQE","53HPE"),
start_date = "2019-01-01",
end_date = "2019-08-28",
progress = FALSE
.default = NULL
message = "DEAustralia is not accessible"
expect_true(all(sits_bands(sentinel_cube) %in% c(
"RED-EDGE-1", "NIR-2", "SWIR-2"
expect_equal(nrow(sentinel_cube), 2)
r <- .raster_open_rast(.tile_path(sentinel_cube))
expect_equal(sentinel_cube$xmax[[1]], .raster_xmax(r), tolerance = 1)
expect_equal(sentinel_cube$xmin[[1]], .raster_xmin(r), tolerance = 1)
expect_true(all(sentinel_cube$tile %in% c("53HQE","53HPE")))
"Creating GA_S2AM_ARD_3/GA_S2BM_ARD_3 cubes from DEAustralia using tiles",
s2a_cube <- .try(
source = "DEAUSTRALIA",
collection = "ga_s2am_ard_3",
bands = c("BLUE", "NIR-2"),
tiles = c("53HQE","53HPE"),
start_date = "2019-01-01",
end_date = "2019-08-28",
progress = FALSE
.default = NULL
s2b_cube <- .try(
source = "DEAUSTRALIA",
collection = "GA_S2BM_ARD_3",
bands = c("SWIR-2"),
tiles = c("53HQE","53HPE"),
start_date = "2019-01-01",
end_date = "2019-08-28",
progress = FALSE
.default = NULL
testthat::skip_if(purrr::is_null(c(s2a_cube, s2b_cube)),
message = "DEAustralia is not accessible"
sentinel_cube <- sits_merge(s2a_cube, s2b_cube)
expect_true(all(sits_bands(sentinel_cube) %in% c(
"BLUE", "NIR-2", "SWIR-2"
expect_equal(nrow(sentinel_cube), 2)
r <- .raster_open_rast(.tile_path(sentinel_cube))
expect_equal(sentinel_cube$xmax[[1]], .raster_xmax(r), tolerance = 1)
expect_equal(sentinel_cube$xmin[[1]], .raster_xmin(r), tolerance = 1)
expect_true(all(sentinel_cube$tile %in% c("53HQE","53HPE")))
test_that("Creating GA_LS_FC_3 cubes from DEAustralia", {
landsat_cube <- .try(
source = "DEAUSTRALIA",
collection = "GA_LS_FC_3",
bands = c("BS", "PV", "NPV"),
roi = c(
lon_min = 137.15991,
lon_max = 138.18467,
lat_min = -33.85777,
lat_max = -32.56690
start_date = "2023-01-01",
end_date = "2023-06-01",
progress = FALSE
.default = NULL
message = "DEAustralia is not accessible"
expect_true(all(sits_bands(landsat_cube) %in% c("BS", "PV", "NPV")))
expect_equal(nrow(landsat_cube), 8)
bbox_cube <- sits_bbox(landsat_cube, as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
bbox_cube_1 <- sits_bbox(.tile(landsat_cube), as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
expect_true(bbox_cube["xmax"] >= bbox_cube_1["xmax"])
expect_true(bbox_cube["ymax"] >= bbox_cube_1["ymax"])
r_obj <- .raster_open_rast(landsat_cube$file_info[[1]]$path[1])
cube_nrows <- .tile_nrows(landsat_cube)
expect_true(.raster_nrows(r_obj) == cube_nrows)
test_that("Creating GA_S2LS_INTERTIDAL_CYEAR_3 cubes from DEAustralia", {
intertidal_cube <- .try(
source = "DEAUSTRALIA",
collection = "GA_S2LS_INTERTIDAL_CYEAR_3",
bands = c("ELEVATION", "EXPOSURE"),
roi = c(
lon_min = 137.15991,
lon_max = 138.18467,
lat_min = -33.85777,
lat_max = -32.56690
start_date = "2016-01-01",
end_date = "2019-06-01",
progress = FALSE
.default = NULL
message = "DEAustralia is not accessible"
expect_true(all(sits_bands(intertidal_cube) %in% c(
expect_equal(nrow(intertidal_cube), 14)
bbox_cube <- sits_bbox(intertidal_cube, as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
bbox_cube_1 <- sits_bbox(.tile(intertidal_cube), as_crs = "EPSG:4326")
expect_true(bbox_cube["xmax"] >= bbox_cube_1["xmax"])
expect_true(bbox_cube["ymax"] >= bbox_cube_1["ymax"])
r_obj <- .raster_open_rast(intertidal_cube$file_info[[1]]$path[1])
cube_nrows <- .tile_nrows(intertidal_cube)
expect_true(.raster_nrows(r_obj) == cube_nrows)
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