add_variables: Add variables or cases to data frames

View source: R/add_cases.R

add_variablesR Documentation

Add variables or cases to data frames


add_variables() adds a new column to a data frame, while add_case() adds a new row to a data frame. These are convenient functions to add columns or rows not only at the end of a data frame, but at any column or row position. Furthermore, they allow easy integration into a pipe-workflow.


add_variables(data, ..., .after = Inf, .before = NULL)

add_case(data, ..., .after = Inf, .before = NULL)



A data frame.


One or more named vectors that indicate the variables or values, which will be added as new column or row to data. For add_case(), non-matching columns in data will be filled with NA.

.after, .before

Numerical index of row or column, where after or before the new variable or case should be added. If .after = -1, variables or cases are added at the beginning; if .after = Inf, variables and cases are added at the end. In case of add_variables(), .after and .before may also be a character name indicating the column in data, after or infront of what ... should be inserted.


data, including the new variables or cases from ....


For add_case(), if variable does not exist, a new variable is created and existing cases for this new variable get the value NA. See 'Examples'.


d <- data.frame(
  a = c(1, 2, 3),
  b = c("a", "b", "c"),
  c = c(10, 20, 30),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

add_case(d, b = "d")
add_case(d, b = "d", a = 5, .before = 1)

# adding a new case for a new variable
add_case(d, e = "new case")

add_variables(d, new = 5)
add_variables(d, new = c(4, 4, 4), new2 = c(5, 5, 5), .after = "b")

sjmisc documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:11 a.m.